Carter DeHaven - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times

Carter DeHaven

Carter DeHaven
Paul Calvert / Los Angeles Times


Carter DeHaven
Film: East side of the 1700 block of Vine Street
Actor | Director | Writer
Born Francis O'Callaghan on Oct. 5, 1886 in Chicago, Ill.
Died July 20, 1977 of natural causes in Woodland Hills, CA

Carter DeHaven was born Francis O'Callaghan in October 1885 in Chicago. He got his first shot at acting in vaudeville in 1915. Eventually he went on to make his own shorts, one in 1927 called "Character Studies" showed him "quick-changing" into Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, Douglas Fairbanks, Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd, among others.

In the 1930s, DeHaven found himself working with another silent film legend, Charlie Chaplin. DeHaven was assistant director on "Modern Times" and assistant producer on "The Great Dictator."

DeHaven married actress Flora Parker DeHaven and their daughter Gloria DeHaven made her film debut in "Modern Times" at the ripe old age of 9.

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