About |Psychologist| SafeSpace Counselling Hyderabad
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Aaradhana Reddy

Counselling Psychologist


Hi, I am Aaradhana. I am passionate about helping adolescents and adults grow in every area of their lives; social, personal and professional. I believe therapy should be a space where people can be themselves, express themselves and go on a journey of self-awareness, healing, learning and solving concerns.

My Motto: Every person is unique, worthy and must be accepted  and loved unconditionally to grow and flourish in their lives.    



  • 12TH- Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, English Literature- Christ Junior College, Bengaluru

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  • Under Graduation- Triple Major in Psychology, Sociology and English Literature- Christ University, Bengaluru


  • Post Graduation- Masters in Counselling Psychology, Christ University, Bengaluru 


  • 2016- Mentor in Dream A Dream NGO for children with difficult backgrounds, Bengaluru 

  • 2018-2019-

  • School Counsellor- Narayana E-Techno School, Bengaluru. 

  • Counselling Psychologist- Smart Life Counselling Centre, Nellore

  • 2021-

  • Consulting Counselling Psychologist on SafeSpace Counselling

  • 2022- 

  • School Counsellor at Global Edge School, Kokapet, Hyderabad and consulting counselling psychologist at Safespace Counselling. 

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Masters in Counselling Psychology, Christ University, Bengaluru, 2019.

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Certified Cognitive Behavior Therapist, by Nina Josefowitz 2019.


Certificate on the completion of the International Conference on Solution Focused Brief Therapy, 2018. 

About Us

Continued Professional Development

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The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs- The SSLD Approach, 2020 (Coursera)

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Completion Certificate on Positive Psychology, 2016 (Coursera)

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Completion Certificate of Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence, 2020 (FutureLearn)

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Completion Certificate on Digital Well-Being, 2020 (FutureLearn)

Our Values

At Safe Space Counselling we believe that every client deserves an empathetic, accepting and a compassionate counsellor who listens first before anything else. We believe that at the end of the day an individual knows his/her own environment most. So, we take a Collaborative approach where through facilitation the client and the counsellor together decide what is best course to take and do.

Confidentiality- What you tell us will be confidential and will not go beyond you and the therapist.  


You Matter and are worthy!

We believe that every individual is unique, worthy and deserves unconditional love. We hold that unconditional love, acceptance are crucial to self-worth; we aim to provide just that.

Your story and your pain matters and we hold that belittling someone’s pain is wrong. Hence, we believe venting out is important before we go on to think about how to make it better.


We Listen!

We believe listening is one of the most important thing and skill involved in therapy. Listening with the intent to understand helps the individual to express, vent out, trust and understand that their experience is valid. And any therapy does not provide that is unethical. We don’t believe in jumping to conclusions about clients and judging them, so we look at concerns from multiple perspectives and angles.


Access to therapy is a basic human right

Mental health care is a basic human right and we believe that it should be affordable and hence, accessible to each and every person. Its called a helping profession for a reason everybody deserves to ask for help and get it!.


Our Mission

  • Our mission is to provide a safe space for adolescents and adults providing support, acceptance, understanding and empathetic listening. We believe this will help people vent out and express. This helps individuals gain important insights, which can help the individual move towards learning skills, solving their concerns and become more self-confident and reliant.

  • We also believe in building resources to whom the client can go for support in times of need.

  • Our aim of therapy will always be to prepare the individual to handle situations independently by teaching skills that foster self-reliance.

  • We give importance to tailor-making therapies especially for the individual; because one size doesn’t fit all and every person is unique. This ensures that we give the best care possible for every client.

  • We also give importance to growth; which we aim to provide through a positive psychology approach; by tapping into their strengths and using them to grow and flourish.

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