包裝盒的英文單字,包裝盒的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典




包裝盒制作Adolix eCover Engineer


酒類包裝盒Wine Box ; Win ; JYYL

禮品包裝盒Gift Box ; The box of gift package


軟件包裝盒Super Fly Box Maker

透明包裝盒pvc pet

香水包裝盒HOT COUTURE ; perfume box


  • 然而,我不會買儲物箱---而是用鞋盒子,包裝盒之類的東西。

    however, i don「t pay for any storage containers – i use shoe boxes, shipping boxes, etc.

  • 但是,編寫這些標準時并沒有說產品包裝盒上簡單的首字母縮寫就能夠確保甚至暗示其兼容性。

    however, the standards were not written in such a way that a simple acronym on the product box will ensure or even suggest compatibility.

  • 你訂購的貨物由郵政人員送達時,要先檢查一下包裝盒再簽收。

    when the postal clerk delivers your order, check the carton before signing for it.

  • 采購產品田框, 包裝盒, 推廣項目, 禮品盒, 食品貨柜箱.

    tin box , package boxes, promotion items, gift boxes, food container boxes.

  • 我們的運輸安排的很細致.每個娃娃用泡沫抱了七層,放進獨立的包裝盒.我們的產品從未損壞過.

    catherine: our shipping arrangements are very detailed .we wrap each doll in seven layers of bubble-wrap and then pack them in separate boxes. we have never had any problem with breakage.

  • 立方體遮蓋物和卡牌托盤是類似於包裝盒嵌入板的薄塑料,因此你可能得擔心稍不注意會撕裂它。

    the cube covers and card tray are a thin hard plastic similar to the plastic that box inserts are made of, so you might have to worry about splitting eventually.

  • 愛情,是年復一年永恒的追求。 把愛情在某一天打包裝盒,賦以賀卡、巧克力或者鮮花的形式,我對此一點也不感興趣。

    love is a year-round ethereal pursuit and efforts to box it in on a particular day or package it in the form of cards, chocolates and flowers does not appeal.

  • 該計算機使用的包裝盒十分環保,25 %為可回收紙板,10 %的塑料可回收,電腦零件的 95 %都易於回收。

    the computer is packed in a box made of 25% recycled cardboard, its plastic is at least 10% recycled, and 95% of its components are designed for easy recycling.

  • 購買新表時,保留所有的說明書和包裝盒

    when buying new, keep all the paperwork and boxes.

  • 項目必須歸還在新的條件下原包裝盒.

    item must be returned in the original box with new condition.

  • 包裝盒及說明書上提到此套裝包含22個零件,但實際上多出了許多。

    the box and instruction sheet say this kit has 22 pieces, but there are really quite a few more.

  • 這些女人們正以不可思議的速度準備dvd包裝盒

    these women prepare dvd boxes with an unbelievable speed.

  • 他表示,當天最暢銷的物品是行李箱套裝和包裝盒

    he says luggage sets and packing cubes were among the day」s best-selling items.

  • 例如正式的書、雜糧包裝盒、雜志、路標、賀卡等等,這樣做教育孩子懂得文字的重要性。

    such as books, cereal boxes, magazines, road signs, and greeting cards. by reading from a variety of sources, you are teaching the importance of the written word.

  • 各類座品包裝彩盒 、 禮品彩盒 、 cd包裝盒套.

    all kinds of product packaging colour box, gift box, cd package, etc.

  • 寶潔公司就把產品放入小小的包裝盒內,以便在擁擠的貨架上占有一席之地,利用當地的經銷代表網確保商店貨物滿滿。

    p&g puts products into packages small enough to fit on crowded shelves and uses a network of local representatives to keep the shops stocked.

  • 但當沒有條形碼時,我就將產品包裝盒擺在攝像頭前,攝像頭就識別這個盒子,然后去找匹配的物件。

    where no bar code was present, i held the product box in front of the camera and it again recognized it and found the correct match.

  • 已有多家化妝品公司使用我們專用瞬 干膠 產品粘接他們的包裝盒如口紅等.

    various cosmetic manufacturers use our signature products to bond items ; as bases.

  • 不要從包裝袋,包裝盒當中取出食物直接食用。

    never eat directly out of the bag, box, or carton.

  • 它是包裝盒標明的成分之一。

    it is listed among the ingredients on the package.

  • 它是由1200只pet塑料瓶(做墻壁)、1300個牛奶和啤酒的利樂包裝盒(做屋頂)、140個cd盒(做門窗)以及另外320只做家具的pet塑料瓶構成。

    it’s composed of 1200 pet plastic bottles (walls), 1300 milk and wine tetra pack boxes (roof), 140 cd cases (doors and windows), and an additional 320 pet plastic bottles in the furniture.

  • 包裝業: 包裝盒如化妝品 、 藥 、 品 及 香煙盒等等.

    paper package : paper boxes for cosmetic, medicine, food & cigarette, etc.

  • 說明書就貼在照相機的包裝盒上.

    the sheet was attached to the package of the camera.

  • 公司還掏錢對印刷機房的35名員工進行培訓,教會他們掌握先進的技術手段,如可令墨水在包裝盒上即印即干的uv打印等。

    he also invests in education for his pressroom of 35 employees, offering classes in advanced specialties like uv printing, where the ink dries instantly on a box.

  • 也許是一張報紙,一本雜志,甚至超市里的包裝盒或者電視廣告。

    open up a newspaper or magazine, go to the grocery store and look at the packaging, watch a television ad.

  • 假如你的工作是運送250磅,價值25,000美元的計算機服務器,你無疑只會使用最安全的材料作為包裝盒進行包裝。

    if your job was to ship 250 pounds and $25, 000 dollars worth of computer servers, you「d no doubt pack them in a box using only the safest materials.

  • 包裝盒上印的那一長串硬件配置有多強悍并不重要,重要的是設備的運行速度有多快、多流暢,設備是否真的好用,以及它提供了哪些服務。

    it」s not so important what the long list of components on the side of a box says so much as how quickly and smoothly the device inside runs, how easy it is to use and what services it offers.

  • 這些內容完全可以寫在作品的包裝上,比如包扎古籍的收縮包裝或者油畫所配的包裝盒上。

    this could be literally on the wrapper of a work -- for example, shrink wrapping around an historical book edition, or in the packaging of a shipped painting.

  • 這位在種水稻的農民家庭出生的22歲的海南姑娘,對於自己在一家鐘表廠工作表示非常開心,她的工作只是將完成的產品放進包裝盒里。

    raised by rice-farming peasants on the island province of hainan, ms. liang, 22, is happily employed at a lock factory, where she packs up the finished product into boxes.

  • 全新的浴室面板還在那個包裝盒里.

    the totally new bath panel is still in the package.

  • 他以讀谷類食品包裝盒上的廣告為樂.

    he gets a kick out of reading the blurb on cereal boxes.