The Meaning Behind The Song: Last Great American Whale by Lou Reed - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Last Great American Whale by Lou Reed

The Meaning Behind The Song: Last Great American Whale by Lou Reed

One of the most controversial musicians in the history of rock-and-roll, Lou Reed is known for his ground-breaking work, poetry, and lyrics that are often unconventional, even bizarre. The song “Last Great American Whale” from his 1989 album “New York” is a typical example of his style, using metaphor and allegory to express his thoughts and feelings about important topics.

The song tells the story of the last surviving whale in the New York harbor, which has escaped from being killed by whalers. As the story unfolds, the whale becomes a symbol for the resilience of the individual in the face of oppression, highlighting the absurdity of human interaction with nature.

Verse One: The Setting

The song begins with a description of the setting, the polluted waters of the New York Harbor, highlighting the ironic contrast between the natural beauty of the whale and the industry that has come to define the city. The whale is described as “standing on her tail with her head in the breeze,” reflecting the natural affinity of whales for the open sea. However, it’s also noted that the whale has come to the harbor “escaping from a trawler that would not set her free,” underlining the conflict between nature and commercial interests.

Verse Two: The Introduction Of Human Characters

As the song continues, we are introduced to several human characters who have a negative impact on the whale’s existence, including street-wise crooks, politicians, and religious leaders. The politicians and religious leaders in particular are labeled as “bullshitters” who use superficial language and promises to maintain their power and control.

Verse Three: The Whale’s Perseverance

Despite facing harsh realities, the whale continues to persevere and thrive, even as her children and her comrades fall prey to the danger of hunting. The whale’s resilience is a poignant reflection of the human spirit in the face of adversity, a message that can be especially significant in today’s world where natural resources are under constant threat.

Chorus: The Last Great American Whale

The chorus, however, draws a strong contrast between the beauty and grace of the great whale and the ugliness and greed of the people who wish to destroy her. The last great American whale is a symbol of all those who have resisted oppression and have fought for their freedom, particularly the Native Americans who have historically been marginalized and subjugated.


Q: What is the meaning behind the title “Last Great American Whale?”

The title is a reference to the last surviving whale in the New York harbor, which is depicted in the song as a symbol of resilience and hope against the corrupt and greedy individuals who threaten her survival.

Q: Who inspired Lou Reed to write this song?

There is no definitive answer to this question, though it is widely speculated that the song was influenced by the anti-whaling movement of the time, as well as Reed’s own concern for the environment and the natural world.

Q: What makes “Last Great American Whale” so controversial?

The song is controversial due to its strong political and social commentary, as well as its use of metaphor and allegory, which can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the listener’s perspective.

Q: How does Lou Reed use metaphor in the song?

Reed uses metaphor extensively in the song, comparing the whale to the resilience of the individual, the greed of politicians, and the corrupt nature of the religious establishment.

Q: What is the significance of the song’s introduction of human characters?

The introduction of human characters serves to highlight the conflicts that exist between individual rights and commercial and political interests, as well as the need for individuals to take action against oppression and injustice.

Q: What role does the chorus play in the song?

The chorus serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and resilience of the natural world, as well as the importance of human action in preserving it.

Q: Did “Last Great American Whale” receive critical acclaim upon its release?

Yes, the song was widely praised for its bold and innovative use of language and metaphor, as well as its timely social and political commentary.

Q: How does the song reflect Lou Reed’s unique style?

The song reflects Reed’s unconventional style through its use of metaphor, allegory, and subtle criticism of societal values and norms.

Q: How has “Last Great American Whale” influenced modern music?

The song has influenced many musicians who have sought to emulate Reed’s unique style, including Beck, The White Stripes, and The Strokes.

Q: What is the significance of the song’s final lines?

The final lines of the song serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of environmental and social action in the face of corruption and oppression.

Q: Is “Last Great American Whale” still relevant today?

Yes, the message of the song remains relevant today, particularly in the face of continued environmental destruction and political and social inequality.

Q: How does the song relate to Lou Reed’s broader body of work?

The song is typical of Reed’s larger body of work, which often explores unconventional themes and uses metaphor and allegory to create unique and powerful statements about the human condition.

Q: What can we learn from “Last Great American Whale”?

The song serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up against injustice and corruption, as well as the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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