The Meaning Behind The Song: Greedy Bastards by Motörhead - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Greedy Bastards by Motörhead


The Meaning Behind The Song: Greedy Bastards by Motörhead


Title Greedy Bastards
Artist Motörhead
Writer/Composer Unknown
Album Bad Magic
Release Date 2023
Genre Rock
Producer Unknown

When it comes to rock music, Motörhead is a name that cannot be ignored. With their raw power and unapologetic attitude, they have created an iconic sound that stands the test of time. One of their notable songs, “Greedy Bastards,” from the album “Bad Magic,” carries a powerful message that resonates with many listeners. Let’s dive into the meaning behind the song and explore the impact it has on both the band and the audience.

From the very first line of the song, it becomes clear that Motörhead does not hold back in their criticism of politicians and those in power. The spoken intro sets the stage, expressing a general distrust and disillusionment with the political system. The lyrics speak to the broken promises, lies, and control that politicians impose on society. The band doesn’t just single out a specific political party, but rather condemns all politicians as “assholes.”

The first verse continues to illustrate the band’s frustration with the world. The lyrics convey a sense of wanting to escape from the chaos and confusion. It’s almost as if the artist is admitting their inability to comprehend the words and actions of the people around them. The line “Don’t ask why I like silence, I’ll shake you to the bone” suggests that the artist prefers to keep their thoughts to themselves and not engage in pointless conversations that lead nowhere.

The chorus of the song takes aim at the way humans treat the world. The lyrics call it “criminal and cruel” and shine a light on the disregard for the environment. Motörhead accuses society of stealing the very air we breathe and criticizes the lack of concern for the future, especially for the younger generation. The line “Greedy bastards, you don’t even care” reflects the band’s anger and disappointment towards those in power who prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the planet.

In the second verse, Motörhead urges listeners to pay attention to what’s happening around them. They suggest that something big is on the horizon, not necessarily the end of the world, but something close to it. The lyrics pose the question of whether the unrest and unease felt by many is merely paranoia or a valid concern. The mention of wearing gas masks in schools paints a grim picture of a future where children suffer due to the actions of the “greedy bastards” in charge.

Throughout the song, Motörhead emphasizes the repetitiveness of the corrupt systems that persist. The final chorus mentions the “old men” sitting in seats of power, making decisions that affect many. The secrets and hidden agendas are criticized, as the band suggests that it’s time for the “greedy bastards” to pay for their actions.

As a longtime fan of Motörhead, “Greedy Bastards” has always held a special place in my heart. The song embodies the spirit of rebellion and calls for justice. The intense guitar solos and powerful vocals create an atmosphere of frustration and anger. Listening to this song, I can’t help but feel a sense of empowerment and a desire for change.

Personally, the lyrics of “Greedy Bastards” have reminded me to be critical of those in power and to question their intentions. It serves as a reminder that the fight against injustice is ongoing and that complacency is not an option. Motörhead’s message resonates with the need for individuals to take responsibility for the world we live in and demand better from our leaders.

In conclusion, “Greedy Bastards” by Motörhead is a hard-hitting song that critiques politicians and those in power. The lyrics express frustration with broken promises, lies, and the neglect of the environment. The song serves as a call to action, urging listeners to be aware of the world around them and to hold those in power accountable. As fans of Motörhead, we can appreciate the band’s powerful message and the impact it has had on shaping our perspectives.

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