Michael Steele: Second Debate An "Amazing Crap Show," An Embarrassment For The Republican Party | Video | RealClearPolitics

Michael Steele: Second Debate An "Amazing Crap Show," An Embarrassment For The Republican Party

MSNBC contributor and former RNC chairman Michael Steele reacted to the second 2024 Republican presidential primary debate hosted by FOX Business and called it "the most amazing crap show" he has seen in politics.

"The whole campaign it is setting itself up to be a Donald Trump bloodbath on the constitution, on democracy because he's going to continue to appeal to the lowest common denominator because seemingly no one knows how to counter that narrative," Steele lamented.

MICHAEL STEELE: It was a load of crock. A black man sitting talking about there is no racism, there's no discrimination. So there's no racism? There's no discrimination? This debate was just a farce. I've been sitting here listening to folks, and I have to give you all plaudits for actually trying to do analysis of what was the most amazing crap show we have seen of a debate and I have done a lot of debates in my 45 years of politics.

This thing was an embarrassment. It was a national embarrassment. It was a political embarrassment for the Republican party. Donald Trump didn't have to show up. There is no reason for Donald Trump to even come near these folks because they can't touch him.

He'll be at 60% in two weeks for sure, there is no doubt about. And the reality when you have a candidate who can talk about slavery, when you have two candidates arguing over curtains, when you have another candidate sitting there saying Putin is a bad guy, but I still love him. Where do you go? You are standing in political hallowed ground. At the Reagan library. And this struck me more than anything else. You have these guys standing here in this library, Reagan took Russia to task. Reagan bankrupted Russia. He put it on a sneeze. Broke it. And not one of them could even talk about that. Not one of them could connect that dot to this current moment of what is happening with Ukraine. And that says a lot about this troop of candidates and the state of this party.

And the other takeaway is Democrats -- I don't know why you are tied with these people. How does that happen? What are you doing? Why can't you communicate coherently to the American people you got this, and then you have what we have done over the last two years? I don't get it. So this is the whole campaign it is setting itself up to be a Donald Trump bloodbath on the constitution, on democracy because he's going to continue to appeal to the lowest common denominator because seemingly no one knows how to counter that narrative.
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