'Brave' teenager helps put man who groomed and raped her behind bars | ITV News Central

'Brave' teenager helps put man who groomed and raped her behind bars

Credit: West Midlands Police

A man has been jailed for raping and abusing a teenage girl from Birmingham.Aaron Harvey, 35, from Rugeley in Staffordshire, groomed the girl over a period of two years.

Harvey appeared at Wolverhampton Crown Court where he was jailed for 18 years, he was also given a sexual harm prevention order and a restraining order.

Police say Harvey’s offending came to light when his victim bravely spoke out, telling officers the abuse first started when she was fourteen.

Harvey was arrested by police on in August 2022 and taken into custody.

DC Kayleigh Driscoll, from the complex child abuse investigation team, said: "Harvey was a predatory individual who groomed his victim, sexually assaulted her on numerous occasions and raped her.

"We are pleased with the sentence which sends out a clear message that people who target vulnerable young people for their own sexual gratification will be taken to court, convicted and will face many years behind bars."

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