Welcome to Discover three.js! | Discover three.js

Welcome to Discover three.js!

Hello and welcome to Discover three.js!

In this book, we’ll show you how to harness the power of the third dimension to create websites that really stand out from the crowd, using the three.js JavaScript graphics library. Whether you want to create product displays, landing pages, data visualization, music videos, advertising, games, CAD, CAM, or BIM software, or any other kind of application, web pages created using three.js stand head and shoulders above the rest. There is no other JavaScript graphics library that combines the power, breadth of features, active community, performance, and ease of use that three.js does, and it does it all within a tiny 600kb JavaScript package.

With three.js, you no longer need a fancy gaming PC or console to display photorealistic 3D graphics. You don’t even need to download a special application. Now everyone can experience stunning 3D applications in the palm of their hand using nothing more than a smartphone and a web browser, thanks to this amazing library and the vibrant community that surrounds it.

This book is a complete introduction to using the web as a platform for 3D graphics. Over the following chapters, we’ll introduce you to the concepts of three.js, WebGL, and computer graphics, while demonstrating how to put it all together into a professional-quality web application that will run on modern browser. If you’re new to building web applications, head over to the appendices. We’ve got you covered with everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript reference chapters to more advanced chapters on modules and asynchronous coding patterns.

Are you ready? Let’s go!