'All American' Recap: Season 5 Finale — Is [Spoiler] Dead or Alive?
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All American Season 5 Finale Recap
Courtesy of The CW

Billy Baker’s loved ones had just begun to pick up the pieces from his devastating death… and now, tragedy has struck All American once more.

The CW drama has a habit of ending its seasons with a life-or-death cliffhanger (see: Coop getting shot in Season 3), and Patience was the victim in question during Monday’s Season 5 ender. After having zero contact with stalker fan Miko for most of the hour, Patience opened the front door of the Baker house in the episode’s final minutes, only to be stabbed (!!) by an approaching Miko seconds later.

Miko ran off right away, leaving Patience to pull the knife out of her abdomen and sink to the floor — and leaving us to wonder if the character will live to see All American‘s previously announced sixth season. And just to pour a little more salt in that gnarly wound, it seemed that Coop was on her way to the Baker house at that very moment, to reveal that she still has romantic feelings for Patience that she’d like to explore. (Sorry, Skye!)

In other developments from Monday’s finale…

All American Season 5 Finale Recap Spencer Olivia* To commemorate Olivia’s final day in the States before her trip to London, Spencer planned a full day of sweet surprises for her… all while both of them maintained, to other people in The Vortex, that they’re “just friends.” (Sure, Jan.) When it came time to say goodbye to Liv, Spencer initially whiffed, merely wishing her a very platonic “Safe travels!” on her way out the door. But later that night, Jordan reminded Spencer — as they both know all too well from Billy’s death — that life is short, and Spencer’s got to share his feelings with the people he loves before it’s too late.

Spencer then raced to the airport, where he found Olivia just as she was preparing to board her plane. And finally — finally! — he poured his heart out to the girl, telling her that they’d only broken up because he wanted Olivia to be happy, but truthfully, Spencer’s been miserable without her. Olivia felt the same way, and tearfully considered not even getting on her flight to London, but Spencer wasn’t having that: He promised to be waiting for her when she got back, and they shared a long kiss at last before Liv left to catch her flight.

* With a little encouragement from Olivia and Grace, Laura warmed up to the idea of pursuing teaching opportunities at Golden Angeles University.

* And the finale offered us a fun little mystery to solve: Who was the owner of a sparkling engagement ring that JJ had found in a velvet box at the beach house? After spotting the ring on the kitchen counter, Jaymee assumed it was Asher’s, sending her into a bit of a tailspin. (She loves Asher, but she finds the concept of marriage archaic, and she doesn’t need a ring or a piece of paper to be all in with her partner.) Fortunately, after acting a little off all day, Jaymee confessed to Asher that she’d seen the ring — and it wasn’t his, after all! Not only did Asher agree they don’t need to be married to be committed to each other, but he had some exciting news from Jaymee’s doctor: They’re having a boy!

* As for that ring? It’s Jordan’s! He proposed to Layla, and — perhaps surprisingly, given their ages — she said yes! (I’m Team Jordayla’s biggest cheerleader always, and I know Jordan’s working through some stuff right now, but two engagements before age 20 seems… ill-advised, no?)

With that, I turn it over to you. What did you think of All American‘s season finale? Grade it in our poll below, then drop a comment with your full reactions!

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