Waves 14 Complete Full Active for Windows | NTBlog

Waves 14 Complete Full Active for Windows 100% successful for audiophiles. The plugin works well on any DAW software such as: Cubase, Studio One, Cakewalk…

The Waves 14 Complete plugin set is a collection of the leading audio plugins from Waves Audio. This set of plugins provides users with a wide range of powerful tools to enhance, edit, and create high-quality audio in music and audio production.

Waves 14 Complete Win En

Launched in 2021, Waves 14 Complete is the latest version of the Waves plugin suite and is significantly upgraded from the previous version. This plugin set includes over 200 plugins, including EQ, Compressor, Reverb, Delay, Modulation, Harmonic Enhancement, Restoration and many more. With Waves 14 Complete, users have access to a wide range of powerful tools for creating high-quality sound in music and audio production.

I. Download and install Waves 14 Complete Full Active

1. Download Waves 14 Complete

To download Waves 14 , click the Download button, wait for the time to expire, a high-speed Google Drive download link will appear.

Link download

Backup link (Install if block)

2. Install Waves 14 Complete

After downloading, go to the folder “1 – Installer\Waves” and open Install_Waves_Central.exe to install Waves Central.

Wave 14 Central Install

a. Uninstall the old Waves version before installing

Open Waves Central, to uninstall the previous version, go to the settings, scroll down to find the Uninstall item and select the old version you want to remove, then press the Uninstall button on the right. Press the Cleanup button to let the software clean all old files.

Uninstall Old Version Waves

b. Install Waves 14 Complete

Select the Offline Installer item and click the Browse button, then point to the folder containing the “1 – Installer\Waves“.

Install Offline Waves

A list of more than 200 Wave plugins will appear, you can choose the ones you want or tick them all and press Install.

Install Offline Waves 14 Complete

Waiting for the installation process to complete, run the file Waves Complete 13.0 patch.exe at the folder \2- Patch\1 – VR Patch to activate.

Active Waves 14 Complete

Reboot your computer and enjoy the results.

II. Conclusion

One of the highlights of Waves 14 Complete is the integration with Waves’ Sibilance and Smack Attack technology. Sibilance technology eliminates unwanted “s” and “sibilant” sounds from recordings, while Smack Attack technology provides users with a tool to enhance sound and improve dynamics of the recording.

In addition, Waves 14 Complete also provides users with plugins developed specifically for various audio production needs, including music production, live audio mixing and editing, production movie and television output, and standard audio applications.

To sum up, Waves 14 Complete is a great set of audio plugins and well worth using for those working in the audio production field. With all the tools you need to enhance, edit, and create high-quality audio, Waves 14 Complete is a great choice for anyone looking for a complete and high-quality set of audio plugins. .

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RDS shovon
RDS shovon
19/05/2024 14:47

Please make torrent link or mega link because its large file.
If many people download this file at time, google automatically stoped download for 24H and google also cheak this file at time (google block download link). so please change this link thank you very much. sorry for bad english.

RDS shovon
RDS shovon
19/05/2024 14:16

Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can’t access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.

Bali official Deota
Bali official Deota
06/05/2024 21:02

Installation failed
Please restart or contact support if repeats

how to fix this?

28/04/2024 23:22

is giving an error at the time of installation

28/04/2024 23:22

esta dando erro na hora da instalação

Ratul Bhattacharjee
Ratul Bhattacharjee
23/04/2024 22:02

link not loading… the page disappears

Rahmat Hidayat
Rahmat Hidayat
09/04/2024 08:12

link not working

Rahmat Hidayat
Rahmat Hidayat
Reply to  Rahmat Hidayat
09/04/2024 08:14

always direct to this link https://ntlink.io.vn/download/

Rahmat Hidayat
Rahmat Hidayat
Reply to  Rahmat Hidayat
09/04/2024 08:15

help me

19/02/2024 01:19

no matter how much i try it dont pass o.4

kopen mantup
kopen mantup
10/02/2024 07:09

Link not working

seru serua
seru serua
06/12/2023 14:53

link not working

Sound Rich
Sound Rich
30/11/2023 08:28

need help with install 1-installer folder not showing up in directory

Sound Rich
Sound Rich
30/11/2023 01:59

link not working

Afrojax HD
Afrojax HD
26/08/2023 20:08

i followed the instruction but it failed for me
when i try to install these plugins on 0.4%

Reply to  Afrojax HD
19/02/2024 01:30

same for me

Maykel Sousa
Maykel Sousa
12/07/2023 08:59

link off :/