What’s a film score that is so good it outweighs the quality of the film? : r/FIlm Skip to main content

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What’s a film score that is so good it outweighs the quality of the film?

What film’s score do you feel supersedes the actual film itself? One that personally comes to mind is Oblivion. M83’s beautiful composition of music, in my opinion, was better than the film itself.

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Asked my dad: Conan the barbarian

That movie is pretty goofy, but the score is absolutely amazing. Really good choice.

What? This is crazy talk! Conan the Barbarian is a masterpiece!

u/paranoid_70 avatar

Crazy talk indeed. I saw Conan in the theater when I was like 11 or 12. I thought it was the best fucking thing ever!

u/etranger033 avatar

No more talk!

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u/Potential-Pride6034 avatar

Conan the Barbarian is one of the most kick-ass movies of all time!

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u/HA1LHYDRA avatar

Crom laughs at you and casts you from Valhalla.


It’s not goofy it’s fantastic 

It can be both.

I think you’re thinking of Destroyer.

Destroyer is goofy.

Barbarian is tonally sincere and pitched at the level of Opera.

The only corollary to it in our modern times is probably The Northman.

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Basil Poledouris. He also did Robocop. Very unique sound.

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u/Tyrannotron avatar

Even more true with Conan the Destroyer, since the score is just as epic but the film itself is notably less so.

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u/Reclusive_Chemist avatar

Basil Poledouris really produced a killer score for that fun little romp.

Nah. That's a fun movie and the score suits it just fine. It's Conan the Destroyer where the score badly outpaces the film itself.

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Aeon Flux - Graeme Revell

Wow, this is a very easy one to agree with!

u/origamipapier1 avatar

Graeme Revell always does such awesome scores.

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u/MrE-Guest avatar

The Village.

James Newton Howard’s score is haunting and beautiful and far outshines the film.

u/PolishHammer666 avatar

If you like JNH .. watch Diggstown from the 90s... even better score and one of my all time favorite movies.

Better to just go in blind if you've never seen it. You'll be smiling by the end... that's a promise.

Awesome flick. Used to love catching it late night on TBS.

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A lot of people criticize that one because they hate the twist ending.

Honestly that was the only part I enjoyed and found interesting

u/onomatopoeia911 avatar

The Village is an amazing film

Me too! I know a lot of people hate it, but I loved it! 🤷‍♀️

Honestly, I think it’s his best work. He’s said in interviews that it’s the one he had the most fun making and I think that shows in the final product.

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Absolutely gorgeous score, but I love the film too. It was marketed really badly. If you go in blind not expecting a conventional horror film, it's a very satisfying watch 

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The Gravel Road is sublime.

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Anything with Ennio Marricone. Cause he’s that good.

The Mission soundtrack is awesome.

u/lightningandmadness avatar

Reportedly Ennio Morricone’s personal favorite out of the hundreds of scores he composed.

The Mission is a masterpiece in both acting and film making so I believe it matches the superlative score.

Haunting. The movie and acting was stellar too, but I just need to hear those five notes and I’m taken away.

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The best by far

u/CellarDoor006 avatar

Came here to say The Untouchables score. I enjoyed the movie but the music just takes it to another level. Morricone’s body of work is amazing.

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Star Wars Episode I.

Kind of a low bar as far as the movie goes, but it fits.

Battle of the Fates

*Duel of the Fates.

Seeing it performed live with an orchestra and choir is phenomenal.

My local pops did it - and then Mars, Bringer of War. It was EPIC

Mars is such a good piece

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u/invadethemoon avatar

Flash Gordon

u/pixeldrift avatar

Flash! Aaaaah aaaaaaaaaah

He’ll save every one of us.

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u/FilmingPro avatar

Trong Legacy


Although Trong, I would also watch

u/BeeDub57 avatar

The Tron: Legacy end credits song has been playing nonstop in my head for the past decade.

One day, it got in...

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u/JohnBagley33 avatar

The Trong Song is a banger

Let me see that Trong. That trong ta-trong trong trong.

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Came here for this answer. Although I also really enjoyed the movie, Daft Punk killed it with the score.

Came here to say this

u/KhaydeUK avatar

Also came here to say this.

But to add something actually useful, the Tron: Legacy Reconfigured album is bloomin' brill, too.

u/wherearemysockz avatar

That is very useful, thanks.

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u/triggeron avatar

My first thought. It never gets old.

u/AskMeForAPhoto avatar

Agreed. I still listen to End Of Line and Derezzed all the time.

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Oblivion. M83 did an amazing score for the movie which would have been otherwise a pretty boring sci-fi.

u/mikeofmerr avatar

The song they did with Susanne Sundfør on that movie is sooooo good!

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u/muddylegs avatar

The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

Vince DiCola’s score is outstandingly good in contrast to a very goofy film, although I do love it. A lot of scenes that would be ineffective without the soundtrack become incredibly moving to me just because the music has such an emotional impact! I’ve listened to the soundtrack start-to-finish more times than I’ve watched the film, and I have watched that film a lot of times…

u/Tylerdurden389 avatar

Same here. Many songs get replays when I'm at the gym. I always said the Rocky 4 score Vince did was my favorite but Transformers is like all that and so much more.

I learned who Weird Al was from this soundtrack. Had a fisher price record player and the vinyl soundtrack as a kid.

Also, Stan Bush.

u/_kalron_ avatar

If you like that score, you should check out Cybertronic Spree. Not only do they cover the score but the soundtrack as well. Had the pleasure of seeing them last year live. It was EPIC.

They also have an original album they were touring on, it's good and almost like a sequel to the original soundtrack.

u/muddylegs avatar

I love Cybertronic Spree! Seeing them live must have been incredible— definitely want to catch them on tour some day! :)

u/_kalron_ avatar

I don't have Facebook but the wife does. They recently asked people who saw the show last year where they saw it and would they see them again. Hands down would. So hopefully that is a sign of another US tour.

Side Note: I'm seeing the 40th Anniversary limited release of The Transformers: The Movie at a local theater in a couple weeks. I'm not sure if I can contain myself or my wife from turning it into a Rocky Horror thing and sing along :)

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u/edgiepower avatar

It's ridiculous that that guy only scored like, two, maybe two and a half films if you include the Saturday Night Fever sequel. He's the best synth composer I've heard and remarkable he didn't find more work.

Frankly, even the Michael Bay Transformers flicks have scores better than the movies. Steve Jablonsky wrote a lot of thematic material, and it’s pretty catchy. Almost good enough to make you feel like the action scenes aren’t mostly visual noise for two hours.

Fuck yes, I agree 100%

“You got the touch!” LOL, the callback to the 86 soundtrack in the newer bumblebee movie was the only thing I remember as it was terribly forgettable.

I've loved that movie and soundtrack since first time I saw it in 87. 'til all are one..

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The original Dune (1984) had an exquisite score. The movie was pretty good but also pretty cheesy.

I love the music in Dune!!

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Particularly the Prophecy Theme by Brian Eno

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Curtis Mayfield’s soundtrack is a classic, outsold the movie

Came here to say this, what a remarkable album. Listened to it hundreds of times, seen the movie once.

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Maaaaaybe Run Lola Run. Like the set up*s, themes, memorable main character, editing and storyline was really cool and top notch, but I personally feel like the film's score turned a good film into a transcendent work of art.

Music by the director too! That Tom Twyker has got the skills. Great movie, interesting point.

That was really something. Talk about passion project, and talent. And so right for the time period. I felt transported right back to late 90s MTV era watching it. I'll put the soundtrack on sometimes when I'm jogging and you'd think someone hooked up a jet pack to my back I'll run so fast, and feel so good and strong

I watch this film relatively often- I find newbies love it, ofc- but I've never indulged in just the soundtrack.

Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow! Many thanks

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u/PilotFirm286 avatar


u/origamipapier1 avatar

Run Lola Run was one of my favorite soundtracks, I owned it and used to use it for the gym lol!

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u/CaveMonsterBlues avatar

The Wolfman (2010) one of my favorites of Danny Elfman.

u/DiggingThisAir avatar

I love that movie, and I don’t know anyone else who appreciates it like I do

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u/nine11airlines avatar

Maybe Conan the Barbarian. It's not a low quality film at all, but I think Basil Pouledaris score elevates the movie from a typical 80s action-ish film to a fantasy classic