High Stakes Escape (Mount Shasta Secrets, #4) by Elizabeth Goddard | Goodreads
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Mount Shasta Secrets #4

High Stakes Escape

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From USA TODAY bestselling author Elizabeth Goddard

When hiding is no longer an option,

she must go on the run.

Someone's infiltrated the witness protection program with murder in mind—and Chasey Cook is the next victim. Chasey gave up everything to go into WITSEC, including a budding relationship with deputy US marshal Ben Bradley, but now she must rely on him to shield her. With a ruthless killer tracking them, can Chasey trust Ben with her life…knowing her heart will pay the price?

From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.


168 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2021

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About the author

Elizabeth Goddard

127 books1,227 followers
With over one million books sold, Elizabeth Goddard is the USA Today and Publisher's Weekly bestselling, award-winning author of over fifty romance novels and counting, including the romantic mystery, THE CAMERA NEVER LIES--a 2011 Carol Award winner. Four of her six Mountain Cove books have been contest finalists. Buried, Backfire and Deception are finalists in the Daphne Du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery and Suspense, and Submerged is a Carol Award finalist. A 7th generation Texan, Elizabeth graduated from North Texas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and worked in high-level software sales for several years before retiring to home school her children and fulfill her dreams of writing full-time.

To get book news sign up for her newsletter at her website: http://elizabethgoddard.com
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Hannah.
2,562 reviews1,395 followers
July 29, 2022
Ben’s witnesses keep dying. He hadn’t lost one before and now one is dead…one barely survived, and a third one is in peril.

Chasey testified to put away her uncle, a clever international criminal. He’s none too happy about her messing up his business, so they’re pretty sure he’s behind the hits, but how can they prove it and also keep Chasey alive? It’s a wild race across five states and an island.

This was my favorite of the series and I’m eager for the next series to start.
3,312 reviews1,738 followers
October 20, 2021
My tummy was in continuous loop-de-loop mode the entire read out of sheer nerves. You know that deliciously edgy feeling of checking over your shoulder every five minutes during your reading because you're sure someone is creeping up on you. At one point my neighbour clattered his garbage bins as he brought them in from the curb and I literally shot out of my chair like I'd been catapulted, heart racing. It's not so much that this is a creepy or scary read, more like a sense of unknown danger permeates every page. Because Chasey's a target and trying to figure out the who and the how and the what next is exhausting -- both for Ben and Chasey and me!

Love the connection this hero and heroine have. The relationship that wasn't a year ago when Chasey first went into WITSEC. Attraction destined to never get off the ground because circumstances wouldn't allow it. And now, here they are again, in the same situation -- only it's much more dangerous. But maybe they're getting this second chance for a reason...happy sigh, I love a doomed-romance-turned-happy-dancing scenario. :-)

Goddard does a great job with the intricately woven plot, pulling the tension taut and keeping this armchair reader on the edge of her seat right to very end. Wowza!
Profile Image for Susan Snodgrass.
2,002 reviews247 followers
October 4, 2021
I have always enjoyed Elizabeth Goddard’s suspense stories. Inspirational suspense is my favorite genre and she certainly does it well.

My thanks to the author for a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Marcie Robinson.
348 reviews5 followers
September 20, 2021
“High Stakes Escape” is book 4 in Elizabeth Goddard’s Mount Shasta Secrets miniseries.
Someone is after Chasey Cook, who is in witness protection, and the only one that can protect her is US Marshal Ben Bradley.

Ms. Goddard sets up the villain perfectly, making the reader wonder who it really is.
I’ll admit, in chapter 12, Chasey’s behavior irritated me. While the author explained Chasey’s actions clearly, I was still irritated until the end of the book (and yes, I finished reading it).
Profile Image for Kara.
780 reviews
February 25, 2022
Another page turner from Goddard! Chasey is in WITSEC when danger comes to her door, thankfully she is a capable woman and able to dodge the perpetrator. When US Marshal Ben comes to her rescue, all is not over yet. Chasey will still have to help her brother before her criminal obsessed uncle can do further harm. Will Ben and Chasey get away cleanly and get to Brighton in time?

Really enjoyed how carefully and vigilantly Ben takes his job protecting Chasey and others. He is not hesitant in taking risks to protect his clients. Also enjoyed the hurricane description on the island, well described!

Fave character was Rolf :) He entered the plot just in time and his kindness touched me deeply. Also loved Ben's brother making a cameo!

Never disappointed with a Goddard book!

Received a free copy. Was not required to write a positive review, the thoughts and comments are my own.
Profile Image for Patrizia.
1,667 reviews37 followers
January 8, 2023
Buon libro che finisce una bella serie. I protagonisti cercano di fuggire un misterioso assassino passando da un posto all'altro fino al gran finale in un'isola caraibica. Non ho ben capito come i cattivi facessero a trovarli sempre, ma a parte questo la suspense è buona per tutta la storia. E la storia d'amore non è così affrettata visto che i due si conoscevano già.
1,447 reviews19 followers
October 3, 2021
Chasey Cook is in the WISTEC program and US Marshall Ben Bradley is her handler. All of the sudden, witnesses are turning up dead and Ben doesn't know what is happening but he suspects Chasey will be next! Can he get to her in time? As it turns out, just barely! They go on the run and it seems that everywhere they go, the villain knows their every move. Who is this person? Someone must have infiltrated the WISTEC program which means they must go off the grid. This story has non-stop action, which Elizabeth Goddard is known for! I liked the characters and the story. Chasey has an autistic brother and he was great at the end! Chasey's character bugged me a little bit, especially in one chapter, but it had to happened to move the story along, I guess! The end of the book is very exciting!
Profile Image for Glenda Parker.
Author 14 books21 followers
October 11, 2021
My review today is on the Love Inspired Suspense, High Stakes Escape. This is book four in the series Mount Shasta Secrets. Elizabeth is one of my favorite authors. I'm a big fan of her work so I'm thrilled each time I get one of her books in the mail. This one is well-written, action-packed, and full of suspense. I know you are going to love it.

Inspector Ben Bradley of the US Marshal Service is called to the scene of a brutal murder of one of his witnesses. This is the second one of his witnesses to be attacked in less than a week. Did she break the rules? Or is this somehow his fault? He requests all of his witnesses to be moved but his mind keeps going back to Chasey. Is he too late?

Chasey Cook is out for a jog when she notices a black sedan with tinted windows following her slowly. She is safe here, right? She runs home but hides behind a bush to watch. When she thinks its safe she goes in. As she enters her home she is attacked. She flees from her home as she dials 911. She ends up at the marina, takes a boat out on the water. She has no choice. The weather gets bad. Oh no, a motor starts up. He's found her!

A terrifying journey as Ben saves Chasey from the attacker only to see a marshal that shouldn't be there. Who is after his witnesses and why? A ruthess killer chases them through a storm. God has a plan for these two; a good plan for hope and a future. God has a plan for you too. A plan for peace and not for destruction. Give Him your heart and watch Him move in your life, even in this time of turmoil.
Profile Image for Melissa.
280 reviews25 followers
October 22, 2021
This the 4th book in the Mount Shasta Secrets Novels. Someone is targeting US Marshal Ben Bradley’s witnesses in the WITSEC program. He doesn’t know how or why, but he is determined to figure it out before the next witness becomes a victim. He immediately thinks of Chasey Cook. She is the witness that he developed feelings for when he was setting her up with a new identity. Chasey just knows someone is trying to kill her and she needs to get away. Ben shows up at the right time. They embark on a hightail adventure to get her to safety and to find her autistic brother. Everywhere they turn, there is danger. It seems they can’t get a break.

I really enjoyed this book. I admit that I love suspense and action. This book fits the bill. There are so many twists and turns. There is even a hurricane thrown in. It keeps you guessing until you find out the who then later on the why. The whole book the two main characters fight their feelings for each other. You keep rooting them on and just hoping they can make it work somehow someway. I really enjoyed Brighton the brother’s character. He really added some personality and some heartfelt moments to the storyline. I hope you give this book a chance. Elizabeth Goddard has certainly upped her game in the latest Mount Shasta Secrets Series.
Profile Image for Danielle.
Author 17 books586 followers
October 11, 2021
High Stakes Escape is the final book in Elizabeth Goddard’s Mount Shasta Secrets Love Inspired Suspense series. In this book, US Deputy Marshal Ben Bradley must save the life of one of his witnesses. The challenge is, he’s fallen for her and everything he does to help her seems to do the opposite.

This story has lots of thrilling escapes and weather-related danger (my favorite type of trouble!). From snowstorms to hurricanes, from California to the Caribbean, Ben tries to keep Chasey alive. Even if he does, however, he can never have a relationship with a witness without giving up the job he loves. Then again, if he decides a relationship is worth it, he’d then have to enter WITSEC with her and leave his family behind. So much at stake!

If you love a romantic suspense with lots of twists and turns, definitely give High Stakes Escape a read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC guidelines.
Profile Image for Heather Pickett.
247 reviews23 followers
December 13, 2021
Chasey Cook gives up everything to go into Witness Protection after testifying against her uncle. She can’t even see or communicate with her special needs brother anymore.
Someone found her, though, and now it’s up to her WITSEC agent, U.S. Marshall Ben Bradley, to keep her alive.
Feelings developed between Ben and Chasey when she first entered the program, but neither allowed anything to come of them. Now, in this fourth book in Elizabeth Goddard’s Mt. Shasta series, Chasey’s heart starts to fall again as they spend time together on the run. Ben has already lost several other witnesses in the program, and he’s racing against the clock to figure out who is killing them, knowing they want Chasey next. Just when Chasey and Ben think they can catch a quick breath, danger is right there again, nipping at their heels. Both are afraid to let their hearts open up, but can the Lord work in each of them to find their happily-ever-after dream once they are through the nightmare?
This is a fantastic, well-woven story of twists and turns, danger and suspense, love and faith.
Profile Image for Laura.
146 reviews
February 25, 2023
Believable or not?

I enjoy Ms Goddard’s works of fiction & normally them 5 stars. She does a great job writing stories that have a good plot. Some are a bit unbelievable (such as a human being blown up & in two car wrecks, never going to a hospital & being able to function at full speed.), yet this story was just full of a very unbelievable heroine. Like is anyone really that immature & stupid? I realize it’s only a book, but it just wasn’t as easy to get lost in when I was constantly going, “Um, no. No one would not be searching her belongings.” “Um, no. No one would run away & then demand to do it alone.” “Um, no. He would never agree to this.” I highly encourage you to read it & see if you also are shaking your head, or if you can see it a plausible! It was an adventurous plot which takes you all around the US. I give it a 4 stars with the drop of a star because I simply don’t see a rational human making those decisions.
Profile Image for Moira.
1,179 reviews8 followers
September 21, 2022
WITSEC challenge

A great end to the series. I enjoyed Ben and Kelly/Chasey's story. I can't imagine going into WITSEC and leaving my autistic brother. Although he's in a safe place it's still unimaginable to leave your last surviving family member, especially one with developmental challenges. Her abusive uncle doesn't count as family!

Ben was her handler before and now as his clients are hurt or murdered, he knows something isn't right so he heads to Chasey. What results is a race across the country and against time to save her and her brother Brighton. With the help of a concerned trucker and Ben's boss it looks like they might make it, until her worst nightmare happens. Her uncle breaks out of prison and all bets are off.

Non-stop action and suspense will keep the reader in it's grip until the final page .
Profile Image for Jan Fore.
755 reviews22 followers
December 27, 2021
Two people from the Witness Protection Program have been brutally murdered. US Marshall Ben Bradley could not believe there was betrayal. He had to find a third member, Chasey Cook who could be in jeopardy of her real identity coming out in the open. He and 2 other Marshalls lead a chase for Chasey to keep her secluded.
This is a heavy duty case with Chasey, whose real name was Kelly Cabot away from her Uncle Theo. He is a highly rated, multimillionaire. When her parents passed, she and her brother, Brighton fell into Theo's guardianship. It's an interesting, suspenseful journey. This adventure is written by Elizabeth Goddard. Enjoy1
Profile Image for Betti.
1,091 reviews26 followers
October 8, 2021
Another fabulous story from this author, one you surely will not put down until finished! Imagine being in witness protection, only to be found out, in spite of your watching every word you say. Now you are on the run, trying to escape what, if caught, will likely mean your death.

Unexpected blessings, special people with special abilities and even a hurricane will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering how this will end.

I received an ARC through Love Inspired Suspense and Harlequin. These impressions and comments are my own and were in no way solicited.
Profile Image for Elaine Applebury.
611 reviews5 followers
August 12, 2022
Elizabeth Goddard has written a story full of danger and suspense. Someone has discovered US Marshall Ben Bradley’s list of WITSEC cases and has started finding his witnesses and Chasey Cook is the next victim. Chasey and Ben fell in love during the trial where she was the key witness, but they had to move on as she was put in witness protection. Now that she has been compromised, Ben must work to stay ahead of the person,or persons, wanting her. Can he keep her safe?
Can they keep their hearts safe?
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
218 reviews8 followers
December 2, 2021
Such a great story! I was reading this one at night before bed and one night my husband asked me to read to him as he fell asleep but he ended up rally into the story so we read a chapter or two each night before bed together!
383 reviews3 followers
May 25, 2022
High Stakes Escape

An intriguing story. There were so many different things going on that it was hard to tell who the real villain was and how he was always one step ahead. Also a complete surprise how the villain used a autistic to hide his crimes.
Profile Image for Allyson Anthony.
619 reviews32 followers
July 19, 2022
Chasey is in Witsec and is attacked in her house. Ben, a U.S. Marshall agent, comes to her rescue and together they must elude those coming after her. Chasey's brother who has a disability makes a cameo appearance. This is a good story that had me turning the pages until the end.
1,205 reviews16 followers
August 21, 2022
this is a good suspense story she is in witness protection and he is working to keep her safe but some how people are being killed and now he takes her on the run. if you like suspense you will want to read the book
Profile Image for Marybelle.
378 reviews12 followers
October 28, 2021
Nice story. However, they never do explain how the protagonists were tracked so successfully.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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