New publication | Arnold Schönberg’s Gurre-Lieder with Christian Thielemann and Staatskapelle Dresden

On March 10, 2020 Christian Thielemann conducted Arnold Schönberg's late romantic oratorio at Semperoper Dresden. The Staatskapelle's last concert before the lockdown in Germany has now been released on CD.

Arnold Schönberg understood “Songs of Gurre” as “the key to my entire development.” For songs and choirs, he drew on Jens Peter Jacobsen's adaption of a Danish saga and formed it into a monumental work. Immediately after the concert in Dresden – a total of 305 participants, including 6 soloists, 150 singers from the MDR Rundfunkchor and the Saxon State Opera Choir as well as 148 orchestral musicians – cultural life in large parts of Europe came to a standstill. At the request of the musicians, the “Gurre-Lieder” were initially recorded for documentary purposes – a stroke of luck that made this new release possible at all. The CD edition comprises two discs as well as two elaborately designed booklets – an introduction and the complete libretto.

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Gurre-Lieder with Christian Thielemann and Staatskapelle Dresden