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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

abandon transitive verb

volume_up US /əˈbændən/volume_up UK /əˈband(ə)n/
1. (leave behind, evacuate) [city/home/equipment] abandonar, dejar2. (desert) [family/friend] abandonarthe baby was found abandoned encontraron al bébé abandonadothey abandoned him to his fate lo abandonaron a su suerte3. (give up) [project/idea] renunciar ato abandon hope perder or abandonar las esperanzasthe search/game had to be abandoned se tuvo que suspender la búsqueda/el partidoshe had to abandon her extravagant tastes tuvo que renunciar a sus gustos caros


to abandon ship

abandon reflexive verb

volume_up US /əˈbændən/volume_up UK /əˈband(ə)n/
to abandon oneself (literary) to abandon oneself to something abandonarse a algoshe abandoned herself to despair se dejó llevar por la desesperaciónhe abandoned himself to drink se entregó a la bebidaMonolingual examplesWhen you abandon yourself to pleasure and desire keep an eye on inner and outer balance, as you tend to overindulge.IndianEvery year the city abandons itself to the heady allure of the world's largest arts festival.British

abandon noun

volume_up US /əˈbændən/volume_up UK /əˈband(ə)n/
(uncountable) they were dancing with wild abandon bailaban desenfrenadamenteshe spends money with gay abandon (dated) gasta dinero como si fuera aguaMonolingual examplesI drove recklessly and with total abandon as I sped as fast as I could through the suburban streets of Redmond.North AmericanLater, he looked up into her eyes, and saw an odd concentration there, a lack of abandon.BritishThe results could be quite elegant, but sometimes lacked the feeling of abandon and adventure present in the music's greatest improvised solos.BritishFrance were much quicker in setting up scoring chances but they squandered them with the reckless abandon of a gambler, certain the luck would hold all night.British

abandono {masculino}

A mi modo de ver, la renacionalización supondría el abandono de la Política Agrícola Común.
As I see it, renationalisation would mean our abandoning the common agricultural policy.
Escuchamos las denuncias de quienes acusan a las administraciones competentes del abandono de los bosques.
We heard complaints from people accusing the competent administrations of abandoning the forests.
Mandato 48, sobre las causas de los abandonos.
Mandate 48, on the causes of abandoning the Order.
abandonment {sustantivo} [form.]
De lo contrario, correríamos el riesgo del abandono y la desertización.
Otherwise we should be running the risk of abandonment and desertification.
El abandono de la regla de unanimidad está lejos de realizarse.
The abandonment of the unanimity rule is far from becoming a reality.
Primas por abandono definitivo de superficies vitícolas
Permanent abandonment premium for winegrowers
dereliction {sustantivo} (of property, area)
desertion {sustantivo} (of family, place)
Sin embargo, el hecho es que el medio rural europeo, que ocupa el 90 % del territorio, sufre abandono y estancamiento económico.
Nonetheless, it is a fact that the European countryside, which accounts for 90% of European territory, is being damaged by desertion and economic stagnation.
Sin embargo, el hecho es que el medio rural europeo, que ocupa el 90  % del territorio, sufre abandono y estancamiento económico.
Nonetheless, it is a fact that the European countryside, which accounts for 90 % of European territory, is being damaged by desertion and economic stagnation.
La propuesta de la Comisión sobre la transferencia de cuotas tendrá como resultado el hundimiento económico de grandes zonas, el aumento del paro y el abandono del campo.
The Commission's proposal to buy up the quotas will result in economic hardship for large regions, increased unemployment and desertion of rural areas.
neglect {sustantivo} (lack of care)
En las ciudades, las fachadas monumentales esconden decadencia, abandono y pobreza.
In the cities, the monumental facades hide decay, neglect and poverty.
No hemos tenido tiempo ni dinero para compensar años de abandono.
We have not had the time or the money to make up for years of neglect.
Se calcula que el alcohol es la causa del 16 % de los casos de abandono y abuso infantil.
Alcohol is estimated to be the causal factor in 16% of cases of child abuse and neglect.
retirement {sustantivo} (from race, match)
el abandono de Garrido se produjo en la quinta vuelta
Garrido's retirement came on the fifth lap
scruffiness {sustantivo} [coloq.] (of building, place)
abandono (también: dejadez, negligencia)
slackness {sustantivo} (laxness)
withdrawal {sustantivo} (from drugs)
Sin embargo, estoy muy a favor de alentar un abandono voluntario de la producción.
I am very much in favour of encouraging voluntary withdrawal from production, however.
La causa inmediata ha sido el abandono unilateral del Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear por parte de Pyongyang.
The immediate cause of this was Pyongyang's recent unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
La toxicidad se evaluó como de conjunto para los abandonos y para las reacciones adversas.
Toxicity was evaluated with pooled odds ratios for withdrawals and for adverse reactions.

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "abandon" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

I cannot believe that Europe would be prepared to abandon them in their plight.
No quiero pensar que la Unión se dispusiera a abandonarlos a su triste suerte.
I am not arguing that we should abandon the demand for budgetary restrictions.
No sostengo que deberíamos abandonar la exigencia de restricciones presupuestarias.
I was a little concerned that the Presidency was going to abandon its priorities.
Me preocupaba un poco que la Presidencia fuera a abandonar sus prioridades.
I sincerely hope that the Commission will abandon that path once and for all.
Espero sinceramente que la Comisión abandone ese camino de una vez por todas.
I would urge it to abandon that measure: it has no place in the European Union.
Le pido que abandone esa medida, porque en la Unión Europea no hay espacio para ella.
In English 'moving away' does not mean 'abandon' but a gradual approach.
En inglés, "moving away" no significa "abandonar", sino un acercamiento gradual.
You abandon your existing e-mail system and start fresh with Exchange Online.
Se abandona el sistema existente y se empieza de cero con Exchange Online.
But even if we abandon nuclear energy, that does not eliminate the existing plutonium.
Pero con el abandono de esta energía, no se elimina el plutonio ya existente.
It is good news that Finland, Spain and Portugal plan to abandon the transition period.
Austria y Alemania iniciaron la introducción de dichos periodos transitorios.
Instead, we want to abandon this system and start the search for an alternative.
En lugar de eso, queremos abandonar este sistema e iniciar la búsqueda de una alternativa.
It would also be undesirable to abandon the principle of ‘one country, one Commissioner’.
Sería igualmente indeseable arrinconar el principio de «un país, un Comisario».
All the political forces in Cambodia should abandon this sort of behaviour.
Todas la fuerzas políticas de Camboya deberían abandonar esta clase de comportamiento.
This is a system we wish to abandon and replace with objective criteria.
Ese es el sistema que deseamos abandonar y remplazar con criterios objetivos.
We must not abandon this country, which has so many friends in Europe.
No debemos permitir que ese país que tantos amigos tiene en Europa se quede solo.
He must firstly abandon his projects to develop chemical and biological weapons.
En primer lugar, debe renunciar a sus proyectos de desarrollar armas químicas y biológicas.
This resolution therefore urges the European Commission to abandon this approach.
Esta resolución insta a la Comisión Europea a abandonar este enfoque.
It does not mean that we abandon or surrender our principles or our values.
No significa que abandonemos o renunciemos a nuestros principios ni a nuestros valores.
despairing of being able to find it, I wanted to abandon the search for
hasta que, al final, desconfiando de poderlo encontrar, quise dejar de buscar
We must not abandon hope; on the contrary, we must look to the future.
No debemos perder la esperanza; por el contrario, tenemos que mirar al futuro.
Nor do I believe that we should abandon the idea of standards before status.
Ni creo que debamos abandonar la idea de «normas antes que el estatuto».
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English Cómo usar "abandon" en una frase

After 1840 it abandoned mercantilism and practised free trade, with no tariffs or quotas or restrictions.
The experiment was abandoned with the 1908 issue.
The ship was abandoned with no loss of life.
At 23:45 the order to abandon ship was given and the 36 officers, men, and gunners took to the lifeboats.
Lack of financial support for the museum let the supporters abandon the plans.

English Cómo usar "abandoning" en una frase

Whatever plans the government may have, weavers are migrating to cities in search of work, often abandoning their traditional skills for good.
Some finally gave up, abandoning their vehicles and walking.
The notice did not say why the government was abandoning the case.
They have been spotted putting on their hazard lights, abandoning their cars and running into shops for short periods.
But abandoning the cause no longer feels like an option.

English Cómo usar "abandoned" en una frase

However, that evening three soldiers were sent to see if the fort had been abandoned.
The entire branch is now abandoned and out of service.
By the 1770s, the settlement had been abandoned.
He is from a deprived family, wears ragged, dirty clothing and is known to live with his grandmother after his parents abandoned him.
Match abandoned after 81 minutes due to crowd trouble.

English Cómo usar "desasistir" en una frase

La respuesta social frente a la incongruencia de recapitalizar bancos desasistiendo los más elementales servicios asistenciales es del todo imposible.
Si bien en la actualidad las leyes desasisten al niño /a cuando tiene dos madres, esta situación en un futuro va a cambiar.
La plata absorbe negatividad pero no la transforma aunque tampoco la expande, sino que se queda en ella, pero no por eso se debe desasistir su limpieza y mantenimiento.
Todos viajamos por las mismas carreteras, todos queremos una sanidad y una enseñanza públicas gratuitas y a todos nos parecería una villanía desasistir a las personas dependientes.
Para desasistir a los más desfavorecidos si hace falta gobierno.

"abandon a baby" en español

abandon a baby
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

"abandon a cart" en español

abandon a cart
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"abandon a plan" en español

abandon a plan
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "abandon":


Sinónimos (español) para "abandono":
