Shape Your World | Minecraft
An image showing people dancing in a circle holding hands in a field. In the background, there are various blocky builds, including a giant chicken, a giant pig, and islands in the sky with castles on them. Throughout the image there are more whimsical elements like giant mushrooms, Minecraft-themed hot air balloons, and a rollercoaster.

Shape Your World

Watch our new trailer!

Minecraft has evolved so much over the past 15 years! We’ve added biomes, blocks, and new ways to enjoy our ever-expanding universe. But a lot has stayed the same. We’re still breaking and placing things, planning epic builds, and discovering our own Minecraft adventures.  

Our community has helped shape Minecraft since the first block was placed. Without your imagination and creativity, we wouldn’t be where we are today.  

Just as you’ve shaped the world of Minecraft, we know that Minecraft also shapes the world around us, so we made a video to celebrate our shared journey. Hope you enjoy it!  

Owen Jones
Owen Jones

Community Creations

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