槍擊的英文單字,槍擊的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • gunslinging
    帶槍的; 槍擊;
  • pop
    (意外地、突然地)出現; 突然出現; 發出爆裂聲; (突然地)行動;


大規模槍擊mass shooting


槍擊案fire case ; a shooting ; mass shooting

槍擊爆破Gang Blast




槍擊事件shooting ; Gun

校園槍擊school shooting


  • 槍擊事件后附近又發現了兩具尸體。

    two more bodies were found nearby after the shooting.

  • 當地居民反映在郵局周圍曾發生了激烈的襲擊,在城市的北部地區也尤為激烈。他們說有許多居民在邊防站附近都被狙擊手槍擊了。

    the residents described intense shelling around the post office, and especially in the north of the city. residents were shot at checkpoints and by snipers, they said.

  • 很顯然,鄧恩博士在遭槍擊時正企圖逃跑。

    dr dunn was apparently trying to get away when he was shot.

  • 而他信(紅衫軍抗議活動的中流亡偶像)所屬黨的一名候選人遭槍擊受傷,這對於即將到來的大選季是個不幸的預兆。

    a candidate for the party of thaksin shinawatra, an exiled icon of the red-shirt protest movement, was shot and wounded, boding ill for the campaign season ahead.

  • 她還說此次槍擊,已經促使陸軍官員開始審查對問題人士進行掌控的措施。

    she also said that the shooting had prompted army officials to examine procedures in tracking people who may have problems.

  • 在一名日本記者在仰光抗議活動期間遭士兵槍擊之后,日本表示可能削減對緬甸的援助。

    japan said it might cut aid to myanmar after the shooting of a japanese journalist by a soldier during the yangon protests.

  • 那是早前在教堂開始槍擊的同一個穿皮夾克的男人,那個決心要襲擊絲苔妮的人。

    the same man in the leather jacket who’d started the shooting in the cathedral—the one intent on assaulting stephanie.

  • 警察接到命令可以槍擊任何攻擊他們的人。

    the police had orders to shoot anyone who attacked them.

  • 發生過大量槍擊案。

    there have been a whole slew of shooting incidents.

  • 1995年,波士頓市啟動了「停火行動」(減少幫派暴力的策略),當時該市警察一晚被六七次槍擊聲驚動,受命出擊。

    operation ceasefire was launched in boston in 1995 at a time when the city police were being called out to six or seven shootings a night.

  • 如果在槍擊之前我們未能采取適當的行動,我們就必須追究責任。

    if there was a failure to take appropriate action before the shootings, there must be accountability.

  • 他目睹了槍擊過程并記住了刺客的車牌號碼。

    he saw the shooting and memorised the number of the assassin「s car.

  • 基地指揮官和五角大樓軍說,之前只有跡象表明有槍擊的動機。

    base commanders and the pentagon said they had no early indication of a motive for the shootings.

  • 她沒有想過槍擊后怎么做,所以在不知道該怎么辦的情況下,她只好繼續往家里走,回家后坐在廚房餐桌旁邊,把手槍放在膝蓋上,等待著警察的到來。

    she hadn」t made a plan beyond the shooting, so in the absence of one, she just kept walking home, where she waited for the police at the kitchen table, the gun in her lap.

  • 格雷厄姆用槍擊打他的臉部。

    graham hit him across the face with the gun.

  • 在奧瑪慘案后,他們停止了活動;在過去幾年里他們又開始進行更為頻繁的爆炸和槍擊,但兩年來沒能造成士兵或警員的死亡。

    after omagh, they went quiet; in the past few years they have been bombing and shooting more frequently, but haven’t managed to kill a soldier or police officer for over two years.

  • 他們看到一個流浪漢正要從一個商店離開,便開始恫嚇他,恰巧一名下班的警察聽到了喧鬧并予以干涉,結果遭到槍擊身亡。

    they saw a homeless man leaving a shop and started to bully him. an off-duty policeman heard the commotion and intervened; he was shot and killed.

  • 在今天的非洲大陸南部,有兩類人槍擊犀牛。

    there are two groups of people shooting rhinos in southern africa today.

  • 有一次槍擊、一場折磨,和一起溺水身亡。

    there is a shooting, a torture and a drowning.

  • 第四名雖幸存下來,但臉部同時遭到刺傷和槍擊

    a fourth, who survived, was stabbed and shot in the face.

  • 我們的通訊員阿里姆·馬克波爾前往槍擊現場,他從那里向羅賓·魯斯廷報道最新情況。

    our correspondent aleem maqbool went to the scene of the shooting, and from there, he told robin lustig the latest.

  • 一名警衛用眩暈槍擊中了他。

    a guard zapped him with the stun gun.

  • 挪威人民都參加了在全國各地教堂的儀式,悼念在周五的槍擊和爆炸襲擊中喪生的接近100人。

    norwegians have attended church services across the country to remember the nearly 100 people killed in the shootings and bomb attack on friday.

  • 美國已經被一系列悲慘的槍擊致死案件所震驚,其中一起是由一個年紀很小的孩子造成的,槍是他在自己家中找到的。

    america had been rocked by a series of tragic shooting deaths, one of them caused by a very young child firing a gun he had found in his apartment.

  • 他在近距離內被人用槍擊中頭部。

    he was shot in the head at close range.

  • 現在她的機構以她父親的名義設立了科學獎學金。她父親曾經是這所大學的一名化學教授,1990年遭到一名反動者槍擊去世。

    today her organisation funds scholarships in science—in honour of her father, a chemistry professor at the university who was shot by a rebel in 1990.

  • 在阿族居住的其他地區也出現槍擊和武裝分子的報導,其中包括靠近融合民主聯盟總部的地方。

    there were also shootings and gunmen reported elsewhere in ethnic-albanian areas, including near the headquarters of the democratic union for integration party.

  • 警方隨后稱,他們已經逮捕了一名與槍擊事件有關的嫌疑人。

    police said later that they'd arrested one person in connection with the shootings.

  • 他們外出巡邏,幾乎每天都會遭遇槍擊或者受到進攻。

    they go out on patrol, and they get shot at or attacked almost every day.

  • 槍擊事件發生在第34警區。

    the shooting occurred in the 34th precinct.

  • 她想這次槍擊可能是一次意外。

    she thought the shooting might have been an accident.

  • 在阿富汗東部有一個貧窮的小村子,村民們半夜都被震醒,吵醒他們的聲音像是哨兵在槍擊竊賊。

    residents of this poor village in eastern afghanistan were jolted awake by what sounded like shooting from their guards at thieves outside their compound.

  • 他們說,新的系統將規定如何調查未來的槍擊事件,以及如何追究違反本規則的承包商的責任。

    they say the new system will govern how future shooting incidents are investigated and how to hold accountable any contractors who violate the rules.

  • 但是,如果如果發生更多槍擊,將很難阻止持不同政見者人數的激增。

    but if more shots are fired, it will be hard to stop the surge of dissent.

  • 結尾,在槍擊了幾個烏克蘭惡棍之后,他和女友奔向機場。

    at the end, after shooting some ukrainian gangsters, he headed for the airport with his girlfriend.