Homologation of foreign higher education degrees to official Spanish university degrees or Master's degrees that give access to a regulated profession in Spain - Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Secretaría General de Universidades

Homologation of foreign higher education degrees to official Spanish university degrees or Master's degrees that give access to a regulated profession in Spain

Through this procedure you can request the homologation of higher education degrees granted by foreign institutions to official Spanish university degrees or Master's degrees that give access to a regulated profession in Spain

IMPORTANTResolution issuing instructions for the processing of the homologation procedure and declaration of equivalence.

IconoInternet Frequently asked questions about the Resolution issuing instructions for the processing of the approval procedure and the declaration of equivalence


Recognition of foreign qualifications as equivalent to Spanish qualifications providing access to regulated professions will entail the possibility of undertaking the relevant regulated professional activity under the same conditions as holders of enabling Spanish qualifications.

For people affected by the conflict in Ukraine, please see this information.

Applications are processed strictly in order of receipt date and duplicate applications will be rejected.

You can consult the status of your record here: Consult your file

As part of the same procedure, you can pay the fee by bank transfer or credit card, provided that the chargeable person has a Tax ID Number (NIF), National ID document (DNI) or Foreigner ID Number (NIE), and provided that the banking entity in question has acceded to the corresponding agreements with the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT) on payment of fees charged to an account or made by card. It is not necessary to physically complete and attach a 790 model.

If you wish to pay using the 790 model, you can download it from the following link, if you have not already done so, and then upload it under the “Provide Proof” payment option.

(IMPORTANT: The 790 model for paying fee 107 consists of three copies and is unique and identified with a specific number for each payment. Therefore, if you wish to make another payment, you must download it again. Under no circumstances should you photocopy it.)

Click on this link to download the 790-107 model

EXEMPTIONS. If you have an exemption letter issued by the Processing Division, you must upload it under the “Provide Proof” payment optionEXEMPTIONS. If you have an exemption letter issued by the Processing Division, you must upload it under the “Provide Proof” payment option.

Before continuing with the application process, please read the following useful information carefully:

IconoInternet Click here for further information...

IconoInternet User guide for the Homologation process in the Electronic Office


WITHDRAWAL FROM PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS: If you have already submitted an application for this procedure in accordance with the aforementioned legislation (Spanish Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November) and you wish to withdraw it for processing under the current legislation (Spanish Royal Decree 889/2022, of 18 October), you can download and complete the Withdrawal Letter Template, and attach your new application in the relevant section.


- For processing of applications, please click the "Access the Procedure" button: