Full cast of The Seven Dials Mystery (Movie, 1982) - MovieMeter.com
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The full cast of The Seven Dials Mystery

Here you will find an overview of the cast of the movie The Seven Dials Mystery from the year 1982, including all the actors, actresses and the director. When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the movie The Seven Dials Mystery-cast you can watch more movies and/or series by him or her. Click here for more infomation about the movie.

We have made an overview that includes: actors, directors, the production team, the camera team, writers and other crew members.


Tony Wharmby

Tony Wharmby



Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie

Pat Sandys

Pat Sandys


Actors & actresses

Cheryl Campbell

Cheryl Campbell

Lady Eileen 'Bundle' Brent
James Warwick

James Warwick

Jimmy Thesiger
John Gielgud

John Gielgud

Marquis of Caterhan
Rula Lenska

Rula Lenska

Countess Radzsky
Lynne Ross

Lynne Ross

Harry Andrews

Harry Andrews

Superintendent Battle
Joyce Redman

Joyce Redman

Lady Coote
Lucy Gutteridge

Lucy Gutteridge

Lorraine Wade
Terence Alexander

Terence Alexander

George Lomax
Brian Wilde

Brian Wilde

Sarah Crowden

Sarah Crowden

Leslie Sands

Leslie Sands

Sir Oswald Coote
Christopher Scoular

Christopher Scoular

Bill Eversleigh
James Griffiths

James Griffiths

Rupert 'Pongo' Bateman
Hetty Baynes

Hetty Baynes

Robert Longden

Robert Longden

Gerry Wade


Tony Wharmby

Tony Wharmby

Executive Producer
Jack Williams

Jack Williams
