Whatsapp URL Links: Everything You Need to Know | by Quickreply | Medium

Whatsapp URL Links: Everything You Need to Know

3 min readNov 22, 2022
Whatsapp URL Links

You’re undoubtedly already using WhatsApp for marketing, sales, and customer support tasks as a business, thanks to a WhatsApp Business API solution like QuickReply.ai. You’re probably also employing click-to-WhatsApp ads, a website opt-in option, and other techniques to entice your target demographic to engage with you on the messaging platform.

Businesses are now widely disseminating their WhatsApp numbers on social media, as well as through QR codes in their packaging, in-store displays, and other points of contact with their customers, all in order to persuade them to communicate on the popular messaging network.

But what if we told you there’s a far easier method to share your WhatsApp Business number with customers instead?

What are WhatsApp URL links?

WhatsApp URL links are similar to website links in that they direct users to the WhatsApp account of the person who posted the link. They are a WhatsApp feature that makes it easy for individuals and organisations to share contact information and start discussions with customers.

How do WhatsApp URL links function?

When you send a WhatsApp URL link to someone, the following things can happen:

  • If the person has WhatsApp installed, the link immediately opens a chat window with the person who shared the link to begin chatting.
  • If the user does not already have WhatsApp installed, the link directs them to the Program Store, where they may download the messaging app and create an account.
  • If the user clicks on the link on the web, it opens the chat on WhatsApp on the web browser they are using; again, the person must be linked and connected to the messaging platform.
  • The WhatsApp link for each account on the messaging platform is unique and thus conveys information about the account to the person with whom it has been shared. This includes information such as their account name, account number, and account type.

What are the benefits of using WhatsApp URL links?

Now that you understand how WhatsApp URL links function, you may be wondering why you would utilise a link for the same reason when you can simply sell out and reveal your number.

So, let’s look at some of the advantages of using WhatsApp links:

  • It makes it easier to share WhatsApp numbers on a large scale without having to type them out repeatedly.
  • It reduces the likelihood of error when noting down the WhatsApp number, ensuring that the correct information is passed.
  • It encourages you to start a conversation right away by launching a WhatsApp chat, eliminating the need to wait for the new contact to message you — the longer you wait, the more likely the consumer will forget to message you.
  • It helps businesses use features like welcoming messages, welcome automation, and more to engage their audiences on the messaging platform almost immediately.
  • Aids in the integration of marketing activities across social media, email, SMS, and other channels in order to initiate more WhatsApp discussions.

QuickReply.ai is a trustworthy WhatsApp Business API platform for e-commerce firms. It features over 40 e-commerce chatbots that you may utilise to automate campaigns and achieve the desired results. Conversations will lead to more money with the finest Shopify app for WhatsApp marketing.




All in One WhatsApp marketing solution for e-commerce businesses especially Shopify.