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   sm     ( puts    pl  )   (Golf)   putt
Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary  
Una deliciosa alternativa para degustar la carne de este animal, la que es cocida y frita en sémola para luego ser cocinada en su caldo a fuego lento, junto con una sabrosa salsa de zanahorias puti, cebollas, ajo y papas chuño previamente salteadas en huevo. A delicious opportunity to taste rabbit meat, which is cooked and fried in semolina and then cooked in its broth over low heat, together with a tasty sauce of puti carrots, onions, garlic and chuño, previously fried in egg.
Después de hervirla por 30 minutos, está lista para ser consumida con carne, en salsa, en sopa o mezclada con queso en un sánguche llamado tunta puti. After boiling for 30 minutes, it is ready to eaten with meat, a sauce, in a soup, or mixed with cheese in a sandwich called tunta puti.
A lo mejor Puti nos deja jugar con su ordenador. If we're real nice to her, maybe Hookie will let us play with the new computer.
brothel n.
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¿No pensará la gente que es un poco raro que alguna viejuna entre en un puti, sacando unpedazo escopeta de un carro de la compra y luego disparando a un tío a distancia? Won't people think it's a bit weird when some old dear walks into a nightclub, pulls a shotty out of a shopping cart and then blows a guy away?
Sobre las potenciales dificultades de navegar con mucho viento, Puti Neri se mostraba relajado: Hay muchos 'cerebros' a bordo, por lo que no tengo que preocuparme demasiado sobre la regata. And as for the potential difficulties of sailing in strong wind, Puri Negri was completely relaxed, there is a lot of 'brains' onboard, so that I don't really need to worry too much about the race!
Cárgatelo en un puti. Pop him in a nightclub.
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