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Chapter 19: Questioning


The Aurors arrive to ask questions. We find out Tom and Harry are fantastic actors.


TW (I think): Mentions of the violence brought onto George from like two or three chapters ago



(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The group might have been internally panicking, just a little. They’d never bothered to get their story straight and it was only thanks to their upbringing that they weren’t shifting nervously or doing something to incriminate themselves. Most of the Slytherins were envying Tom and Harry who seemed to be unphased by the entire ordeal.


“Thank you for coming so quickly,” headmaster Dippett said with that soft smile all headmasters seemed to master before they took over the position. “I know that everything yesterday was hectic and traumatising. Seeing your friend like that-” the man shook his head sadly. “But the Aurors need your statements. So they will be taking you, one by one, over there-” a gesture to a corner where three chairs sat “-with a privacy barrier to question you. Don’t worry, none of you will get in trouble for being there or anything. They just need it for their report.”


One of the Aurors -one that held a familiar resemblance to a certain one eyed, wooden legged man- stepped forward. “We’ll just go in order. Dippett has been kind enough to give us a list of your names. So when we call you, come sit down and tell us everything and then you can leave.”


His partner -one that held a familiar resemblance to a future head of the DMLE- glanced at the paper in his hand and then at the group. “Avery? You’re up first.”

Ealdwin Avery


It was only years of his father “enforcing” proper posture and keeping a stoic expression that kept him from biting at his lip or fidgeting with his fingers or any of the other things that a nervous person did. The boy sat on the edge of the chair he’d been gestured to and watched the two men across from him. The first one was glaring at him, while the second had a kinder look about him as he read over his notes.


“We just need you to tell us your version of the events, alright?”


Ealdwin gave a firm nod and took a deep breath, ready for whatever they were going to ask and mentally thinking that he hoped the others gave something similar to whatever he was about to spout off.


“Can you state your name for the record?”


“Heir Ealdwin Avery.”


And so it began…

Alphard Black


He’d never been one to really follow his family in their views or whatever. So he’d never really taken their teachings to heart, never practised them or anything. And right now he was regretting it because he was sure he was going to do or say something that would give everything away. He could just feel the pain the two would put him in if he did anything to give either of them away. 


It was this thought in mind that he took Ealdwin’s place, watching the other boy high-tail it out of the room, before looking at the Aurors. 


“State your name for the record.”


“Alphard Black.”

Aramina Black


She’d taken her family’s teachings to heart and loved every minute of it. The punishments had been character building. The studies had been eye opening learning experiences. The girl carried the same beliefs as her family, maybe to a higher standard than most of them. It had been such a treat to watch the two boys she’d decided to follow destroy the boy who would do such a thing. Hadrian Peverell -formerly Black- had his goodness taken advantage of by some-some imbecile


It had first shocked her to see such a strong boy -even if he was eleven- have that happen to him. But the magic that had flowed from him and Thomas Gaunt afterwards had tasted delicious. It had also cemented her belief that she should follow them. To her dying day she would be loyal to them.


Standing tall and keeping a mask of indifference on her face she moved to take the vacated seat. She perched on the edge, brushed the wrinkles from her skirt as she did so, and gently folded her hands in her lap.


“State your name for the record.”


“Miss Aramina Black.”

Castor Black


He was a nervous boy. Had been since his birth. Sometimes his mother teased that he had been born a nervous wreck. And nothing his family had tried helped to remove that nervousness. Yesterday had been a horrible thing to witness, and it made it more than clear that Alphard had been right. They would need to start breaking away from this group. If so many of them could condone such a thing. Castor couldn’t even think about being around them for much longer. And it was obvious that neither Tom nor Harry felt any remorse for their actions!


They had permanently butchered a teenager . George was only three years older than them! And he would never be the same. His sight had been taken from him. His…his… manhood had been taken from him. And they didn’t care!


So he made up his mind as he approached to take his cousin’s place. He was going to tell them what actually happened and maybe it would never happen to someone else.


“State your name for the record.”


“Castor Black.”

Cordelia Black


“We all saw the same thing. Why do we all have to be questioned separately? And what if we aren’t comfortable being questioned without a parent or guardian or something present? Can we ask for one? I would like my mother or the head of the Black family here before I’m questioned. It feels like some sort of interrogation.”


If there was one thing Cordelia Black could do it was talk people into doing what she wanted. So after watching her betrothed and cousins being questioned and seeing the looks on their faces, well…she wasn’t going to be going over there alone. Plus, it was improper for a witch to be left with strange men when no one could hear her scream. Or so her mother would say. Whether that was true or not remained to be seen.


“Miss Black, there’s no need for a parent or guardian to be here for this. None of you are in trouble. They simply need statements.”


“Is that why my baby cousin is over there looking on the verge of tears as those men ‘question’ him? That looks like an interrogation. I demand you contact Arcturus Black, my head of family, before you question myself or his heir .”

Arcturus Black


And that is how, only minutes later -after Castor had run out in tears- Arcturus Black was stepping out of the fireplace with the fires of Tartarus flashing in his eyes. “How dare you do anything involving Aurors with my charges without even notifying me that it was going to happen,” the man thundered. “It is very clearly written at the DMLE that any member of the Black family being questioned, interrogated, or otherwise spoken to by a member of law enforcement is to contact me first.” 


He glanced around for a moment and took in the group of underaged students still gathered around. Most of them were first and second years and -as an adult who raised his own children similar to the rest of his family- could easily see how scared and/or worried they were to be facing this situation alone.


“Headmaster, I suggest, if you want to keep your job, that you contact a guardian for the other children here.” Then his gaze softened as he looked over at his fifteen year old cousin -or niece? He decided she was going to be his niece no matter their actual relation- and gestured over to the corner the others had been sent to. “Now, Cordelia, let’s get this over with so you can go back to enjoying the rest of your weekend.”

Cordelia Black


She felt much safer and more secure in having to face the Aurors with her cousin -uncle? She was going to call him uncle- there with her. He gave off an aura of safety or it felt that way. Basing the feeling and calmness now flooding her veins she assumed it had to do with the magical bond the duo shared as relative and head of house. Either way, with much more confidence she took the seat and faced the Aurors with the usual impassive expression.


“State your name for the record.”


“Cordelia Black.”

Orion Black


Orion had expected his father to be annoyed or angry that he hadn’t contacted him about the matter. Perhaps he should have mentioned it in his letter yesterday? But he had been a bit more worried about a missing rare book that could get the owner in serious trouble. To have the man simply glance him over and give a single nod -either as a greeting or at seeing him unharmed was up for debate- eased something in him. It made him glad that his cousin had decided to have him called.


He watched in amusement as Cordelia seemed to nearly float out of the office after her ‘interview’ and took a deep breath before taking her place on the chair.


“State your name for the record.”


Heir Orion Black.”

Antonin & Knox Dolohov


The headmaster had been unable to get in touch with the head of the Dolohov family -unsurprising- and so had called the two boys over together. Antonin would be seventeen in a month and Knox was only eleven and seemed more comfortable having Antonin there for his interview. Granted, the Aurors made Knox wait until Antonin had done his interview before having him sit back next to Arcturus Black -who seemed determined to be here for the rest of them- as Knox gave his own memory of the events.


“State your name for the record.”


“Heir Antonin Dolohov.”


“Knox Dolohov.”

Radwulf Lestrange


Having his father step out of the fireplace after the headmaster contacted him was interesting. Radwulf hadn’t seen the man in nearly five years -he’d been out of the country- but the second the headmaster contacts him he shows up. It wasn’t fair. The man didn’t have anything to do with him for five years and now he just waltzes in here like the second year is supposed to know him?! The boy kept his composure though. It wouldn’t do to be airing their dirty laundry out for all of these peasants.


Instead he gave a stiff nod to his father when it was his turn to be ‘interviewed’ and followed the man over to the corner, where Lord Lestrange quickly fell into quiet conversation with Lord Black. Typical.


“State your name for the record.”


“Heir Radwulf Lestrange.”

Luna Pandora Lovegood


When the memories had hit her -were they memories? They certainly seemed like memories- she had immediately latched onto a familiar face from her past -present? Future?- and stuck to him like glue…well not that close. She didn’t want Tom Riddle -the future Lord Voldemort- to decide she was a danger to his relationship with her friend.


All of this was said to bring to light that nothing that had happened the day before surprised her. She was used to Harry having a strong need for vengeance. The boy had spent a year living out of a tent just to get vengeance on the man that had killed people he had only ever heard stories about. So Luna just stood back and watched on with a look that made her look like she was somewhere in the clouds. It was the perfect way to have people let their guard down around her so that she could listen to everything they had to say.


Her look focused onto the blond man that stepped out of the floo just seconds before it was her turn to speak with the Aurors. “Daddy! You didn’t need to bother yourself with a trip here,” she said softly as the man joined her near the privacy ward. “I’m perfectly capable of answering a few questions alone. But I’m glad to see you anyway.”


Her father gave her a soft smile before ushering her through the privacy ward so that she could give her statement.


“State your name for the record.”


“Heir Luna Pandora Lovegood. Make sure you add the Pandora in there or things will get very confusing in fifty years.”

Abraxas Malfoy


They had just been getting to the reveal of the author of a book even his father wouldn’t touch when Dumbledore arrived. Leave it to that stupid man to ruin such a surprise. He stayed silent as he followed along behind Tom and up to the headmaster’s office. The Malfoy heir was prepared to deal with the Aurors alone -no one had thought to contact parents or guardians- when Cordelia -leave it to a Black to cause a fuss- declared that she wanted a guardian present. And guardian she got. 


Arcturus Black stepping out of the fire was a surprise. But having Lord Malfoy step out just a few minutes later -at the demand from Lord Black to contact guardians- was even more of a surprise. The fact that the man wasn’t glaring at him and making demands to speak later was even more surprising. And it told Abraxas that he would have a lot of explaining and begging to do later.


“Come along,” his father snapped, already stalking off to the privacy ward and causing Abraxas to walk very quickly -purebloods don’t run - to join him.


“State your name for the record.”


“Heir Abraxas Malfoy.”

Cordel Nott


He was lucky that his mother had decided to write a marriage contract that couldn’t be broken with the Black family -Seren Black was two years older than him but who cared- and so Lord Black could be a stand-in for his guardian since Lord Nott would never bother himself with something as stupid as his son needing him.


And it seemed that Arcturus Black knew it too because the man gestured for Cordel to take the seat that so many of his friends -acquaintances- had taken in the span of an hour.


“State your name for the record.”


“Heir Cordel Nott.”

Evan Rosier


Evan was fed up with this whole thing. It was obvious from the get-go that they were going to be questioned about yesterday’s incident, but less in a ‘we need your statement’ way and more in a ‘we have reason to believe one of you actually did it because the Mulciber family would never own such a book because only super rich people would own it’ way. If just the feel of the way they were doing things wasn’t enough, having not contacted any of their parents or guardians about it was another sign.


This was the sort of thing that parents or guardians should know about. He knew that if he had a child that had been around such dark magic he would want his child checked out. And from the actions he was seeing Lord Black doing -that no one else seemed to notice- the man was doing exactly that. Checking them for magical remains.


“This had better be worth my time,” his mother snapped as she smoothly stepped out of the floo and brushed soot from her robes. “I was in the middle of a very important meeting.”


The first year coughed into his hand to keep from snorting at the words. The only important meeting that woman ever went to was at the bottom of a bottle of wine. “Let’s hurry this along then,” she demanded as she grabbed his upper arm and dragged him towards the Aurors who were just finishing up questioning Cordel.


“State your name for the record.”


“Heir Evan Rosier. Now hurry up and ask your questions so I can leave,” his mother snapped, not bothering to let go of his arm.

Margaret Selwyn


She was nearly shaking in fear. They had never gotten their story straight and she’d been watching the others walk away with faces pale or tinted green or -in Castor’s case- sobbing. It terrified her to think of what these Aurors were doing that they couldn’t see to cause such reactions. And to make it worse, neither of her parents were willing to waste their time coming here to be with her. She was going to be in there all alone. The girl bit her lip to keep from crying. She couldn’t even have the head of her house there because he was standing right next to her . Tom had already gone though, so maybe they’d let him step in with her?


As Evan was dragged out of the privacy ward and towards the door by his mother, Margaret gently tugged on Tom’s sleeve, bringing his attention to her. “Could you-would you mind coming with me? I-my mum and dad won’t come and I-you’re Lord Selwyn so-could you?”


Dark eyes were rolled at her and she thought that maybe she should have just sucked it up and not bothered him. Tom glanced over her head at Harry and then gestured in front of himself. “After you.”


Relief flooded her veins as she hurriedly moved towards the privacy spell. Tom would be able to help if they did anything. And Lord Black was still there as well. 


“State your name for the record.”




“Heir Margaret Selwyn,” Tom cut in with a sigh and a glare at her. “ Always use your title when putting something on record.”

Corbin Yaxley


He could have done without Cordelia Black demanding Lord Black’s presence. And he could definitely have done without Lord Black’s demand for the headmaster to contact their guardians. Hadn’t his parents already done enough? They’d set him up to marry one of the crazier Blacks. What more could they possibly do? It wasn’t like they would help put him at ease or whatever it was Lord Black was expecting!


If anything Lord and Lady Yaxley would make things worse for him!


None of this was said or shown on his face as he watched his parents - both of them ?!- step out of the flames and glance each other over. He wondered what they were going to do first. Would they jump right into the lecture? Or maybe the punishment for keeping a situation like this a secret? When his mother reached for him the boy nearly flinched and had to tense his muscles to keep from doing just that.


“My poor baby,” his mother cooed as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “I told your father we should have sent you to Beauxbatons. They’re much more proper for a pureblood wizard. None of this nasty…black magic nonsense.”


Yeah, something was up and it terrified him more than watching Tom and Harry destroy a boy three years their senior. Lady Yaxley never removed her arm from around his shoulders as she led him to the privacy corner.


“State your name for the record.”


“Heir Corbin Yaxley.”



By the time his turn came around things were getting hectic. Cordelia in all of her ‘brilliance’ had decided that Lord Black should be contacted. And Lord Black had decided that everyone’s guardians should be contacted and suddenly the room was flooded with lords and ladies of multiple pure-blood houses. The only bright side to the situation was that they left once their heirs or wards were finished.


He felt a nudge to his arm, barely there and he probably would have ignored it if the room wasn’t so full of people. Dark eyes glanced over and locked with a pair of bright green eyes and they held a conversation without saying a word.


“We didn’t align our stories,” Harry’s eyes screamed.


“I took care of it, you stupid Gryffindor,” Tom’s eyes said exasperatedly. “I figured this might happen.”


“I’m not a Gryffindor! I haven’t been one in…” Harry’s eyes glanced down at his fingers as he seemed to be trying to count it before giving up and glaring. “A long time. I’m a snake now.” The words were accompanied by a cheeky grin that made him want to roll his eyes and slap the look away.


“You were a Gryffindor first and will always be one. Just because you haven’t been sorted there again doesn’t mean anything.”


“You’re an arse.”


“But you love me anyway.”


“Tom, my boy, it’s your turn,” Dumbledore interrupted their conversation with that ‘grandfatherly’ smile and twinkling blue eyes.

“State your name for the record.”


“Lord Thomas Marvolo Calix Gaunt-Peverell-Selwyn-Slytherin.”


Both Aurors stared at him for a moment before sharing a look and glancing at the quill. Sure enough, the entire thing was writing itself out for whoever wanted to read it. Well it was, technically, writing out that he was Lord Thomas Marvolo Gaunt, Lord of the house of Gaunt, House of Peverell, House of Selwyn, and House of Slytherin. But it was easier to just add all the names to his and let the magic do the rest than to actually say all of that.


“Right, er Thomas-”


“Lord Gaunt, or Peverell, or Selwyn, or Slytherin. I’ve not given you leave to use my first name.”


“Right, right. Lord Gaunt then,” the blond Auror said after clearing his throat. “Please state your age and date of birth for the record.”


“I am unclear on how any of this is relevant to the reason I’ve been called here, but ‘for your record’ I am eleven years of age and born on the thirty-first of December in 1926. To answer the other questions I’m sure you’re going to find a way to ask: I’m a Muggle raised half-blood in Slytherin. None of that has anything to do with the fact that you want to ‘take my statement’ about George Mulciber causing himself serious harm because he was playing with magic much too dangerous. But I suppose it is of some sort of importance to how you’ll handle the validity of my words.”


The trio was silent for a moment -the only noise being Lord Black behind him trying (and failing) to hide his laughter at Tom’s straight to the point words. “I…see…” the blond Auror said before glancing at his colleague to take over.


“Tell us what happened yesterday,” he was gruffly ordered. “And don’t leave anything out. We’ll know if you do.”


Tom leaned back in his seat and looked at the two men for a moment as if in deep thought before he sighed and “let his mask drop” to look a bit more like the eleven year old he claimed to be.


“We’d gotten together in the library-”


“Who is we?” the blond asked, and Tom had a feeling he was going to get cut off a lot during this interview.


“Myself and my friends. You’ve already spoken to most of them, do I need to name all of them anyways?”




Tom let out a sigh that could be taken as exhaustion. “Right, let’s see. Heir Abraxas Malfoy, Mr. Knox Dolohov, Heir Evan Rosier, Heir Corbin Yaxley, Heiress Margaret Selwyn, Miss Cordelia Black, Heir Antonin Dolohov, Heir Orion Black, Heiress Luna Pandora Lovegood, Heir Cordel Nott, Heir Radwulf Lestrange, Miss Aramina Black, Heir Ealdwin Avery, Mr. George Mulciber, Mr. Alphard Black, and Mr. Castor Black.”


The quill was quickly writing everything he said down and he watched it with interest before it started writing Harry’s name. “Oh, right, I almost forgot Lord Hadrian James Ignotus Peverell-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Black-Lestrange-Potter.”


That got him a longer stare before the two Aurors turned their attention back to the parchment to see that it did indeed write Harry’s name -followed by “Lord of” or “Heir of” instead of making his houses into parts of his surname. What grabbed his attention was the movement from Arcturus Black behind him, which almost made him glance over his shoulder but he kept himself still. He would speak with Lord Black later.


“Alright, so you and your friends had gotten together in the library…”


And so Tom launched into the cultivated story about how they were all studying and helping each other with homework -there was no mention of the fact that first years were helping fifth years with their homework- or reading -in George’s case.


“He read a lot,” Tom said five minutes later after giving an in-depth explanation of who was helping whom with homework and for what class and the subject of each essay (much to the Aurors annoyance). “George, that is. He always had some sort of book about spells or potions. Mostly he enjoyed reading about charms, so really I don’t think any of us thought much about him sitting at the end of the table with his nose stuck in -what looked to be- the charms book he seemed most amoured with.”


The boy glanced off to the side in anger.


“Honestly, if I’d known I would have done something. Told someone. I would never want my friends to be messing with stuff like that, you know?”


He turned wide, dark eyes on the Aurors.


“Not that it would have done any good, I don’t imagine.” He let out a sigh of exhaustion and slumped from his straight posture. “I was just content to be with all my friends for the first time in weeks and it wasn’t unusual for one of us to get up to summon a book or something. So I didn’t think anything of it when George stood and pulled his wand. I mean, if you can summon the book to you why go searching the shelves for it, you know?”


He glanced off to the side again with a sad look. 


“He…I didn’t understand the spell or the nasty magic starting to taint the air. I mentioned I was Muggle raised, right? I’d never learned about what dark magic felt like or how to deal with it. The others, they-they started freaking out a little. Yelling at him to stop and that it was illegal, but it was like he didn’t hear them.”


Dark eyes closed tightly and he grabbed at his hair, shaking his head.


“George, he-he grabbed the book. Saying something about ‘needing to get it right’ and-and-” Tom trailed off as he let go of his hair and rubbed at his eyes. “I don’t know what happened! I swear! All I know is that at some point during the spell something happened. There was some sort of-of bang or something and some smoke. When it cleared Georgie was-he was-”


Tom’s face took on a green tinge and he lurched forwards looking about ready to vomit. The blond Auror was by his side in seconds, rubbing his back and speaking calming words as he tried to help the boy calm down from ‘the horror’ he’d seen.


“I swear,” he croaked after taking a few deep breaths, “I swear I don’t know what happened or how. I just…there was so much blood and he was screaming so loudly . And-and his-his… it was missing !”


“I think that’s enough,” Arcturus Black said suddenly as he appeared at Tom’s side and gently helped him out of his seat. “You should go join your friends for a bit. They can help you calm down better than any potion.”


“I don’t-I don’t want to leave until I’ve-I’ve answered all of thei-their questions,” he managed to get out, wiping at his tears.


“It’s alright son,” the blond Auror assured as he shot a glare at his fellow Auror. “We’ve got everything we need.”


Nodding slowly, Tom got to his feet with the help of Lord Black and left the privacy ward, expressions falling away as easily as breathing once he was sure they wouldn’t be calling him back.

He watched as Tom left the privacy ward and had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing. Tom had that look in his eye that said he’d gotten what he wanted. And Harry had no doubt that he’d played the Aurors like a well oiled machine. Still, they were under the scrutiny of their headmaster and others and Tom looking so put together after the act they’d just watched -not heard but seen- would give them away. From the mild tear tracks still visible on his face and the green tint to his cheeks, Harry figured it was part of the act. Make it look like you’re trying to keep a brave face even if the evidence said you were obviously not alright.


The younger boy returned the hug Tom gave him as he reached him. It was definitely part of the act because Tom would never do this in normal circumstances. But if he’d been forced to relive ‘bad memories’ of his ‘friend’ getting hurt, it would make sense that he’d look for comfort from the only person he really knew. And it wasn’t like Harry would ever turn away affection of any sort from his soulmate.


“Don’t they want you to leave?” he asked softly, pulling back to look ‘worriedly’ at the other boy. “Keep us from…what did they call it? Plotting our story or something?”


“I-they said that-” Tom cleared his throat and shot a quick glance towards the adults as if embarrassed to be seen talking about what happened. “They said that I could-uh-I could come over here with you- all of you- to help me calm down.”


Dippett gave him a sad smile, apparently understanding what Tom was talking about, while Dumbledore just gave them a narrow eyed look that said he knew something was going on.


“Well then, let’s sit and talk about something less horrible. Did you finish the potions essay?”



Almost everyone had been questioned and sent on their way by the time Harry was called over. Lord Black was still there -which was nice since Harry didn’t have anyone else- and watching Harry closely.


“State your name for the record.”


Even the Aurors sounded bored and done with the whole thing.


“Hadrian Peverell.”


He could have given them the long line that Tom had given them, but Harry was more laid back and less formal than his soulmate. It wouldn’t make sense for him to be giving them all that formal title crap like Tom had given.


“He’s being modest,” Lord Black said, speaking for the first time in hours. “He’s Lord Hadrian Peverell.”


Harry coloured at being ‘corrected’ by the older male and glanced down at his hands. Instead he glanced up at the Aurors who were looking amused at him and the blond rolled his eyes good naturedly. 


“Right, well, lord Pevere-”


“Harry! You can-you can call me Harry.” He cut in, looking a bit shy and embarrassed at how quickly he’d tried to change his name.


The blond smiled again. “Harry then. Please state your age and date of birth.”


“Eleven, July thirty-first 1927.”


“Thank you, and can you please walk us through the events of yesterday?”

Harry bounced excitedly in his chair as he started his story.


“It was the weekend, right? So Tom let me sleep in instead of waking me at the crack of dawn, which is a rare thing. He likes to be up early and be all productive and stuff.” Harry made a face at the idea. “And he’s always making me do the same, but he didn’t yesterday. He even slept in. I mean I’d told him that if he didn’t slow down it was going to come back and bite him in the ar-”




“-utt. It would come back and bite him in the butt. Bottom? Tush? Behind? You get it. Anyway, so it did because he wound up sleeping through his alarm. But we eventually got up and he took forever to get ready just like always. Honestly, you’d think he was a girl with the amount of time he takes getting ready in the mornings.” Harry let out a little chuckle at his words, getting small smiles out of the two Aurors.


“When he was finally ready we headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. We were so late that we almost missed it ! Can you believe that?! We almost missed the most important meal of the day because Tom couldn’t get ready at a decent pace!” The boy shook his head in mock sorrow.


“And after breakfast?”


“We met up with everyone! We hadn’t seen some of them in like a whole week because they’re older than us. But today we managed to meet up in the library. The plan had been to go outside, but it’s ‘cold outside Harry we can’t go out there we’d catch our death ’ as Cordy and Marge whined. Honestly, it wasn’t that cold!”


He rolled his eyes to go with his words. “Girls are so weird. The guys were all for it…well, except for the Cors -Corbin and Cordel- who were with the girls on it being ‘too cold.’ So we settled for the library. We got lucky, I assume, to be able to find enough tables for all of us. And of course I’m friends with a bunch of Ravenclaws in disguise because they all wanted to work on homework .” He shuddered at the mere idea of the stuff.


“And it wasn’t even good homework. It was essays . The bane of my existence! Most of the others seem to love the stupid things though because they were all excited to start on them. Or maybe it was because there were others who could help them. I really don’t know.”


He then launched into a detailed account of who was helping who and who was studying what and the topics for the essays. A bunch of “useless stuff that was boring to read and I only remember because they came up with some of the stupidest stuff.”

His excitement started to dim and his hands started to fidget, pulling at a loose string on his sleeve or biting at his lip in anxiety. He shifted a little and looked off to the side. Obviously unsettled.


“We were having fun, right? But Georgie. He-he was being weird . I mean he’s always weird, but he was being more so, you know?” He turned pleading green eyes to the Aurors. “I don’t…he’s gonna be ok? I mean…I know that he…I remember all the-all the b-b-blood,” he choked out, gripping his hands together tightly.


“Weird how?” was his only answer.


Harry bit his lip and glanced off to the side before glancing back at the Aurors from under his bangs. “I don’t want him to get in trouble,” he whispered as he shifted in his seat. “I-this won’t get him in trouble will it?”


The Aurors shared a look before the blond spoke up, hesitantly, “we can’t promise he wouldn’t get in trouble, but we’ll do what we can, ok? Just…tell us what happened.”


Seeming to be torn for a moment Harry glared at the ground as if debating with himself before giving a firm nod.


“George has been getting distant in the last couple of weeks. Granted, we haven’t really known him all that long. Only about…two months? Maybe? But he was suddenly so distant. Hardly showed up when we had a chance to hang out. And he always had this-this book . It felt weird. Wrong somehow. I can’t-I can’t explain it, but I knew it was bad . I probably should have told someone, but I didn’t know it could hurt people! I-If I had known I would have told someone! I would have!”


He insisted, repeating himself a couple more times before they could calm him enough for him to finish his retelling.


“It wasn’t unusual for him to be reading. I swear he should have been a Ravenclaw!” Harry threw his hands up in exasperation -seemingly forgetting for a moment that his friend had been hurt. “So I mean…I just…I was excited for him to join our study party or whatever you want to call it. I didn’t question the strange book and I really didn’t think anything of it when he stood up and pulled his wand. I mean, who thinks ‘he’s gonna try and cast dangerous spells from a weird book’ when they see their magical friend stand up and pull out their magical wand ?”


He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed at them. He quickly shook his head as if to remove the words or memories.


“He seemed to be…I don’t know…he wasn’t himself . It was like…like he was… I DON’T KNOW !” He let out a sob. “He just-he tried to cast something and when it didn’t work he-he grabbed the book. He kept muttering about needing to get it right or something. I couldn’t- I couldn’t really understand him. He was waving his wand around randomly and shouting words in a language I didn’t understand. And then…and then-” Harry couldn’t get himself to say the words, his voice choked off with a loud sob as he tried to wipe at his tears.


“His eyes were missing! He…he was screaming and clawing at his face and-and his eyes were missing and his-his-his thing was just…laying on the floor and-and there was so much blood! The blood was everywhere and it smelled so bad and the magic was so terrible and-and-”


He began to hyperventilate as the memories overtook him. Something was shoved at his mouth and he took it on autopilot, realising it was a calming draught just from the taste. The calm began to take the edge off of his panic and he was able to look at the Aurors through teary eyes. “I just…I don’t know,” he whispered brokenly.

The Aurors quickly let him go after that and he stuck around long enough for the last of his friends to do their own interviews and the Aurors to let the headmaster and Lord Black know that everything was fine and all the stories matched up…to an extent. It seemed that not all of them agreed that most of their friends were secret Ravenclaws nor that hanging out outside in the cold was a bad idea.


“Alright boys, why don’t you both head back to your common room and get some rest.”


Both of them nodded and left the room slowly. Looking dejected and worried as the door closed behind them.


The looks stayed all the way down to the common room and then up to their dorm where it finally fell away into exhaustion.


“Merlin, I haven’t had to put on an act like that in decades !” Harry declared as he flopped back on their bed. “Though I think yours was the most interesting. Probably scarred everyone with the way you came out of there. Haven’t seen you look like that since that time you were a girl and found out about their-” Harry broke into giggles as Tom dived on him and covered his mouth with his hands.


“We agreed to never speak of that. Ever .”


Anyone else think the acting might not have been expressed well as acting?