cool, calm, and collected | English Idioms and Phrases

cool, calm, and collected


      • composed
        Describing someone who remains calm and collected in stressful situations

      • in control
        Portraying someone who is confident and in control of their emotions

    Examples of cool, calm, and collected

    • Despite the chaos in the office due to the equipment failure, John remained cool, calm, and collected during the crisis.

      In this example, John's composure during a stressful situation is being highlighted. The idiom "cool, calm, and collected" means to remain calm, composed and level-headed in demanding circumstances.

    • Sophie is known for being cool, calm, and collected in high-pressure situations. Her ability to keep her emotions in check helps her perform better under stress.

      Here, we are illustrating that someone's poise and serenity in high-stress situations is a commendable trait.

    • Jenny appeared cool, calm, and collected as she gave her presentation to a packed auditorium of critics. Her confidence and calmness enhanced her ability to deliver the content effectively.

      This illustrates that someone who is poised, collected, and calm in high-pressure situations could deliver their content better.

    • Mark was cool, calm, and collected throughout the entire interview process. His composed and self-assured demeanor impressed the interviewer.

      This example highlights how someone's composure and collectedness during a job interview could increase their chances of getting hired. It indicates that being well-prepared and composed in interviews could win an employer's confidence in the candidate.

    • The CEO remained cool, calm, and collected during the tense board meeting, even when questioned by the unhappy shareholders.

      The phrase "cool, calm, and collected" is used to describe someone who remains composed and unflappable, particularly in difficult or stressful situations. In this case, the CEO displayed this desirable trait despite facing tough questioning from unhappy shareholders during a tense board meeting.

    • Despite the chaotic atmosphere at the crowded airport, Sarah managed to remain cool, calm, and collected as she navigated her way through the crowds and long lines.

      This example highlights the versatility of the phrase, as it can be applied to a variety of situations, from high-stakes business environments to crowded, hectic public spaces.

    • The athlete's mental preparation and ability to remain cool, calm, and collected under pressure was a major factor in her success.

      In competitive sports, the ability to remain composed and focused in the face of intense pressure is key to success. This example underscores the importance of this trait in athletic performance.

    • Despite the challenging circumstances, James remained cool, calm, and collected throughout the project, demonstrating exceptional leadership qualities.

      In professional settings, leaders who can remain composed under pressure are highly valued. This example highlights the importance of this trait in professional settings, where effective leadership can be a critical factor in success.


    "Cool, calm, and collected" is used to describe someone who remains composed and in control, especially in stressful situations. It signifies a sense of confidence and emotional stability. This idiom suggests that the person is able to handle challenges calmly and efficiently without losing their composure.

    People often use this idiom to praise individuals who can remain calm under pressure or to aspire to be like them. It is a compliment to someone's ability to manage their emotions and maintain a sense of control even in difficult circumstances.

    Origin of "cool, calm, and collected"

    The origins of the idiom "cool, calm, and collected" can be traced back to the early 19th century. The word "cool" in this context means not easily excited or flustered, maintaining a sense of calmness. "Calm" further emphasizes a state of tranquility and composure. "Collected" suggests being in control of one's emotions and thoughts.

    This phrase gained popularity in the mid-20th century and has become a common expression in English language usage. The combination of these three words creates a powerful image of someone who is unruffled and self-assured. The idiom has stood the test of time and continues to be used to describe individuals who exhibit grace under pressure.