IB World School | Louisenlund - Lernen Leisten Leben
Louisenlund - Lernen, Leisten, Leben

The IB Diploma Programme - high academic standards and courses taught in English

Stiftung Louisenlund is the only IB World School in Schleswig-Holstein. In addition to the Abitur, Louisenlund also offers the IB Diploma, a globally recognized, secondary school qualification. It was developed to free international students from the burden of various national curricula and examinations. IB students, whose parents move from Tokyo to Lagos to Munich, have the option of continuing in the same school system.

An internationally recognized school qualification is also increasingly of interest for German students. This is especially true for students who plan to study abroad.

An IB education is a continuum generally consisting of three phases. There is the Primary Years Programme (grades 1-5), the Middle Years Programme (grades 6-10) and the Diploma Programme (grades 11 and 12). In Louisenlund we currently offer the Diploma Programme as well as our own Pre-IB (Pre-Diploma) Programme in grade 10. The latter aims to prepare students specifically for the IB Diploma Programme, while keeping the alternative open for students to pursue the Abitur in grades 11 and 12. At the end of the first semester, Pre-IB students make a preliminary decision either for the IB Diploma Programme or the German secondary system for 11th grade. 

Rigorous standards guarantee a high-quality education at 4,775 accredited IB World Schools across the globe. From Hong Kong to Dar-es-Salaam to Vienna and San Francisco, assessment expectations and examinations in the IB Diploma Programme are identical. These standards are the basis of the IB Diploma’s worldwide recognition.

The IB Diploma places an enormous value on differentiating between good students and excellent students. It’s no surprise that the best universities in the world prefer accepting IB graduates.
Christine Brinck, DIE ZEIT

Subject combinations

Subject Choices in the IB Diploma Programme

Students in the IB Diploma Programme choose six subjects from at least five subject groups: Studies in language and literature, Language acquisition, Individuals and societies, Sciences, and Mathematics. The sixth subject is an elective and may be chosen from the Arts or one of the other subject groups. Candidates can choose from diverse subject combinations according to their personal interests. Subject availability will depend upon the course selection of admitted/enrolled students:

Group 1 – Studies in Language and Literature

  • English A: Language & Literature (HL/SL) 
  • German A: Language & Literature (HL/SL) 
  • German A: Literature (HL/SL)
  • Chinese A self taught: Literature (SL)

Group 2 – Language Acquisition

  • English B (HL/SL)
  • German B (HL/SL)

Group 3 – Individuals and Societies

  • Economics (HL/SL)
  • Global Politics (HL/SL)
  • History (HL/SL)
  • Business Management (HL/SL)

Group 4 – Sciences

  • Biology (HL/SL)
  • Chemistry (HL/SL)
  • Physics (HL/SL)

Group 5 – Mathematics

  • Analysis and Approaches (HL/SL)
  • Applications and Interpretations (SL)

Group 6 – The Arts

  • Visual Arts (HL/SL)

Final Exams in the Diploma Programme - on the same day worldwide

Unlike for the German “Abitur“, the results of each subject in the Diploma Programme count equally. Students can achieve a maximum of 45 points. 24 is the minimum number of points needed to pass. 

IB Diploma Programme examinations are issued centrally by the IB Organisation and are taken by students on the same day across the globe. These examinations are then marked by certified IB examiners from all over the world. Results are published approximately six weeks after the completion of the exams.

The IB Diploma is the ideal credential for acceptance to higher educational programmes abroad. For a future career in a globalizing society and for increasing cultural awareness and dialogue, the IB Diploma is a particularly good qualification. Through the international student body in the programme and the teaching of subjects in English, the IB Diploma Programme in Louisenlund is like taking part in an exchange on your own school campus, the best of both worlds. 


Give your child the gift of a Louisenlund education

As a not-for-profit foundation and private school, Louisenlund finances its annual budget mainly through school fees (tuition). These fees are set by the board of directors for each school year.

See the link to the scale of fees below:

Cost analysis for German day students

 once a monthin the tertialanually
IB Middle Years Programme1.900 €7.600 €22.800 €
IB Diploma Programme2.017 €8.068 €24.204 €
tuition costs included therein210 €840 €2.520 €

Cost analysis for international students

IB Middle Years Programme4.682 €28.092 €56.184 €
IB Diploma Programme4.798 €28.788 €57.576 €
tuition costs included therein210 €1.260 €2.520 €