Ealing u3a: Welcome



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EALING u3a(*) is a co-operative of older people sharing educational, creative and leisure activities. We are one of over 1,000 UK branches of an organisation for semi- or fully- retired people, and we currently have over 500 members. The u3a is a non-religious and non-political movement.

See the MEETINGS, GROUPS and EVENTS pages for information about our activities.
NB. You must be a member of Ealing u3a to take part in our activities.


To join Ealing u3a, you can either fill in this MEMBERSHIP FORM and send it to the email address on the form or print off and complete the form then send it to the postal address shown on the form.
The Subscription Fee can be paid by bank transfer (Ealing u3a bank account details are shown on the form) or by cheque (made payable to 'Ealing u3a').


  • 1. Once you have joined, for membership renewals we encourage all members to use the online payment facility (via Bank Transfer).
  • 2. Further information on the process will be sent out at the start of the Membership Renewal season in November each year.
  • 3. The Ealing u3a Committee decided that the Membership Fee for 2024 will remain at £20.

Enquiries concerning membership may also be made by emailing Membership.


The annual fee for 2024 is £20 per year and our Membership Year runs from January to December. The Fee for new members joining after July is £10 for the remainder of that year. [However, new members joining in November or December can pay the annual fee for the following year and get these 2 months as a bonus]
Visitors to the Thursday morning talks will pay £3 per session.
Fees can be paid by cash or cheque (made out to 'Ealing u3a') at a Thursday meeting. We are also looking into taking card payments in future.

The annual fee covers weekly meetings for three terms (one term for those joining after July) and most group activities. Many groups meet in members’ homes and £1 is usually paid towards any refreshments provided. If the interest group meets in a public room then a small charge, generally £1 or £2, may be made towards the hire cost, and some visits may incur extra charges.


INFORMATION on the u3a

(*) U3A stands for 'University of the Third Age' but this is generally abbreviated and no qualifications are needed to join. The 'Third Age' is a time to learn for the pure pleasure and joy of learning. We are not guided by traditional universities and 'second agers' but our learning is led by our members themselves, and we learn for the sheer enjoyment of discovery, with others. The u3a is different from most other adult learning organisations - rather than paying people to teach us, we encourage members to share their talents and knowledge with other members.
The motives for joining are a desire to improve and share your knowledge and experience, to keep your mind active, to enjoy leisure pursuits and to socialize with like-minded people. No qualifications are needed and none are given. You share learning and leisure experiences across a wide range of activities through a network of self-managed interest groups.

Ealing u3a Members have access to our talks which are held at Ealing Green Church (W5 5QT - opposite Ealing Film Studios). These talks cover a wide range of topics - see the MEETINGS page for more details.
Our Members can also participate in the various interest groups (see the GROUPS page), in leisure activities such as rambles, gardening, crafts, table tennis and visits to interesting places. Additionally, we run the occasional outings and short courses on topics such as film studies; see the EVENTS page for info.
You can learn about all of these groups and activities by searching the various buttons on the top bar.

For anyone who would like to see it, the Ealing u3a Constitution is available on the INFORMATION page, where you can also access other Ealing U3A Policy documents.

As an Ealing u3a member, you will also become part of the National u3a movement that has about 400,000 members in the UK. The Third Age Trust is the national organisation for the u3a and they also arrange an annual Conference and hold various meetings and study days in London and elsewhere. They also hold National Summer Schools which our members can attend. To see further information on the THIRD AGE TRUST, please click on the link. The Third Age Trust also runs both one-off talks/lectures and longer courses which are open to any u3a member - the Third Age Trust Events page has details of these Events.

When you join Ealing u3a you also become a member of the London Region of u3a's (accessible through this link - LONDON REGION u3a) which organises Shared Learning (Research) Projects at different Institutes, Universities and other establishments, as well as Study Days, special meetings and a non-residential Summer School. The London Region of u3a's also run various Events, usually one-off, which are open to any of our members to take part in - see the LRU3A EVENTS page for more details on their Events.



  • Use the BUTTONS at the top of each page to navigate around the site.
  • Links on the site may be embedded in the text - in which case they are highlighted and underlined when you move your cursor over them - or may appear under 'Links' on any page.
  • A link can take you to another page on this website or to a different website; it may also be a link to a document or to send an email.
  • If a link takes you to a different website, use the back button in your browser to return to the original page on this site.
  • If a link is to a document, the document should usually open in the relevant application (eg. Acrobat Reader)
  • New material is regularly inserted on the site. Always consult the NOTICE BOARD (on this page) to see what's new.

If you have any comments or suggestions for this website please send them to the Webmaster.


[Ealing u3a is a Registered Charity (No. 1027138). We are a voluntary organisation receiving no grants. All officers give their services free. You can view the Constitution by clicking on the appropriate Link on this page.]

You can learn more about the u3a Organisation from the video below (about 23 mins long).

Life in the Third Age