Neil Diamond Rose Care And Growing Guide

Neil Diamond Rose Care And Growing Guide

Neil Diamond Rose flowers are covered by an attractive pattern of icy white, bright and broken stripes. Neil Diamond makes landscapes and gardens pleasant and stunning. Interestingly these flowers bloom for a long time. The size of Neil diamond is 4-5” and are medium to large flowers. This plant can increase the beauty of the bed or borders. Its stems bloom upward.

Suitable Environment To Grow:  These tea roses grow perfectly in fertilized, well moist soil.

Botanical Name: Rosa cv is its scientific name.

Common Name:  The common name of these flowers is tea roses.

Form: These are evergreen Perennial flowers.

Sun Exposure:  Partial shades and sun exposure is essential for Neil Diamond Rose.

Height: 4 – 6 feet is the normal size of these flowers.

Spread:  These flowers spread up to 36 – 48 inches

Spacing:Neil diamond rose do not occupy a large space. It just needs 24 – 36 inches of space to grow.

Hardiness Zone: Its hardiness zone range from 4-10

Flowering Date: The ideal season to grow these flowers range from Late spring to fall.

Winter Care:

  • It is essential to mulch at the base of this flowering plant.
  • The soil should have good drainage and humus enrich.
  • It needs average water.

Growth Rate: Neil diamond grows  Moderately once developed.

Foliage Type: Its foliage is medium size, green in colour and glossy.


For the ideal growth of this flowering plant follow some given tips:

  • These roses require a normal amount of water.
  • It doesn’t like to grow in too much-wet soil.
  • Water it in the early morning to avoid diseases and fungus.
Frequently Asked Question:

Does Neil diamond Rose has any fragrance?

Yes, these flowers are not only beautiful but also possesses a strong and appealing fragrance.

What is the blooming season of tea roses?

These flowers bloom throughout the year.

Do these flowers have the ability to Resist diseases?

Tea roses are strong flowers and if they grow healthily they can resistant to diseases.


 Mustard Floribunda Rose.

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