What are the requirements for getting into Yale? | CollegeVine
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What are the requirements for getting into Yale?

I'm really interested in applying to Yale, but I'm not sure what they're looking for in applicants. Can anyone tell me what kind of GPA, SAT/ACT scores, or extracurriculars are needed for a good shot at getting in?

2 months ago

Yale is a highly selective university that seeks students with strong academic and extracurricular achievements. Although there are no strict cutoffs or requirements to guarantee admission, there are some general characteristics that successful applicants typically possess. Here's an overview of what Yale may look for in prospective students:

1. GPA: Yale, like other Ivy League institutions, prefers students with a high GPA, usually around 4.0 (unweighted) or above (weighted), which shows a strong academic performance in rigorous coursework.

2. SAT/ACT scores: As of the 2024-2025 application cycle, Yale will once again be requiring all applicants to submit either a standardized test score. Yale has been test-optional in recent years, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, but that policy has been eliminated for the coming year. Successful applicants to Yale usually have SAT scores in the 1460-1570 range or ACT scores in the 33-35 range. Note that you are also allowed to submit AP or IB scores instead of an SAT or ACT score.

3. Extracurriculars: Yale values extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership, initiative, and commitment. Instead of having a long list of activities, it's important to focus on quality and show your passion for selected subjects or interests. Aim for at least one or two Tier 2 activities (like being student body president, playing in a state orchestra, or being a top 10 tennis player in the state) and place an emphasis on depth of involvement, commitment, and achievements in those activities. For detailed information about extracurricular tiers, and how to categorize your own involvements, check out this blog post from CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/breaking-down-the-4-tiers-of-extracurricular-activities

Admission to Yale is highly competitive, but it's essential to remember that there is no magic formula for admission. Yale reviews each student's application holistically, considering academic and extracurricular achievements, essays, recommendation letters, and other factors that give an insight into the applicant's character and potential.

If you're looking for ways to strengthen your application in these other areas, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle Yale's school-specific supplemental essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-yale-university-essays/. After all, most applicants to Yale have excellent academic and extracurricular credentials, so it's often more subjective qualities, like those showcased in the essays, that admissions officers rely on when making their final decisions.

By having a strong performance in challenging coursework, showcasing your passion through meaningful extracurriculars, and writing insightful and personal essays, you'll be more likely to stand out in the highly selective Yale admissions process. Good luck!

2 months ago

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