The Meaning Behind The Song: It Is So Nice To Get Stoned by Ted Lucas - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: It Is So Nice To Get Stoned by Ted Lucas


The Meaning Behind The Song: It Is So Nice To Get Stoned by Ted Lucas

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
It Is So Nice To Get Stoned Ted Lucas Ted Lucas Ted Lucas (1975) 1975 Folk N/A

The song “It Is So Nice To Get Stoned” by Ted Lucas is a folk song released in 1975 on his self-titled album. The song reflects on the soothing and euphoric experience of getting stoned, metaphorically capturing the feeling of escaping from the pressures of life. With its serene melody and repetitive lyrics, the song creates a dreamy and relaxed atmosphere, allowing the listener to float away from their worries.

The meaning behind the song can be interpreted both literally and figuratively. On one hand, it talks about the pleasurable sensation of getting stoned. The repetition of the phrase “It is so nice to get stoned” signifies the desire to find comfort and peace through this particular activity. The lyrics highlight the feeling of taking a break from a weary mind and the temporary bliss achieved by indulging in substances.

However, if we dig deeper, the song can also be seen as a reflection on the pursuit of freedom and escapism. The desire to “never ever come down” suggests a longing to transcend reality and explore new heights. The lyrics express an aspiration to be like a bird or a breeze, embracing the freedom and serenity found in nature’s embrace. The act of getting stoned becomes a metaphor for breaking free from the constraints of everyday life and finding solace in an altered state of consciousness.

Personally, this song has always resonated with me on a deep level. Growing up, I often turned to music as a way to navigate through the complexities of life. “It Is So Nice To Get Stoned” became a soothing anthem for me during those uncertain teenage years. The repetitive nature of the song, combined with its gentle melody, provided a sense of comfort and tranquility. It allowed me to escape momentarily from the pressures of school, relationships, and the expectations of society.

Listening to this song, I felt a connection to Ted Lucas’s yearning for freedom and tranquility. The idea of never coming down and perpetually floating in a state of bliss became an enchanting fantasy. In those moments, the song acted as a sanctuary, offering me a brief respite from the turmoil of the world. It allowed me to reflect on what it truly meant to be content and at peace.

Despite its provocative title, “It Is So Nice To Get Stoned” goes beyond a mere celebration of recreational use. It delves into the human desire for release, escape, and connection with the natural world. It explores the moments when we long to disconnect from the chaos and achieve a sense of inner calm.

Ted Lucas’s simple yet profound lyrics, accompanied by his tender vocals and delicate guitar playing, create a timeless piece that continues to resonate with listeners today. The song serves as a reminder that sometimes, in order to find our inner sanctuary, we need to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of life and immerse ourselves in the beauty of the present moment.

In conclusion, “It Is So Nice To Get Stoned” by Ted Lucas is a folk song that captures the longing for peace and tranquility. Its lyrics and melodies provide a soothing escape from the challenges and pressures of life. This song holds a special place in my heart as a personal refuge during challenging times, reminding me of the importance of finding solace in simple pleasures and embracing moments of respite.

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