How to Make a Google Travel Itinerary: A Step-by-Step Guide - Solve Your Tech

How to Make a Google Travel Itinerary: A Step-by-Step Guide

Planning a trip can be a bit overwhelming, but with a Google travel itinerary, you can have all your plans laid out in an organized manner. This handy tool allows you to map out your entire trip, from flights and hotels to attractions and dining. With just a few clicks, you can have a clear, easy-to-follow plan that will make your travel experience a breeze.

Step by Step Tutorial: Creating a Google Travel Itinerary

Before we dive into the steps, let’s talk about what we’re aiming to achieve. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a personalized travel itinerary that’s stored in your Google account, accessible from anywhere, and easy to share with fellow travelers. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Open Google Maps

To create your itinerary, you’ll need to start with Google Maps.

Once you open Google Maps, ensure you’re signed in with the Google account you want to use for your itinerary. This will allow you to save places and access your itinerary across devices.

Step 2: Search for your destination

Type in the location of your trip to begin plotting your itinerary.

You can be as broad as a city or as specific as an address or landmark. This will be your starting point for building your itinerary.

Step 3: Use the ‘Save’ feature

When you find a place you want to visit, click on it and hit the ‘Save’ button.

You’ll have options to save to various lists like “Want to go” or “Starred places”. You can also create a new list specifically for your trip.

Step 4: Create a new list for your trip

Make a new list for your travel itinerary to keep everything organized.

Name your list something clear and memorable, like “Paris Trip 2021”. This will help you easily find it later.

Step 5: Add all your spots to the list

Keep searching and saving all the places you want to visit to your trip list.

Don’t forget to add restaurants, museums, parks, and even your hotel or rental. You can also add notes to each place if you have specific things you want to remember.

Step 6: Share your itinerary

If you’re traveling with others, share your list with them through Google Maps.

Click on your list, then select ‘Share’ to send it to friends or family. They can then view and even collaborate by adding their own spots.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a comprehensive Google travel itinerary tailored to your trip. You can pull it up on your phone while you’re out and about, or print it as a backup. It’s a convenient way to keep all your travel details in one place.

Tips for a Google Travel Itinerary

  • Tip: Utilize the ‘Notes’ feature on each place to add reservation details or other important information.
  • Tip: Check the opening hours and days for attractions and add them to your notes to avoid surprises.
  • Tip: Use the ‘Label’ feature to categorize places, like “Must-see” or “Food spots”.
  • Tip: Regularly review and update your itinerary as plans change or you discover new places.
  • Tip: If you have specific dates for places, set calendar reminders linked to your itinerary list for an extra layer of organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access my Google travel itinerary on my phone?

You can easily access your itinerary on your phone by opening the Google Maps app and going to ‘Saved’ > ‘Your lists’ and selecting your trip list.

Can I add flights and hotels to my Google travel itinerary?

While Google Maps doesn’t directly let you add flights and hotels, you can save the location of your hotel and use notes to add flight details.

Is there a way to get directions for the entire day’s itinerary?

You can select the places on your list in order and use the ‘Directions’ feature to map out your day. However, you’ll need to do this daily as it doesn’t save.

Can I make changes to my itinerary after sharing it?

Absolutely! You can make changes to your itinerary at any time, and anyone with access can see the updates in real-time.

What happens if I lose internet access while traveling?

It’s a good idea to download your itinerary area in Google Maps for offline use, or print out a copy as a backup.


  1. Open Google Maps and make sure you’re logged in.
  2. Search and save your destination spots.
  3. Create a new list for your trip.
  4. Add all places to this list.
  5. Share the list with fellow travelers for collaboration.


Creating a Google travel itinerary is a fantastic way to stay organized and make the most out of your travels. It’s a flexible tool that not only helps you plan but also keeps track of all the exciting places you want to explore. Whether you’re a meticulous planner or prefer a more spontaneous approach, a Google travel itinerary can accommodate your style. Plus, with the ability to share and collaborate, it’s perfect for group trips where everyone wants a say. So, next time you’re planning a trip, remember to give Google Maps a try for your itinerary needs. Safe travels and happy planning!

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