Spoiler warning: The following story contains spoilers for the second season of Amazon Prime Video's Homecoming. Read on at your own discretion.

There were a lot of changes from Homecoming's first season to the second, but the thrilling Amazon Prime Video mystery still managed to pull together 7 wildly-addicting half-hour episodes, centered on characters played by Janelle Monáe, Hong Chau, Chris Cooper, and Stephan James. The question now, after the season's ending left things wide open: will there be a season 3?

Plot wise, there's plenty of things a third season could explore. While the first season introduced a massive, Hitchcock-ian conspiracy around returning veterans, drug testing, and personal relationships, the second season spent most of its time filling in gaps from the first season. The main story thread followed a new character played by Monáe through a smaller story in the same world rather than expanding the footprint.

Where the second season ended with Walter Cruz (Stephan James) giving Geist employees a taste of their own memory-erasing medicine (literally), he still hadn't gained back the memories that we saw erased in season one. Which could very easily lead into a new plotline for a third season.

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At the very end of Season 2, Walter is driving off, clearly now knowing that his mind has been messed with. It would seem obvious, then, that a third season would bring back the first season's lead character, Heidi Bergman (Julia Roberts) to continue the story. Not only did she and Walter show tremendous chemistry in the first season, but Heidi is also the only one we've seen so far show any ability to recover from the memory-erasing drug (as she did during the tail end of season 1). Fans of the show would without a doubt love to see the story continue down this metaphorical (and literal) road.

But, still, questions remain.

Will there be a third season of Homecoming?

At this point, there's been no official word on whether or not a third season of Homecoming will be ordered. Back in 2017, Amazon Prime Video ordered the show with a two-season order right off the bat, so at this point a third season is very much up in the air. Creators Eli Horowitz and Micah Bloomberg did recently say to Digital Spy that they have some more tricks up their sleeve should the show continue. "Each season, we're widening out a circle and then there's whole new ways to go," they said. "So yeah, we have plenty of ideas for a third season."

Their plan, like with the change from Season 1 into Season 2, is to tell a complete story, but have one that can continually be added to. "Part of the magic trick for us is to tell what feels like this whole complete story and then when we go into the next part of the story, show you where the trap door was," they said. "There would hopefully be this feeling of satisfaction and that you didn't know everything that first time."

The show is an incredibly entertaining watch, but it's hard to say at this point whether it will be renewed. The second season went to 7 episodes from the first season's 10, and the cast has also changed dramatically from season-to-season. First season stars Roberts and Shea Whigham didn't return at all in the second season, while James appeared in a reduced capacity, and Bobby Cannavale only showed up for a single-episode guest spot. Sam Esmail (Mr. Robot), who directed every episode of the first season, didn't direct any for the second (though he remained on board as a producer). All that change might not necessarily be a bad sign, but it's certainly worth noting.

At the same time, though, the show had no problem wrangling new stars; the multi-talented Monáe was a huge get as lead, and Cooper and Cusack are both tremendously talented character actors who only increase the value of anything they appear in. Not to mention Hong Chau is a star (She's just as good in Homecoming as she was in Watchmen, in two very different roles), and bumping her to the main cast in season 2 was a stroke of genius.

For what it's worth, the star-studded podcast on which the show is based (featuring Oscar Isaac, David Schwimmer, and Catherine Keener) lasted only two seasons, but the Amazon Prime Video series deviated from the podcast's storyline about halfway through season one. So it's not super relevant here.

Who will be in the cast?

Should the season return, the only cast member who it would be fair to expect to 100% return would be Stephan James as Walter Cruz. He's clearly the central figure of the entire series at this point, as both seasons' plots have revolved around him, and his story remains wide open at the end of the season.

As we mentioned above, Homecoming's best future plotline would feature the return of Julia Roberts as Heidi Bergman. That being said, it's also probably not super easy to get an A-list, Acaedmy Award-winning actress to sign on for a TV show. But if the producers behind the show can do it, and feel like they have a good story to write, that's the move.

Other key cast members, like Monáe, Cooper, Cannavale, Chau, and Cusack could absolutely return; it would be interesting to see how many of these characters react to having their memories wiped by the drug at the end of season 2.

When will it be released?

If a third season is ordered, fans probably shouldn't be expecting it to come any earlier than early 2022. The first season came out in fall of 2018, and it took until May 2020 for the second season to drop—and that's without a global pandemic slowing down a production schedule. Be cautious, and any delay can't possibly be a disappointment.

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