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Rob Allum
musician & manager
Joined January 2010

Rob Allum’s Tweets

As #turinbrakes played their part in Band Aid 20, I am hoping that or can please retweet this to their legion of super fans to support unsigned bands doing their thing for charity. Top producing too by my pal
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Produced by my good friend @JoeAdhemar and supported by @robertcarlyle_ this track includes 19 of the best unsigned artists and is released on 8 Dec by @MindAid2021 to raise Mental Health awareness and funds for @tinychanges. Please check it out, retweet and donate if you can 💚…
Legal safeguards are the only way to guarantee our NHS and standards will never be on the table in a trade deal with the US. will you commit to this now?
At Wimbledon watching the 'longest game of tennis ever' Amazing, but someone should put these blokes out of their misery before one dies!
Just had a lovely little rehearsal and cups of tea with Kate Walsh and Jo Whippy for London show on Thursday... I love my job :-)
I'm laying in my bunk now listening to various snorings and just wondering how come it's so ducedly cold in the land of the heavy meat..?
Late night lamb palak and crispy naan.... shoulda done without the snickers and tea just now! I Like Koln. ...And Germany in general.