中英對照讀新聞》French artist in race against time to finish monumental piece法國藝術家為了完成巨幅作品得與時間賽跑 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報

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中英對照讀新聞》French artist in race against time to finish monumental piece法國藝術家為了完成巨幅作品得與時間賽跑



2024/04/28 05:30


A couple of months ago, Baptiste Chebassier quit his consulting job to fully focus on his art project - writing the names of all the 30,249 medallists in modern Olympics’ 128-year history before this year’s Games start in Paris.


Using a marker pen, the 27-year-old writes the names on a rolling piece of paper that should end up being 120 metres long.


Chebassier said he had the idea for the project three years ago and started from the 1896 Athens Olympics, the first modern games. But progress had been slow since he could only write before or after work or on weekends, he told Reuters.


"Then, I quit my job a month and half ago, and with the start of the Olympics in late July, I have to finish it whatever happens. I will finish it before the start of the Olympics, and if I can’t sleep doing so, then I won’t sleep."



monumental:形容詞,巨大的、重要的。例句:Roger Federer’s monumental achievements will be remembered forever in sports history.(羅杰.費德勒的偉大成就將被載入運動史冊永流傳)

progress:名詞,進展、進度。例句:The progress of science extremely blasted in the 20th century.(科學的進展在20世紀突飛猛進)

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