Michael Becker | Columbia SIPA
Michael Becker- SIPA

Michael Becker

Associate of International and Public Affairs

Personal Details

Michael Becker is a political and data scientist who studies international relations, political violence, extremism, and war. His research uses computational, statistical, and qualitative methods to elucidate topics such as the connections between communications and behavior by militant groups, the drivers of lopsided international conflicts, target selection by lone violent offenders, and the dynamics of civil wars.

This research has been published in several academic journals, including Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Terrorism and Political Violence, and Defence and Peace Economics, and has been covered in media outlets such as the Huffington Post, Lawfare, and Mother Jones.

Michael received his Ph.D. from the Department of Politics at New York University in 2023.


  • PhD in Politics, New York University

Honors & Awards

  • MacCracken Fellowship, New York University, 2016-23