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Lesser-known color film stock comparison by Taylor Blanchard on Shoot It With Film

7 Lesser-known Color Film Stocks Worth Trying by Taylor Blanchard

Whether you're a new or seasoned film photographer, when you think of color film, the names Kodak or Fuji most likely come to mind...

35mm film image of Costa Rica by Ethan Ege on Shoot It With Film

Costa Rica Travel Story by Ethan Ege

These photos were taken in December in Nosara, Costa Rica and some surrounding beaches and areas. The trip was just for fun, adventure...

Finding Inspiration Where You Live by Alec Pain on Shoot It With Film

Finding Photography Inspiration Where You Live by Alec Pain

I’m never quite sure whether I live in a town or a village. Apparently, I live in a town… but most of the locals like...

Film photography image of Madeira, Portugal by Cassandra Jackson-Baker on Shoot It With Film

Madeira Travel Story by Cassandra Jackson-Baker

Madeira. The island of eternal spring. I have been returning to this Atlantic paradise time and time again since 2013. An antidote to the craziness...

How to add embroidery to Polaroids by Jennifer Stamps on Shoot It With Film

Adding Embroidery to Polaroids to Create One-Of-A-Kind Works of Art by Jennifer Stamps

Calling all experimental photographers and artists! In this article, I will give a step-by-step guide on how to add embroidery to your Polaroids...

35mm film image of Seattle by Amanda Caves Salata on Shoot It With Film

Seattle Travel Story by Amanda Caves Salata

I have never been to Seattle, so when the opportunity arose to attend an industry conference in the Pacific Northwest last fall...

35mm film photography of a street photography image by Neil Milton on Shoot It With Film

Street Photography: 5 Assignments for Beginners by Neil Milton

Many photographers want to try their hand at street photography but find they are too shy or introverted to make a start. Leaping into street...

35mm film photography image of Brazil by Rodrigo Tomzhinsky on Shoot It With Film

Tourist in My Hometown: A Sunny Day in Rio, Brazil by Rodrigo Tomzhinsky

Returning to my hometown after five years in Canada, Rio de Janeiro felt both familiar and foreign. Despite being a native, the sensation...

A medium format film image taken with the Yashica D TLR by Katya Rowny on Shoot It With Film

Yashica-D TLR Film Camera Review by Katya Rowny

My first medium format camera was the Yashica D. I remember the day it arrived in the mail as a gift from a family friend...

Fine Art Fashion Series on 35mm Film by Adi Tarkay on Shoot It With Film

Fine Art Fashion Series by Adi Tarkay

When the designer, Keren Birman from CHOWA, presented her creations to me - for the first time, my thoughts wandered to my...