Former Dean of Academic Affairs at Columbia University brings interdisciplinary perspective and scholarship focused on literary modernism to NYU

Victoria Rosner
Victoria Rosner

NYU President Andrew Hamilton and Provost Katherine Fleming today announced the appointment of Victoria Rosner as the dean of the NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study.

Rosner—whose scholarship focuses primarily on literary modernism seen from an interdisciplinary perspective, and whose books illuminate the complex ways in which literature shares a conceptual lexicon with architecture, design, science, and technology—will take up her new post on July 15, 2022. She joins NYU from Columbia University’s School of General Studies, where she has been serving as the dean of Academic Affairs.

“Gallatin’s distinctive individualized approach to the liberal arts, its character as a small college with a strong sense of community in a large research university setting, and its commitment to interdisciplinary learning and research as well as the arts, require a very special person as dean. In Victoria Rosner, we have found just such a person,” said President Hamilton. “Her record of collaboration across schools and disciplines, her focus on curricular rigor and student life, her ability to draw together diverse points of view to create a common vision and then maintain focus on achieving the goals of that vision—these are all skills that will serve her well as Gallatin’s dean.”

She joined Columbia’s School of General Studies in 2010 and has served as the dean of Academic Affairs since 2016. She joined the faculty of Texas A&M University as an assistant professor in 1998 and was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2004.  

Rosner is the recipient of numerous awards and honors; her work has been supported by the Graham Foundation, the Modernist Studies Association, and the National Endowment for the Arts. She is the author of Machines for Living: Modernism and Domestic Life (Oxford UP, 2020) and Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life (Columbia UP, 2005), as well as editor of The Cambridge Companion to the Bloomsbury Group (Cambridge UP, 2014) and The Global and the Intimate: Feminist Theory in Our Time (Columbia UP, 2012). Her public-facing scholarship includes the award-winning web archive Pioneering Women of American Architecture as well as the oral history project Frontline Nurses. She is co-editor of Gender and Culture at Columbia University Press, the preeminent book series on gender and the humanities.

She received her BA, MA, and PhD in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University.

President Hamilton added, “We would like to express our gratitude to the members of the Dean’s Search Committee. The Committee, which was so ably chaired by Kimberly DaCosta, did an excellent job in determining what Gallatin needed in a dean, identifying candidates, and reviewing them. Their hard work, which they undertook in addition to their regular duties, ultimately resulted in the happy announcement we are making today. We also want to thank and convey our admiration for Susanne Wofford. For some 14 years, Susanne has been an outstanding dean of Gallatin, fostering a culture that made the school a campus hub of artistic creativity, intellectual vibrancy, and academic rigor.”

Press Contact

John Beckman
John Beckman
(212) 998-6848