The 25 Best Movies Like 'The Revenant,' Ranked
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    • The Revenant
    • 20th Century Fox

The 25 Best Movies Like 'The Revenant,' Ranked

Jason Bancroft
Updated April 25, 2024 25 items
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Vote on the movies that fans of 'The Revenant' are sure to love.

Embark on an adrenaline-fueled cinematic journey as we unveil a meticulously curated list of epic movies that resonate with the primal intensity of The Revenant. Driven by a passion for captivating storytelling and immersive survival dramas, we have expertly curated these new and classic films to provide you with an enthralling lineup that mirrors the raw human struggle against formidable odds.

In this carefully crafted selection, you'll discover movies that share thematic parallels with The Revenant, a film renowned for its visceral portrayal of survival in the unforgiving wilderness. The movies on this list have been compiled using Ranker’s voter data and correlations, presenting a unique compilation of films that capture the essence of Leonardo DiCaprio's mesmerizing journey in the snowy expanses.

Dive into heart-pounding adventures like The Grey, where Liam Neeson leads a desperate pack against a relentless wolf pack in the chilling heart of Alaska's wilderness. Feel the pulse of historical drama entwined with fantasy elements in Pathfinder, a tale set before Columbus' arrival, exploring identity and survival against all odds.

For those craving a blend of historical fiction and survival drama, The 13th Warrior offers a gripping narrative as Antonio Banderas joins a band of Vikings to tackle an unseen monstrous force decimating their lands. Additionally, the visionary masterpiece Valhalla Rising by Nicolas Winding Refn thrusts you into the grim world of a Norse warrior's survival during the Crusades, echoing the primal survival instinct depicted in The Revenant.

As you peruse through this list of more movies like The Revenant, you'll find convenient "Where to Watch" buttons below each film, linking you to popular streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Max, Apple TV+, Hulu, Paramount+, and Disney+, among others. Unleash the power of your votes and let your cinematic preferences shine by voting on your favorite items on the list. Immerse yourself in these captivating tales of survival, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of humanity after the riveting experience of The Revenant.

  • The Green Knight

    The Green Knight is a cinematic retelling of the medieval Arthurian legend, focusing on Sir Gawain, King Arthur's headstrong nephew, as he embarks on a daring quest to confront the eponymous Green Knight. Encounters with witches, giants, and ghosts pepper his journey, as Gawain grapples with his courage, character, and the nature of honor, culminating in a decisive challenge that questions the true meaning of knighthood and virtue.

    While The Green Knight dives into the fantastical elements of chivalric lore, it bears thematic similarities to the gritty realism of The Revenant. Both films explore the harrowing trials of their protagonists in vast, unforgiving landscapes, employing their respective wildernesses as catalysts for existential reflection. The harsh, yet beautiful natural world tests both Gawain and Hugh Glass of The Revenant, pushing them to their limits and demanding reconsideration of their values and the price of their quests for honor and vengeance.

  • The Grey
    14 VOTES

    The Grey plunges its audience into the chilling heart of Alaska's wilderness, where a group of oil workers must fight for survival after their plane crashes. The most notable cast member is Liam Neeson, who plays a skilled huntsman leading the desperate pack against a relentless wolf pack. His character's struggle with faith and mortality adds depth to the survival theme, making this movie more than just a man vs nature tale. Its intense portrayal of raw human instinct and resilience has left an indelible mark on the Survival Drama genre.

    The Grey thrusts viewers into the harsh Alaskan wilderness, mirroring the survival theme of The Revenant. Both films depict characters battling nature's extremes.

  • Jeremiah Johnson
    • Photo:
      • Jeremiah Johnson

    Jeremiah Johnson is a classic tale of adventure and survival, set in the 1800s, that follows the titular character, a disillusioned war veteran who sets out to live as a mountain man in the untamed wilderness of the Rocky Mountains. His quest for isolation and a simplistic life is thwarted by the brutal realities of nature and the complexities of interactions with both friendly and hostile Native American tribes, leading him on a path of self-discovery and transformation into a seasoned and respected outdoorsman.

    There is a significant kinship between Jeremiah Johnson and The Revenant in their thematic explorations of solitude, survival, and revenge amidst the expansive and ruthless American frontier. Both films feature protagonists who become deeply entwined in the fabric of the natural world and its native cultures as they embark on a grueling journey of survival. They confront not only external adversities, such as harsh climates and territorial conflicts but also their demons and the costs of their relentless quests for retribution and peace.

  • Arctic
    14 VOTES

    Arctic, starring Mads Mikkelsen as Overgård, a man stranded in the Arctic after an airplane crash, is a masterclass in minimalistic storytelling. It eschews dialogue in favor of visceral performances and stark visuals to portray humanity's struggle against cruel elements. Overgård’s quest for survival is marked by his ingenuity and determination - themes which resonate universally across all cultures. Despite its harsh setting, Arctic manages to evoke pathos while contributing significantly towards redefining modern survival dramas.

    Arctic and The Revenant share a minimalist storytelling approach as both films emphasize the human struggle against brutal elements with visceral performances and stark visuals.

    14 votes
  • Hostiles
    7 VOTES

    In Hostiles, set in 1892, Christian Bale shines as Captain Joseph Blocker, tasked with escorting a dying Cheyenne war chief back to his ancestral land. This journey across hostile terrain becomes not just an external battle against nature and opposing forces but also an internal exploration of empathy and redemption. The film's intricate depiction of Native American history and culture intertwines with its survivalist narrative, thus offering viewers an immersive experience that transcends the typical confines of the genre.

    Captain Blocker embarks on a journey akin to the protagonist in The Revenant. Both films delve into internal and external conflicts, exploring themes of empathy and redemption against the backdrop of hostile terrains and Native American cultures.

  • Alpha
    7 VOTES

    Alpha presents an epic survival tale set in the last Ice Age, chronicling the journey of a young hunter named Keda who becomes separated from his tribe during a bison hunt. Stranded and alone, he must learn to survive and navigate the harsh prehistoric wilderness. A fateful encounter leads to an unlikely alliance with a wolf, forging a bond that defies the law of nature and marks the nascent bond between humankind and canines.

    Although Alpha unfolds in a time long before the events of The Revenant, both films share a visceral portrayal of man's primal instinct for survival against the backdrop of a relentless and indifferent environment. Like Hugh Glass, Keda faces overwhelming odds and the constant threat of death, with his journey also serving as a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Both films showcase the transformative power of the bond between humans and animals, recognizing the companionship and mutual reliance that can emerge in the face of adversity.

    7 votes
  • The 13th Warrior is a cinematic adaptation of Michael Crichton's novel Eaters of the Dead. It features Antonio Banderas as Ahmad ibn Fadlan, an exiled Arab who joins a band of Vikings to tackle an unseen monstrous force decimating their lands. This film blends elements of historical fiction with survival drama, creating an engaging narrative that explores cultural clashes and unlikely alliances in the face of shared adversity. Its innovative blend of genres has made it a memorable addition to the pantheon of epic dramas.

    The 13th Warrior blends historical fiction with survival drama, much like The Revenant.

  • Pathfinder
    10 VOTES


    Pathfinder presents an intriguing twist on traditional survival narratives by blending historical drama with fantasy elements. Set before Columbus' arrival in America, it follows Ghost (Karl Urban), abandoned as a child by Vikings but adopted by Native Americans who must confront his past when new invaders threaten his adoptive tribe. This tale of identity and survival against the odds leverages intricate plot lines and nuanced performances to create a compelling narrative, contributing a unique perspective to the Survival Drama genre.

    Its vast landscape and Native American themes mirror those of The Revenant.

  • Valhalla Rising plunges audiences into the grim and brutal world of a Norse warrior's survival struggle during the Crusades. Directed by visionary filmmaker Nicolas Winding Refn, it features Mads Mikkelsen in an intense performance as One-Eye, a mute warrior with supernatural strength. The film explores themes of religious fanaticism and man's primal instinct for survival, all wrapped in breathtakingly grim cinematography that leaves a lasting impression.

    One-Eye's resilience mirrors that of the protagonist of The Revenant as both characters stop at nothing to reach their goals.

  • Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven transports audiences to the tumultuous time of the Crusades with Orlando Bloom leading as Balian de Ibelin. This dramatic epic delves deep into religious conflict, redemption, and chivalry against the backdrop of Jerusalem in conflict between Christians and Muslims. Notable performances by Liam Neeson as Godfrey de Ibelin and Eva Green as Queen Sibylla add depth to this complex historical drama. Its layered portrayal of religious warfare has sparked numerous discussions about historical accuracy and representation.

    Kingdom of Heaven mirrors thematic depth with The Revenant as both films delve into complex historical periods and explore the intricacies of human nature amid intense conflicts. 

  • 11
    4 VOTES

    The Northman, directed by Robert Eggers, is another atmospheric tale of Norse survival set in 10th-century Iceland. It showcases Alexander Skarsgård as Amleth, a prince seeking revenge for his father’s murder. With its stark depiction of ancient Viking culture and visceral scenes of violence and endurance, it weaves a chilling narrative that reflects on themes such as familial bonds, vengeance and personal destiny.

    The Northman the survival, revenge, and endurance themes of The Revenant.

  • Beowulf
    10 VOTES

    Beowulf, on the other hand, is an epic adventure drama based on the classic Old English poem. This cinematic adaptation directed by Robert Zemeckis combines live-action performances with computer animation to bring to life the legendary hero Beowulf (Ray Winstone) and his fight for survival against monstrous foes like Grendel and his mother. Its innovative visual style has left an indelible mark on pop culture, influencing numerous subsequent fantasy films.

    Beowulf and The Revenant both explore themes of heroism, survival, and cultural conflicts against fantastical backdrops, influencing subsequent fantasy films.

  • 13
    9 VOTES

    King Arthur, directed by Antoine Fuqua, is a majestic reimagining of the legendary British leader's tale. The film, starring Clive Owen as Arthur and Keira Knightley as Guinevere, explores themes of loyalty, honor, and destiny. It delves into Arthur's struggle to unite a fractured kingdom against invading Saxons while battling internal conflicts within his knightly order. The movie’s depiction of Arthur as a Roman officer rather than a medieval king has influenced many subsequent interpretations of the classic myth.

    King Arthur and The Revenant draw parallels between their struggles against external and internal conflicts.

  • The Norseman
    • Photo:
      • The Norseman
    1 VOTES

    The Norseman, not to be confused with The Northman, is a gripping saga about Vikings living in America long before Columbus' arrival. Starring Lee Majors as Thorvald, this 1978 movie navigates through unknown territories filled with hostile natives and harsh environments which test their resolve to survive. The film offers thought-provoking insight into the clash of cultures while presenting an alternative perspective on early American history.

    The Norseman provides an alternative perspective on survival similar to The Revenant. Both films navigate unknown territories, testing characters' resolve against hostile environments.

    1 votes
  • Pathfinder
    • Photo:
      • Pathfinder
    1 VOTES

    Venturing into the uncharted territories of northern Scandinavia, the 1987 epic drama Pathfinder is a captivating journey through time and culture. Directed by Nils Gaup, it tells the tale of a young Sami boy who becomes an unlikely hero when he finds himself caught in a conflict between his people and invading Tchudes from the East. The film's protagonist, Aigin (played by Mikkel Gaup), must traverse treacherous landscapes and endure grueling tests of courage to warn his people of impending danger. A unique blend of survival narrative and cultural exploration, Pathfinder wields powerful themes such as bravery, sacrifice, and resilience against adversity. The film’s authentic portrayal of Sami culture, combined with its thrilling plotline, has made it a standout piece in the genre. 

    This film echoes thematic parallels with The Revenant as both films delve into the captivating interplay of survival, bravery, and resilience against adversities. Set against the backdrop of uncharted territories and cultural conflicts, both narratives navigate treacherous landscapes, providing unique perspectives on the human spirit's triumph over harsh environments.

    1 votes
  • Season of the Witch is a supernatural historical drama that takes viewers on an epic journey during the time of the Black Plague. The film centers around two knights, played by Nicolas Cage and Ron Perlman, who are tasked with transporting an accused witch to a monastery where her powers can be nullified. The film explores themes of faith, friendship and fear within a backdrop of medieval superstition and horror. 

    It's notable for its exploration of these darker aspects of human nature through its thrilling narrative making it a must-see for fans of The Revenant.

    2 votes
  • Beowulf
    • Photo:
      • Beowulf
    2 VOTES

    Beowulf, directed by Graham Baker, is a captivating epic drama that brings to life the legendary Anglo-Saxon poem. The film is a thrilling blend of fantasy and action, anchored by an intense performance from Christopher Lambert as Beowulf. In this dark and mythical world, Beowulf battles the monstrous Grendel and his vengeful mother, embodying themes of heroism, mortality, and the struggle between good and evil. The movie’s unique spin on ancient lore has left an indelible mark on pop culture, inspiring numerous adaptations across various media forms.

    Beowulf mirrors thematic elements found in The Revenant by offering a captivating blend of drama and action within an unforgiving world. Both films explore the struggles of their central characters, with Beowulf delving into themes of heroism, mortality, and the eternal conflict between good and evil, creating an immersive narrative that resonates with fans of survival dramas.

    2 votes
  • Robert the Bruce, a gripping historical drama, retells the story of the legendary Scottish king who fought for Scotland's independence against England. Angus Macfadyen reprises his role from Braveheart as Robert, adding depth and gravitas to this iconic character. The film delves into themes of leadership, sacrifice, and resilience while remaining grounded in its commitment to historical accuracy.

    Robert the Bruce parallels The Revenant in its intense portrayal of survival and resilience. Both films depict protagonists facing formidable challenges in harsh landscapes, exploring themes of determination and struggle for independence.

    2 votes
  • The Long Ships
    • Photo:
      • The Long Ships

    The Long Ships is an epic drama set in the world of Viking explorers. This 1964 saga features Richard Widmark as Rolfe - a daring Norseman who embarks on a perilous quest for a legendary golden bell. With its grand ship battles and complex characters tackling themes of greed, bravery, and adventure, The Long Ships has left an indelible mark on Viking-themed cinema. Its influence can be seen in later pop culture depictions of seafaring Vikings.

    The Long Ships, set in the world of Viking explorers, shares thematic elements with The Revenant. Both films explore grand quests, complex characters, and themes of bravery, greed, and adventure against historical backdrops.

    2 votes
  • 20
    2 VOTES

    Mongol, a sweeping epic drama, spins a tale around the life of Genghis Khan before he became one of history’s most feared conquerors. Tadanobu Asano's portrayal of Khan adds an intimate human dimension to this larger-than-life figure. The movie masterfully explores themes such as honor, loyalty, and ambition against a backdrop of stunning landscapes and brutal warfare.

    Mongol aligns with The Revenant as both films delve into the challenges and adversities faced by their central characters, offering a vivid portrayal of survival and the forging of a legendary destiny.

    2 votes
  • 21
    4 VOTES

    Robin Hood, a classic tale reimagined in this 2010 version, offers viewers an intense look into the life of one of folklore's most famous heroes. Russell Crowe embodies the title role with Cate Blanchett as his Marion. This epic drama delves deep into political corruption, social inequality, and revenge while maintaining its roots in adventure and romance. Its influence on pop culture is undeniable, continuing to inspire countless adaptations across various media.

    Robin Hood offers an intense exploration of a legendary hero's life, akin to the epic drama of The Revenant. Both films delve into themes of political corruption, social inequality, and revenge against historical backdrops, leaving lasting impacts on their respective genres.

  • 22
    1 VOTES

    The Last Duel

    The Last Duel is an epic drama set in 14th century France, focusing on the last legally sanctioned duel in the country's history. The film features Matt Damon and Adam Driver as Jean de Carrouges and Jacques Le Gris respectively, two knights whose friendship turns into bitter rivalry leading to the historic duel. Jodie Comer plays the pivotal role of Marguerite de Carrouges, whose allegation against Le Gris sets off the chain of events. The film has been lauded for its unique narrative structure, presenting three perspectives of the same event and thereby exploring themes of truth and perspective.

    It shares thematic depth with The Revenant as it explores a historic duel. Both films delve into the complexities of human nature, justice, and honor against the backdrop of historical events, offering nuanced perspectives on their respective time periods.

  • The Eagle
    3 VOTES

    The Eagle, set in 140 AD Roman Britain, follows Marcus Aquila (Channing Tatum) on his quest to restore his family's honor by finding the lost golden emblem (The Eagle) that belonged to his father's legion. Accompanied by his British slave Esca (Jamie Bell), Marcus embarks on a journey beyond known territories encountering various tribes and natural perils along their path. Themes like loyalty, bravery and identity form the crux of this historic drama making it stand out for its depiction of a lesser-explored era.

    Marcus Aquila's quest for honor mirrors the themes of identity and bravery found in The Revenant. Both films involve characters navigating unknown territories and perils, with loyalty forming a central theme in their historic dramas.

  • Centurion
    3 VOTES

    Centurion, directed by Neil Marshall, unfolds in the brutal landscapes of Roman-occupied Britain. Michael Fassbender stars as Quintus Dias - a Roman centurion who must lead his men through hostile territory after a devastating Pictish attack. The film is steeped in themes of survival, betrayal, and the futility of war. Its gritty realism combined with thrilling action sequences offers a fresh perspective on Roman-era dramas, influencing subsequent films set during Rome's invasion of Britain.

    Centurion, unfolding in Roman-occupied Britain, offers a fresh perspective on survival, betrayal, and the futility of war, akin to themes in The Revenant.

  • The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc presents an intriguing blend of history and myth as it recounts the life story of Joan of Arc - from her humble beginnings to leading armies into battle against English forces during the Hundred Years' War. Milla Jovovich delivers a captivating performance as Joan, while John Malkovich shines as King Charles VII. This film delves into themes such as religious devotion, personal sacrifice and societal expectations placed upon women.

    The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc intricately weaves history and myth, reminiscent of the nuanced storytelling found in The Revenant. Both films explore themes of sacrifice, societal expectations, and personal struggles against the backdrop of historical events, with captivating performances enhancing their narratives.