‎Reviews of Requiem for a Dream • Letterboxd
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  • NegatEv


    Too loud, didn’t have a great time. Who exactly is this movie for?

  • alixluv


    me deprimió y tak vez caiga en las drogas tmb

  • Eric Bruns


    I know this is about addiction. But on a second watch I got the theme of consumption. All of the characters consume. They never contribute anything into the world.

    Darren could see where we were headed, and headed there long before we got here. So many of us consume so much in our daily life and give nothing back. 

    I don’t contribute anything. I work, watch movies, listen to podcasts and music, never giving anything else back.

    What happens where there is so much content that we are all just consuming? Nothing will have any meaning anymore. And we’ll just be pod people from Wall-E.

  • Danny Cruise


    I’m a bit speechless so this’ll be short.

    This is a horror film and I won’t hear otherwise.

    Truly innovative direction from Darren Aronofsky with incredible camera work, shot composition and editing techniques on display that leave every scene brimming with a nightmarish atmosphere of adrenaline, tension and paranoia.

    Superbly acted from the entire cast who each carry the enormous weight of the overall plot and subject matter as well as each of their respective character arcs.

    This film kinda blew me away and I felt profoundly moved by the time the credits finished rolling.

    I don’t ever want to watch it again.

  • angelmflynn

    This shit made me wanna kill my self im so fr gang.  1 star bc it made me wanna throw up

  • Isobel Smith


    this film was so disturbing and perturbing and concerning and distressing and harrowing and unsettling and i definitely shouldn’t have watched it just before going to bed

  • 🗯️


    que triste 😭😭😭. Ahora mismo no estoy soportando lo increíble que es esta película.

  • gerald


    scary fridge

  • Keishi


    My not so serious thoughts while watching:
    - We got a winner, we got a winner
    - My favorite song on the piano!! 
    - this made me hungry too 
    - the sound effects make me feel like I’m high too 
    -  Be excited, be be excited 
    - I’m gonna start a Chrissake counter from now on (2)
    - Chrissake (8)
    - His nose is literally perfect 
    - The fridge is freaking me out 
    - feed me Sara 
    -Mrs. Goldfarb looking…

  • Braden Hazard


    It was kind of strange. I understand it’s about addiction and it greatly reflected that but I guess I just didn’t enjoy it all that much.

  • Sanchony


    je sais pas ce que je viens de regarder, mais je suis bouleversé à vie

  • savageae
