The Evening Edit : FBC : July 24, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 24, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: so will we will get an honesting federal prosecutor in delaware? or any place else right now for that matter? i don't know. death in delaware. that's the story, death in delaware. but life with david asman -- [laughter] in more liz macdonald. david: and at least we have miranda devine to show us the truth of all of it.
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i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ ♪ david: we are less than a month away from the first republican primary debate, and voters are beginning to throw support behind individual candidates. former president trump, of course, has that demanding lead among -- commanding lead both in south carolina and iowa. with me now is former chief speech writer to george w. bush and "wall street journal" columnist and a very good friend of mine for too many years -- [laughter] it's really adding up. bill mcgurn, great to see you. >> great to see you with, david can. david: let's talk about one of the people who i assume is going to be at the debate. we still don't know about donald trump, but that's ron desantis. he has been having a lot of trouble finding what i would call his north star, what he stands for. we knew donald trump was the anti-establishment candidate,
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vivek is kind of the young person's entrepreneurial candidate. what does ron desantis represent, and and how can he, can he put that out there so that it's recognized on a bumper sticker? >> i think, i think a lot of people are focusing on his problems, saying he hasn't broken through. in fairness, no one else is moving in the polls either. donald trump has sucked the air out of the whole room. david: he has, yes. >> and it's not going to move. i think sometimes desantis -- and i like desantis -- comes across as, like, trying to appeal to trump voters rather than seeing -- saying what he thinks. it's almost let desantis be desantis. he has a good record, he can explain it well, and i think he should just put that out there. david: extraordinary record. >> and i also think the, you know, it's too early to write anyone off or predict how it would go, and i think we're not going to see a dent in the trump figures until someone goes head
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to head with donald trump in debate or something. you know, trading insults, you know, one guy says one thing in the paperer, the other guy responds here, it's not until they go face to face, and donald trump doesn't want that because he says he has a good lead, why should he blow that. david: well, desan his -- desantis has two things, his record during the pandemic which was extraordinary. a lot of people moved to florida because it was the free state of florida, and he made it that a way. he made it clear -- and he really owns that. the other is the economy. now, donald trump claims that, you know, it's a great economy before he arrived, but the fact is he certainly hasn't done anything to mess it up, because businesses continue to flock there. the income tax rate is still zero last i checked. they have all of these very low regulatory state and businesses are just flocking there from all over the country, all over the world really. >> right. david: you compare that to new york, california, illinois, all
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these democratic states which have these, forgive me, but terrible economic policies that are driving people away. why doesn't he focus on that? >> yeah, i think he should. he has a good story to tell. i just think that in terms of donald trump he has to be confronted head on if anyone's going to make a difference. because right now donald trump has his views, most of the people are saying i agree, right? so why go for them when donald trump -- david: right, right. >> -- is what you want. david: i hear that all the time. >> i think there the has to be a shake-up, and it will come when they face each other. and that's why donald trump may be unfair by not agreeing to the first debate, but, you know, he's not giving them a chance to do that. i i think the danger for these candidates, they snipe at each other or snipe at desantis because he's in the lead, or they just are, look quarrelsome, and donald trump looks like he's
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above it all. david: now, you also have problems, the democrats have their own problems about competition for biden. >> right. david: first of all, the big question, whether biden can can run or should run when it comes down to it. but you have this rfk phenomenon, a lot of people say he's reached a ceiling of about 4, 15%, he can't get beyond that, but there's also the question of exactly how he's now being attacked by democrats and the media in general. he was on with maria bartiromo over the weekend. play tape. >> i don't know whether it's through the podcast or through social media, my unfavorability ratingsings should be off the charts if people -- i mean, listen, if i believed the stuff that's written about me in the papers and reported about me on the mainstream news sites, i would not have -- i would definitely not vote for me, and i would not, you know, i would think i was a very despicable person.
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david: i think he's on to something there because the public don't trust the media anymore because so much of what they said were lies whether it was about donald trump or whether it was about the pandemic or whatever, and they're saying the same things about him. they shouted hum down -- him down, the democrats shouted him down during the hearing on censorship. they were trying to censor him right then and there. i mean, they didn't get it. i think the public does. >> they have a weak case, and they know it. that's why they're afraid of rfk jr. they don't think biden is up to dispatching him on his own. i'll say one thing, you can't blame president biden for the fact that no serious democrat like gavin newsom, gretchen whiter in has -- whitmer has challenged him. it's not his fault that they don't step up to the plate. but i think the fear with jfk, they don't -- they're afraid biden's going to look bad, and he's going to reelect trump. it's as simple as that. and biden, one of the things
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overlooked is less popular in the democratic party than trump is in the republican party. you know, trump is half or nearly half the vote it in the republican polls. you know, two-thirds said they wanted another candidate, i think there was one poll that said only 47% supported biden, want him to be the nominee. but 81%ed said they would vote for him if he were. so i think today know they have a weak candidate, and they can't keep him in the basement the whole campaign this time. david: interesting stuff. i wanted to talk to you about the recent scandals, but we're going to get to that later in the program. >> okay, good to see you. david: thank you for being here, or bill. new fox business polling revealing republican voters are most concerned about the economy with more than half polled in south carolina saying that economic issues will be most important in deciding their vote for the presidential nomination. grady trimble has more on all this from washington. hi, grady. >> reporter: hey, david. as the gop presidential hopefuls
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hit the trail in the early voting states, our new fox business polling shows us voters want to hear their plans on the economy. our polling focused specifically on iowa and south carolina. gop caucus-goers in the hawkeye state say economic issues top their list of important issues, way ahead of immigration, socialish 13450us -- social issues and foreign policy. and in south carolina even more republican primary voters, over half, say the economy is their number one issue. former president trump, as you noted at the top of the show, has a sizable lead in both states according to our poll, but even candidates who are lower in the polls say there is reason to be optimistic. >> i'm consistently polling at third nationally, and that's ahead of even the first debate when many people in this country haven't yet gotten to know who i am. >> the other guys are spending lots of money. we haven't spent any. the accountant in me is saving
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it, that's why you're not seeing is numbers -- the numbers move because people are on vacation, their kids are out of school. labor day is the time to hit it hard. >> reporter: so our polling is focused on republican primary voters and caucus-goers, but president biden cheerily sees the economy as -- clearly sees the economy as a top issue in 20 # 24 for his party as well. he and his economic advisers have been touting bidenomics, but the economy under president biden has largely been characterized by inflation. real wages are down about 3% since the president took office. even as prices fall, david, many americans still feel they are falling behind. david: that's right. overwhelming majority of them. gradying thank you very much. joining me now is americans for tax reform president grover norquist. great to see you, grover. thank you for being here. the bide with mommics tour continues, and it's getting a little help from certain economic analysts who say the economy's actually a lot stronger than the public feels
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it is. do you think voters will buy any of this? >> well, biden promises repeatedly to repeal the republican tax cut. he wants to bring the taxes up higher than in china, the tax on corporate income, business income higher than china so we won't be competitive internationally. he wants to take the capital gains tax more than twice as high as a china so that americans will be hit by capital gains taxes with appreciation. all of these issues that biden's put together -- higher taxes, oh, more taxes on energy, we've already done the crude oil tax -- more taxes on energy, more taxes on businesses, more taxes on jobs, and he's declared war on independent contractors, tens of millions of americans are are independent contractors, gig economy. these are the freelancers, people who work for themselves. biden wants everybody to have a
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boss and pay union dues and higher taxes. not much of a sale es pitch. david: no. although his sales pitch right now is based on these continued untruths that he talks about, about what his administration supposedly created in terms of jobs and everything: jared bernstein, one of his chief economic advisers, was on with us on "fox fox news sunday" over the weekend. roll that tape. >> we have an unemployment rate that's been below 4% for over a year and a half. that that's a 50-year record. over 13 million jobs since this president got here, 800,000 in manufacturing. and inflation now down two two-thirds off of its peak. if you and i were talking a year ago, inflation would have been two-thirds higher than it is today. gas prices down $1.50. david: now, gas prices were $1.50 more than they are now back when joe biden was elected president. ask we know all those jobs, 13
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million jobs weren't created by biden. over 9 million of those came back as a result of coming back after the lockdowns. so, again, these are untruths at best if not flat out lies. do you think the public will buy any of it? >> no, and they're not buying it now, which is why you see the polling for biden both personally and in terms of economics as very, very bad. people do see the difference. low tax statements, low income tax states, states are republican governors are cutting taxes, those states are growing faster than but states with high taxes. there's all the difference in the world between republican states and democratic states in terms of economic growth. and biden taking credit for the fact that he's made the dollars in your pocket worth 15, 16% less and he's slowing the rate of deterioration of your savings. david: right. >> your wages are falling against inflation not as rapidly
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as last year. decline -- [laughter] is a bad thing to run on, even slow decline is a bad thing to run on. david: right, right. if you're coasting, it means you're going downhill. there's no other way to get around that. grover, good to see you. >> hey, good to be with you. david: well, a cnn pan list condemning vp kamala harris for lying about florida's new curriculum policy saying her claim that the course discusses slaves benefiting was misguided at best. plus, "the new york post"'s jon he veep on hunter biden's -- levine on hunter biden's friend and business partner set to testify that hunter called joe at least 24 times during business meetingings when clients wanted to hear from the father of the guy they were dealing with because he was vice president. that's next on "end evening edit." 9. ♪ ♪ >> it's not going away because we have a gop congress that will continue to pursue this and eventually, what can i say, we're going to get the actual
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david: well, president biden is in hot water following reports that his son hunter put him on the phone with business associates at least a dozen times when he was vice president. but if you listen to president
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biden, he's telling a very different story. listen. >> i did not know he was on the board of that company. a i never if discussed my business or their business, my son's or daughter's -- i never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. i've never spoken with my son about his overseas business dealings. david: joining me now is new york post column u.s. jon levine. thank you for being here. even without devon archer's testimony which we know is going to happen in the next few days, he was hunter's business associate that's going to talk more about the discussions that joe biden had with hunter while hunter was with his business associates, don't we know enough to say that president biden's initial claims that we just heard are nonsense? >> there's an old expression in d.c., the cover-up is worse than the crime. i cannot sit here and fell you specifically what joe biden has committed, but we know this, there was a cover up-up when he said that he never had any involvement in his son's
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overseas business dealings. this new revelation from the new york post last night are only the latest in a long list of proofs that we've seen. and there are character issues that are raised here, and he's gown to have to explain to the american people why he was dishonest about this in his re-election campaign. david: and at some point, i think he's going to have to explain some of the comments made in that 1023, the fbi's 1023 report on this confidential human source they had who was telling them everything that was happening with the burisma business and specifically he's got to explain this. the confidential human source, by the way, is what the fbi, end when you hear the chs, it's the confidential human source. he said, concerning the prosecutor that biden later claimed he fired in a press conference, he said don't worry, hunter will take care of all those issues through his dad, presumably talking about that prosecutor. and then a little later on he said about this guy who works as a burisma executive, he has two
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documents that evidence some payments to the bidens were made presumably in exchange for shoken's firing. so that, essentially, is proof if you believe what this guy said that there was bribery. >> right. i mean, victor show ken was the ukrainian prosecutor -- viktor shoken was the ukrainian prosecutor, and joe biden bragged about getting him fired. and here we see soll shelf sky bragging about it. and i think the most damning thing in that file is the recordings that he allegedly has of hunter biden and joe biden which he's keeping these allegedly compromising materials of the president of the united states for a rainy day in case he needs them. what could that be? david: 17 recordings, 2 of which were with joe biden. >> yeah. david: but we don't know where the recordings are, and we don't mow where this burisma executive is. >> no one knows where he is. i've heard many different countries named, but he's a
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mystery guy. no one seems to be able to find him. david: is there the any way any of this could be verified? >> that's really what this is going to turn on because right now we have a lot of allegations flying around, and i think the real task for the house oversight committee is going to be to find the underlying paperwork. sort of where's the beef here. if joe was taking in all this money, where are the bank records, and i think it's incumbent on the oversight committee to put up the receipts if this is going to stick. david: it is so ironic that president trump was accused of bribery with a ukrainian as part of his impeachment. >> we're seeing a mirror reversal. they said pilot putin had the secret, illicit tapes, and now we see much more credible allegation of tapes in this fbi file. it's, you know, incredible. david: i want to switch gears because the irs, remember during the testimony of some of the witnesses on the censorship issue, particularly matt taibbi, during matt taibbi's testimony,
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at the moment he was testifying on censorship and government interference with his work with regard to the bidens, the irs was knocking on his door, a personal knock on his door that he'd never received before. the irs is now saying that it's going to end unannounced visits to people's moments. do you think that that is at least one good thing that came out of this testimony? >> yes. i hadn't even previously been aware that the ir are s would just go to americans' moments for unannounced visits. it strikes me as witness intimidation, especially given how this administration wants to finance a lot of its programs through stepped-up irs enforcement, anytime we can remove the heavy hand of government from people's live is the is a good thing. david: jon with, great to see you. appreciate it. well, first it was gas stoves, clothes washers, refrigerators and and air conditioners, now biden's next target is home water heat educationers -- heaters for more government rules. and parents defending
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education, nicole neily is here on a cnn panelist condemning vp harris for lying about florida's new curriculum policy on black history, saying her claim at the course discussing how slaves benefited was misguided to say the least here on "the evening edit." that's coming next. >> -- the passage of time. by the significance of the passage of time. so when you think of it, there is great significance to the passage of time. ♪ ♪ so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ (i see it, i like it, i want it by shirley ellis plays) ♪ ♪ and i want it ♪ ♪ yes i do ♪ ♪ i need it ♪ ♪ to make me happy ♪
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david: well, vp kamala harris fining what they think is a winning issue, making the charge that florida governor ron desantis is forcing floridian kids to learn that slavery was actually a good thing for black americans. here she is making those is spectacular chargings. listen.
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charges. listen. >> in the state of florida, they decided middle school student ises will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery. they want to replace history with lies. high schoolers may be with taught -- may be taught that victims of violence, of massacres were also perpetrators. they insult us in an attempt to gaslight us. [applause] and we will not have it. [applause] we will not have it. instead they dare to push propaganda to our children. this is the united states of america, we're not supposed to do that. david: now, the problem is, is that it's simply not true, what she's been saying. as charlie cook point out in a national review piece which went through this detail by detail about the florida curriculum on slavery, that curriculum says no such thing. he's presented, charlie cook can has, a very long list of every single reference to slavery in the course about which vp harris
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is complaining so you can actually see for yourself the black americans who created the curriculum that she's so upset about would have never attempted to make the racist claims that she claims they do. for more on all this, let's bring in parents defending education president and found ernie coal neely. founder, nicole neily. nicole, thank you for being here. the only disparaging claims that can be made about our public school system i think that are fair is that we're spending a lot more and getting a hot less out of public -- a lot less out of public education e. but with regard to this specific charge, what do you make of what vp kamala harris is saying? because it's just not true. >> i mean, it's a little bit laughable that she's saying propaganda and gaslighting when that is exactly what she is doing, and she's using her bully pulpit to spread falsehoods. as charles cook has documented, has absolutely not what florida says, but, you know, this white house is obviously not going to let facts get in the way of a
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good narrative. to them, this is sensationalistic, but it is also completely false. it has hundreds of references to slavery in proper context, and this white house is yet again trying to come up with a solution in search of a problem. david: and by the way, i printed it all out, it's 4 pages of specific details -- 14 pages. he went through every reference to slavery and slaves. 4 pages of references, this non, none of which say what she claimed it was, that this was excusing slavery in any way, shape or form. meanwhile, she happens to be one of the biggest supporters of the public school system and the way it's being run of anybody there is in government right now. we are spending a fortune getting an education that is far beyond, behind world towards or at least industrial word standards. so what do we do about it? >> yeah. i mean, you know, even before the pandemic our children were not reading, writing, able to do math at grade level certainly
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because of with school closures led by the cdc and teachers' unions. children's achievement has fallen off a cliff. we are spending far more money, getting far worse outcomes than most other developed nations. china, india, europe, they're laughing at us while our schools are miredded in identity fights and equity battles. that is how we will be working for others in the future. david: and i know it's not just about money, but in new york city it now costs $38,000 per kid to educate a kid in public schools. just to give a counterexample, parochial school in new york city that i sent my daughter to for four years costs $9,000 a year. they get test scores that are far better than public school test scores, close to 100% of the graduates go on to college, and there's no criminal behavior in these schools as there is in a lot of public schools. so you're getting a far better education in a school, a
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parochial school that costs one-fourth what public schools cost. i mean, isn't the answer simply vouchers so people can afford to send their kids to other schools that they think might be better than the public school alternative in. >> well, certainly, i mean, the pandemic has sped up that departure. but since 2019, 14% of students in the new york city public school system have fled because with families are not receiving quality. they are receiving propaganda, their children are getting all these identity politics lessons rather than being taught a basic, core skills that we send them to school to learn, so is it little wonder that families feel betrayeded? and let's remember, schools got billions of dollars dumped into them as a result of covid spending, and we're about to watch all of that money dry up. so schools are about to come to us, you know, hat in hand saying we need more money. it's unacceptable. david: by the way, the other big difference with parochial schools is they're non-union,
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and that's the only reason the public schools are defended so wholeheartedly by people like vice president kamala harris, because they are union organizations, and politicians want to kill school choice precise arely because a lot of these schools that kids would go to would be non-union schools. it's all political, and it's a big mess, and we thank you for doing something about it. we appreciate you being here, nicole. well, bye-bye, birdie. elon musk officially rebranding twitter as x. yeah, just the one letter x, by blasting the new lower go onto the side of the company's san francisco headquarters as he vows to turn the platform into a banking and messaging a app. also energy expert phil flynn is here on another home appliance crackdown. biden is now targeting home water heaters for more government rules. that's next on "the evening edit." ♪ >> this is just more of the federal government continuing to overreach into american lives.
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david: oil is way upped today on tight supply, now the oil and gas industry is firing back at the biden administration for rolling out new regulations that are hindering energycompanies as it looks to go green. edward: ward lawrence is live at the white house with the very latest on this. >> reporter: regulations and fees have cut the number of oil leases on federal lands by 87% according to the american petroleum institute. now, this new regulation which has not been with enacted yet with, it's just a formal rule at the moment that's in the process, announced by the department of interior would increase the amount of a statewide minimum bond needed for a lease to buy 4,900% from $10,000 to $500,000. it steers drilling away there from open land ask and tries to consolidate it near highways or railways. the rule increases rental rates by 67% of after two years and
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from that date it increases the rate after six more years by 2000%. it also -- 200%. it also makes current maximum fees for royalty rates and rental rates actually the minimums after 10 is years. again, the rule's not finalized. >> and the question the policymakers have to ask is when they want that production to be coming from the united states or whether they want that production coming from regimes that are hostile to american interests. and i think right now what the administration is doing is they are empowering those regimes that are hostile to america. we need to be producing more here in the united states, and the way you do it is you put a regulatory regime in place that actually advances american application, not undermines it. >> reporter: and democrats avoid talking about the regulations, instead talking about what could be eventually. >> and again, if you want to be an economic leader, follow washington state. what we're doing, we're
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building, you know, the largest fuel cell in the world, powering the largest truck in the world, new kinds of batteries we've invented here. >> reporter: and it's all in the name of that great transition that president biden wants to force this economy into. back to you, david. david: ah, the great transition. joining us now, price futures group senior analyst phil flynn. if you will, good to see you. >> hey, dave. david: i don't often quote somebody to the person that i'm talking -- but i'm going to quote something that you wrote today, because it was so good. you call it energy poverty, and you say in our quest to save the globe from what the biden administration says is an existential threat, we are seeing the drive against fossil fuels drive more people around the globe into poverty. the rising cost of energy has added to inflation and has made food scarcer and more expensive as many must choose between food or i fuel. i just have to ask you flat out, what do you think is a bigger threat to humanity, climate
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change or energy poverty, as you just described it? >> obviously, energy poverty, right? and that's happening now. i mean, people are choosing now end between food and fuel, and it's going to get or worse. you know, here we have aned administration that's talking about your water heater and talking about your air conditioner, but we -- forgetting the fact if you look around the globe, we're facing a looming supply shortage that is going to drive many people to hunger it's getting serious, dave. you know, over the last couple years we've been skating by, but when i look at oil inventories, for example, around the globe, they're below average ever where you look, and even opec is warning that if we don't do something about this, we're going to see one of the biggest supply shortages in the history of the world. so we're nation a major crisis -- facing a major crisis. the biden administration has taken their eye off the ball in
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their green energy agenda dreams and really ignoring the bigger problem that's going to impact a lot more people and a lot more quickly. david: now, we're in the middle of a huge heat wave which is why the administration claims that we need to cut back on global warming and and we have to cut back on use of fossil fuels, but we need those fossil fuels to keep people from dying from the heat. i mean, it's an ironic situation. so far the power grid has withstood the heat. how much longer can it react with shortage of fuel and the increasing prices of fuel? >> well, i was watching the fox weather with channel the other day and this week, and the forecast looks like we're going to see one of the biggest challenges to the grid ahead of us, it's not behind us. you know, i've talked to people in the energy industry how they're keeping the lights on, how the mix between wind if solar is holding up, and so far it's been okay. one of the lucky things that we've had is that, you know,
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during these hot temperatures, in the evening sometimes the wind is blowing, and that takes a little bit off the grid. listen, i'm for everything and above when it comes to energy, but i don't like when the government is trying to force feed us stuff that isn't based in science, but based on a political agenda. david: phil flynn, good to see you. thank you very much, phil. appreciate you coming in. >> thank you, david. david: great piece. coming up, customs and border officers finding nearly 18 is pounds of cocaine hid hidden inside large wheels of cheese at the texas-mexico border. we're going to be talking about that. also jake denton on elon musk officially rebranding twitter as x by blasting the new lower go orphan to the side of the company's -- logo onto the side of the san francisco headquarters as he vows to turn the platform into a banking and messaging app. but first, let's check in with dagen to see what they have coming up next on "the bottom line." hi, dagen. dagen: hey there, david. we have mike huckabee with. did you to know that the irs is
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david: bye-bye, birdie. ceo elon musk making one of the most visible changes to twitter since his takeover with the new x logo. kelly o'grady is live in l.a. with the latest on this. >> reporter: hi, david. musk has been telegraphing that he wants to create this x everything app for a while now, so it's not completely surprising. twitter need help, their ad revenue is down 50% since he took over, so maybe this rebrand could kind of push things along more. yesterday he said this during a discussion on the platform -- >> it should have been done a long time ago. yeah, sor ily it took so long. we're cutting the twitter logo. >> reporter: so this is the new logo here that you see on screen, and if you go to, it actually already redirects to
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the twitter site. remember, the letter x has been on just about everything musk has touched for the last couple of decades. was the original name for paypal if you go back to 1999, his new a.i. venture is called, he's got spacex, so what can we expect from this iteration? linda can yaccarino i says, quote, it's an exceptionally rare thing in life or business that you get a second chance to make another big impression. twitter changed the way we communicate, now x will go further, transforming the global town square. she also highlighted that x will center on audio, video messaging as well as payments and banking to create an a.i.-powered marketplace. so if you zoom out, it kind of sounds like this is musk's attempt at not just saving the digital town square, but kind of making something like the chinese app wechat. when you try to be everything, it does open up a lot of revenue streams, but if you try to be
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everything at once, musk could risk confusing the consumer, the advertiser, so we'll see how this evolves. david: thank you very much, kelly kelly o'grady. for more, let's welcome heritage foundation tech policy research associate jake denton. a lot of money went into that particular brand, the tweet brand. it can be argued whether it was as successful as it should have been, that's why musk bought it. he thought he could make it even more successful. what do you think of the new branding? >> well, musk comes in, buy withs the app and wants to push it in a completely new direction, and so this kind of signifies the beginning of that. but you with also have to think back to right around when he purchased this and released the twitter files, you know, twitter's brand is tainted at this point. it has a ton of bag a act associated with it, and it does not represent the vision musk has for the company. so x signifies the dawn of a new era, something that, you know, can turn into that digital town square or, you know, it also can
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revolutionize the financial services sector, so it's exciting. david: on the other hand, it is a gamble. and he's now got this big competition from threads which is part of the facebook empire, megas, it's called now. that threads particular app is down 70% over the past three weeks. so it appears like what musk is doing is hitting them when they're down, and that's his strategy. he never coasts, he's always got his foot, the pedal to the metal. and it looks like that's part of it now. he's not going to let up. >> yeah, that's right. and, honestly, you know, threads probably was never really a challenger to what twitter has become. you know, twitter has a very loyal fan base, and the user base of instagram just never was going to translate to a microblogging formatte the way twitter has really flourish ed at. and on top of that, tiktok just announced today that they were going to be rolling out text-only posts as well. and so this kind of
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microblogging space has seen a lot of new entrants, and it's requiring twitter to think on its feet and evolve, and that's very encouraging. it's exciting to see evolution and position in the tech space. david: now, on the other hand, there's an attorney general from missouri named bailey, he wants to put pressure -- he's a friend of musk and what he's doing with twitter, now x, but he wants to go after facebook. let me just roll a sound bite. he was on our station earlier. roll tape. >> elon musk has opened up twitter and exposed system of the problems between the federal government and its censorship, coercion and collusion with big tech, social media. zuckerberg's been more than willing to succumb, and we're going to keep fighting to build a wall of separation between: them. david: very quickly, jake, i think elon can take care of himself without any help from washington, don't you? >> absolutely. musk represents everything we want in tech ceos, so it's
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exciting to see him take on a new venture like this. david: yeah. and you don't need the politicians decide who the winners and losers are. jake, great to see you. customs and aborted orer officers finding nearly 18 pounds of cocaine hidden inside large wheels of cheese at the texas-mexico border, just the very latest in the ongoing struggle with an open border. that's next on "evening edit."et ♪ and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. the high interest... i felt trapped. debt! debt! debt! debt! so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with low fixed rates and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate. sofi get your money right.
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>> it is absolutely unbelievable what is taking place at our southern border is a got here just a few minutes ago, this morning we were watching people come across the river, and come. in the fact the biden administration has failed so miserably a protecting our border, frankly shocking is the reason that you see republican governor step up around the country to start helping assist the texas department of safety in texas national guard because the federal government is feeling. >> biden administration is facing increasing backlash of the handling of the border with drugs, unaccompanied children, and migrants pouring into the u.s. and alarming levels, over the last few years, 85000 unaccompanied migrant children have just been lost and they cannot keep track of them governor greg abbott tweeted yesterday the texas these now with a 41,202,000,000 lethal doses the fentanyl this 2021,
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going out to discuss i, the border crisis home and secure determine mark rain and it really is something congressman, when you ever i cannot get out of my head as 85000, unaccompanied children who just disappeared maybe i just saw sound of freedom, the movie about, the kid is been trafficking from around the world, particular across our border braided i was wondering how many of the city 5000 gets have ended up there. >> one can only imagine, that we know new york times article that reported that number, they are not known to be a very conservative organization and they were willing to sign the light on it and show that 85000 you cannot contact them or find them, and they did find one family worry sponsor had like, 20 of these children and one home and they were basically using, for hard labor. and you can imagine what other people are doing penance all of america's is all, the remote
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removed by checks for the sponsors from a decision to secretary alejandro, remember the background checks come up for the sponsor for unaccompanied children it is unbelievable what could be happening what is probably happening, all on their hands. >> that means growing network of human traffickers in the united states and not just in the southern border bringing them across, but while they are here and try thinking and god knows what. >> absolutely, any of the secretary what we have challenge him on this multiple times and he just smiles and he looks out as. >> will i want to turn to texas itself you know, they been trying to do with the federal government should be doing that is taking care of the border and the feds have not been doing is texas is being with her money and trying to stop the flow of migrants and other being sued the biden administration said. >> well there's a lawsuit filed by the governor abbott is like
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bring it because the constitution is pretty clear the states can take charge being overrun. that is what the constitution says clearly, the state of texas is being overrun and you know we get complaints new york and chicago migrants being shipped to them. you know, in the case of new york city coming it is about 190 a day in the city of 11 million el paso texas is like a thousand a day other city 195,000 and they distancing what is happening in texas. >> and it is some evidence what is happening over the country company pushing back against the administration nor knows whether it will change of the commerce marine, thank you for the work that you do and thank you for coming here appreciate it and thank you all for watching out - fox .com, we love reading and i'm david, is time for for the bottom line with dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. >> thank


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