Talk from TV and Film Producer Josh Hyams (1997) 'What’s a Producer? & Anatomy of a scene from Page to Screen' - Oxford Talks

Talk from TV and Film Producer Josh Hyams (1997) 'What’s a Producer? & Anatomy of a scene from Page to Screen'

Josh Hyams is a film and TV Producer. He is co-creator of the popular TV series ‘The Trip’ (Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon) and recent works include British docudrama ‘This England‘ (starring Kenneth Branagh) and anthology series ‘I Am Ruth‘ (starring Kate Winslet). He is a long-time collaborator of Michael Winterbottom.

Josh will be talking about what actually is a Producer? He’ll also talk you through how a recent film went from page to screen and from development to production. The talk starts at 6pm in the Magdalen College Auditorium and includes a Q&A. The talk is due to finish at 7pm.

This event is co-organised with the Oxford Filmmaking Society and open to students and Magdalen alumni.