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  1. Spalding brothers win BBC Inspirations award

    Brothers Luke and Ryan Hart, from Spalding, have won a BBC Inspirations award.

    The pair have campaigned to change the conversation around domestic abuse since their mum and sister were killed by their father.

    They now train journalists and have helped create the UK's first media guidelines for reporting fatal domestic abuse alongside the Level Up organisation:

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  2. Covid-19 infections fall in much of Lincolnshire

    Local Democracy Reporting Service

    Six out of nine Lincolnshire districts have dropped down the Covid-19 infection rate rankings since Christmas, new figures show.

    Testing Station

    Lincoln and Boston were among the areas with the highest UK infection rates at the beginning of December, but are now out of the top 100 in the UK.

    Greater Lincolnshire’s fall in ranking is not all due to a decrease in infection rates, but a rise in other parts of the country which have overtaken the region.

    On 3 December, Lincoln had the ninth highest infection rate in the UK, with 385.7 per 100,000 of the population. Now, Lincoln is 119th, but with a higher infection rate of 388.7.

    Boston became the hub for high infection rates on 3 December, with 547.2, placing it second nationally. Now, it is 354.8 per 100,000 people and 132nd in the country.

    Areas such as North East Lincolnshire have more than halved their infection rate since the beginning of the month, with an infection rate of 223.7 on 3 December to 110.9 now, placing it 343rd in the UK.

    While England has seen a rise in its rate of infection over the last few weeks, Greater Lincolnshire has started to fall gradually.

    On 3 December, the average infection rate for Greater Lincolnshire was 267 per 100,000 people, but now it's 254.

    Quote Message: It’s good to see the trends in Lincolnshire going the right way, with infection rates coming down. But let’s not be complacent and let things slip as we are a long way from being out of the woods yet. We need to get our rates of infection down further in Lincolnshire." from Derek Ward Director of public health, Lincolnshire
    Derek WardDirector of public health, Lincolnshire
  3. Coronavirus 'not end of High Street' - Business leader

    Business leaders in Lincolnshire say they're hoping for a better year for the county's high streets in 2021.

    Lincoln High Street

    Some big retailers have struggled and even closed during the coronavirus pandemic, while small businesses have faced major difficulties during the lockdowns.

    However, Sarah Loftus, chief executive of Lincoln's Business Improvement Group, says there is still a future for town and city centres.

    Quote Message: I don't think it's the end of the High Street. I think the High Street will evolve. We're sociable animals, we love being with people. It's a great British tradition going shopping with your friends, going for a coffee, going for a meal. I don't think that will stop." from Sarah Loftus Chief executive, Lincoln's Business Improvement Group
    Sarah LoftusChief executive, Lincoln's Business Improvement Group
  4. Witness appeal over Grimsby stabbing

    Witnesses are being asked to come forward after a man was stabbed and seriously injured in Grimsby earlier this month.

    Patrick Street underpass, Grimsby

    The attack happened in the Patrick Street underpass (pictured) between 02:45 and 03:00 on Sunday 6 December, according to Humberside Police.

    The victim was attacked by two men, one described as white and wearing dark clothing, the other described as black and wearing a blue tracksuit.

    The victim suffered knife wounds to his shoulder, arms and hands and needed hospital treatment, though his injuries were not life-threatening, police say.

    Anyone who saw what happened or who has information about the attack is being asked to contact the Humberside force.

  5. Wildlife park's thanks over public's festive generosity

    Staff at a Lincolnshire wildlife park say they've been moved by people's generosity this festive season.

    Wildlife Park

    About £3,000 has been raised to keep the animals safe and warm at the Ark Wildlife Park at Stickney, near Boston, which is currently closed due to coronavirus restrictions.

    The park's co-founder, Jamie Mintram, says lots of other items have been donated by members of the public too.

    Quote Message: We've got everything from the practical stuff such as bags of feed all the ways to actual toys, things for the foxes and the cats to play with. So they've all had Christmas gifts." from Jamie Mintram Co-founder, Ark Wildlife Park
    Jamie MintramCo-founder, Ark Wildlife Park
  6. Care home workers are among first to get second Covid jab

    Staff at a Lincolnshire care home are due to get their second coronavirus vaccine jabs later.


    Workers at Beckside Residential Care Home in North Hykeham were some of the very first to get the vaccine three weeks ago.

    Manager Andrea Brooks says it will be a big relief when they get the top-up later.

    Quote Message: We want to get back to normality as much as we can before the pandemic started, and ultimately be able to work in our homes with the safety of our residents and making sure they're all well and safe." from Andrea Brooks Manager, Beckside Residential Care Home
    Andrea BrooksManager, Beckside Residential Care Home
  7. Busy Skegness road reopens for Christmas

    One of Skegness' busiest roads will temporarily re-open during the Christmas holidays.

    Reconstruction works along Roman Bank will pause for 11 days starting today, and the project will resume on Monday 4 January.

    The £4.8m scheme is being co-funded by £3.6m from the Department for Transport's Challenge Fund and £1.2m from Lincolnshire County Council:

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  8. Lincolnshire's Christmas Eve weather forecast

    BBC Weather

    It will be a mainly dry night for Christmas Eve in Lincolnshire.

    Here's the latest forecast:

    Weather Forecast
  9. Murder charge over Skegness man's death

    A man has been charged with the murder of a 26-year-old man in Skegness earlier this week.

    Police Jacket

    Jordan Siree, from Skegness, was found with serious injuries at a property on Glentworth Crescent on Tuesday evening.

    He was taken to hospital but later died.

    Scott Rowen, 28, of Glentworth Crescent, Skegness, has since been charged with his murder, Lincolnshire Police have confirmed.

    A 30-year-old man who was also arrested in connection with Mr Siree's death has been released without any further action, officers add.

  10. Handbags donated in memory of murdered Lincoln student

    Thousands of handbags will be donated to women’s refuges this festive season in memory of the murdered University of Lincoln student Grace Millane.

    Grace Millane

    Ms Millane was killed by a man she met on a date while backpacking in Auckland, New Zealand, in December 2018.

    In February, Jesse Kempson, 28, was jailed for a minimum of 17 years for her murder.

    The charity set up in her name has been asking supporters to do a "reverse advent calendar".

    Quote Message: Everyone finds a bag they've had in the house, like a handbag, and everybody fills it with a different item, cosmetics and things like that, and they're donated to refuges around the UK." from Carys Davies Friend of Grace Millane
    Carys DaviesFriend of Grace Millane
  11. Cathedral service of Lessons and Carols cancelled

    Lincoln Cathedral has cancelled this afternoon's service of Lessons and Carols.

    A member of the choir has displayed symptoms of coronavirus, and following advice from the local director of public health, choral singing in the cathedral has been suspended and the service of Lessons and Carols will no longer take place.

    However, Midnight Mass and the Christmas Morning Eucharist will still both take place, and have music provided by a reduced choir:

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  12. Churches go online to help celebrate Christmas

    Some churches in Lincolnshire will be putting their Christmas services online this year.

    Coronavirus restrictions mean in many cases only a limited number of people are allowed through the doors.

    Boston Stump will have an online carol service later, with the Christmas Day service being on the internet and open for people to attend:

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  13. Flood warnings issued in Lincolnshire

    Last night's heavy rain has led to a number of flood warnings being issued in Lincolnshire.

    Environment Agency Flood Map

    They include Ruskington Beck in Ruskington, Swaton Eau in Swaton village, and isolated properties and villages near the South Forty Foot Drain and its tributaries.

    Full details can be found on the Environment Agency website.

    Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue says it received almost 200 calls from across the county in the last 24 hours - and attended more than 100.