Caroline Carmichael McIntosh Fillmore

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Caroline Carmichael McIntosh Fillmore

By Patrick Kavanagh
History of Women in Forest Lawn Lawn Cemetery

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Caroline Carmichael McIntosh (1813-1881) was a childless,wealthy widow (age 45) when Fillmore met her through friends in Albany.

The Fillmores' 16 years of marriage was spent in the Niagara Square mansion.

Section F, Plot Lots 55, 56
Date of Death: 8/11/1881

Caroline Carmichael was the daughter of Charles Carmichael and Temperance Blachley Carmichael. She was born in Morristown, New Jersey, 10/21/1813.

Caroline's first husband, Ezekiel C. McIntosh, was a prosperous Troy merchant and President of the Troy Schenectady Railroad. McIntosh's death left Caroline a wealthy widow.

Caroline married Former-President Fillmore on February 10, 1858 in Albany, New York. At the time of their marriage, Caroline required Fillmore to sign a prenuptial agreement.

The Fillmores lived in a big castle-like mansion at 52 Niagara Square and Delaware Avenue (the current site of the Statler Office Building). Millard & Caroline Fillmore were married for 16 years before Fillmore's death and she lived seven years as a widow.

Photos courtesy of the Millard and Abigail Fillmore House, East Aurora

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