The Rise of Shadow Company in Modern Warfare®

The Rise of Shadow Company in Modern Warfare®

A new warrior group of Tier One Operators emerges in Verdansk following the collapse of the Armistice.

The Rise of Shadow Company in Modern Warfare®

A new warrior group of Tier One Operators emerges in Verdansk following the collapse of the Armistice.

Each Season the narrative of Modern Warfare continues to advance. New enemies, heroes, and those with more clandestine reasons for being within the theater of war have risen to fill the void left by AQ forces, ready to counter the emerging threat posed by Mr.Z. 

As Season Five approaches, events have transpired and led to the formation of a new group aligned in name only with the Allegiance faction – Shadow Company. Read on to shine a light on this mysterious new private military company before taking these Operators into the heat of battle. 

The Collapse of the Armistice

Initially formed to fight back against a new AQ and their benefactor Mr. Z, the Armistice was a temporary alliance that has crumbled. New Operators dropping into Verdansk have joined the fray to protect their own, as the request has been made to only “send Operators one can trust”.  

And for good reason, the distrust has led to infighting, and hostile forces run unchecked in Verdansk. As the rules of the original Armistice agreement have utterly failed, Shadow Company arrives without pretense – they operate on their own terms.

Read the complete story of Modern Warfare including the events of Campaign and the fall of the Armistice up to Season Four here.

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Rise of the Shadow Company

An elite PMC, Shadow Company operates outside the boundaries of the original Armistice. Forged from the fires of in-fighting between the Coalition and the Allegiance, Shadow Company has a framework and agenda all of their own. 

Ostensibly Allegiance Operators who have grown impatient with Coalition progress under the command of Captain Price, Shadow Company is a splinter group formed without compromise, ready to take the war directly to Mr. Z and into Verdansk and deal with terrorist threats directly.

All experts in their field with formal military experience, this trio is prepared to change the current experience of Verdansk. 

Operators of the Shadow Company 

Highly skilled with a diverse range of expertise the Shadow Company consists of Rozlin “Roze” Helms (formerly Jackals), Velikan,  and Marcus “Lerch” Ortega, the Company’s leader. 

Lerch hails from Plano, Texas and is a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps. Known on the battlefield for his enthusiasm and success in regards to eliminating the enemy, it was better to have Lerch with you rather than against you. Following USMC, civilian life didn’t suit Lerch, so he re-entered the fight in the private sector and is considered a one-man force multiplier. When the Shadow Company CEO came across Lerch’s dossier, he was the perfect combination of skill and moral flexibility. There’s no contract Lerch won’t take on nor challenge he won’t face which is how he finds himself in Verdansk leading the other Operators of Shadow Company.

Not much is known about Velikan. Dressed in full body armor for protection in battle and to hide his identity, little is confirmed about this Operator. A shadow of a shadow. Tales of his exploits are written off as fairytales at best and gross exaggerations at worst. Those who know him never speak ill of him. Whether it’s due to fear or respect, no one knows. 

Rozlin “Roze” Helms joined the Shadow Company after migrating from the Allegiance faction Jackals. Previously, Roze cut ties with the Armed Services and returned to support her family and ailing father. Periodically in contact with Mace, now a PMC who left the Army after abandoning his post in protest of combat orders he deemed illegal, Roze gained entry into the Jackals mercenary group. Now Roze is letting her skill prove her worth as she provides support to Shadow Company while remaining on cordial terms with Mace. 

Learn more about the Shadow Company and how they’re disrupting Verdansk when they drop into the next Season of Modern Warfare including Warzone. 

See you online.  


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