23 Facts About Hypnotoad (Futurama) - Facts.net
Johannah Swan

Written by Johannah Swan

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Imdb.com

Get ready to be mesmerized by the legendary Hypnotoad from the popular animated series, Futurama. With its iconic bulging eyes and hypnotic ribbit, this quirky cartoon character has captured the hearts of fans around the world. First introduced in the episode “The Day the Earth Stood Stupid,” Hypnotoad quickly became a fan favorite, known for its mind-controlling abilities and memorable catchphrase, “ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!” In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Hypnotoad and uncover 23 fascinating facts about this mesmerizing character. From its origins in Futurama to its influence in pop culture, there’s so much to learn about the enigmatic Hypnotoad. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be hypnotized by the intriguing world of this beloved cartoon character.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hypnotoad from Futurama is a popular character with mesmerizing abilities and a catchy catchphrase, “ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!” It has inspired memes, fan art, and even its own TV show.
  • Despite appearing in only a few episodes, Hypnotoad’s impact on Futurama and its fanbase is undeniable. Its hypnotic powers and unique appearance have made it a beloved and enduring symbol in popular culture.
Table of Contents

Hypnotoad is a popular character from the animated TV show Futurama.

Introduced in the episode “The Day the Earth Stood Stupid,” Hypnotoad quickly became a fan favorite due to its hypnotic abilities and unique appearance.

Hypnotoad is a large, toad-like creature with pulsating, hypnotic eyes.

The character’s design features a bright red body with a wide mouth and oscillating eyes that emit a mesmerizing sound.

Hypnotoad has the power to hypnotize any living being with its intense gaze.

With a simple glance, Hypnotoad can manipulate the thoughts and actions of those around it, making them do its bidding.

Hypnotoad’s catchphrase is “ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!”

Whenever Hypnotoad appears on-screen, a chorus of voices chants this phrase, emphasizing its control over the masses.

Hypnotoad’s mesmerizing abilities have made it a cultural phenomenon.

The character has inspired numerous memes, fan art, and even a dedicated website where fans can watch a continuous loop of Hypnotoad’s hypnotic eyes.

Despite its popularity, Hypnotoad only appeared in a handful of episodes of Futurama.

However, its impact on the show and its fanbase is undeniable, earning it a place in the hearts of many viewers.

Hypnotoad made a cameo appearance in the Futurama crossover episode of The Simpsons.

In the episode “Simpsorama,” Hypnotoad is seen competing in a tournament against other animated characters from the two shows.

Hypnotoad has become a symbol of manipulation and mind control.

The character’s presence often serves as a satirical commentary on the power of media and the influence it has on society.

There is a popular fan theory that Hypnotoad is actually a deity.

Some fans believe that the character’s hypnotic abilities stem from its divine nature, making it an object of worship in the Futurama universe.

Hypnotoad has been referenced in other forms of media outside of Futurama.

The character has appeared in video games, comic books, and even as a figurine collectible for fans to enjoy.

Hypnotoad’s eyes were inspired by the swirling patterns found in optical illusions.

The animators wanted to create a visually captivating effect that would enhance the character’s hypnotic abilities.

In the Futurama episode “The Sting,” Hypnotoad’s hypnotic power is used to console the main character, Fry.

By subjecting Fry to its hypnotic gaze, Hypnotoad helps him overcome a traumatic experience.

Hypnotoad is known to compete in various events and competitions within the Futurama universe.

From talent shows to beauty pageants, Hypnotoad always manages to mesmerize the judges and secure victory.

There is a popular Hypnotoad-themed app available for smartphones.

The app features Hypnotoad’s mesmerizing eyes on the screen, providing a hypnotic experience for users.

Despite its dominant role, Hypnotoad has no speaking lines in Futurama.

Its hypnotic powers and expressive eyes convey its intentions without the need for words.

Hypnotoad briefly appeared in the Futurama movies “Bender’s Big Score” and “Into the Wild Green Yonder.”

These movies gave fans an extended glimpse into the world of Hypnotoad and its hypnotic adventures.

Hypnotoad’s popularity led to the creation of an online petition to make it the official mascot of the 2016 US presidential election.

While the petition ultimately did not succeed, it demonstrated the character’s enduring popularity and cultural significance.

In the world of Futurama, Hypnotoad has its own television show called “Everybody Loves Hypnotoad.”

The show consists solely of Hypnotoad’s hypnotic gaze, captivating audiences and dominating the ratings.

Hypnotoad was created by writer and animator Eric Rogers.

Rogers wanted to introduce a character that would be visually striking and have a unique ability to capture the audience’s attention.

The sound of Hypnotoad’s eyes was created by using a combination of wet towels and rubber gloves.

This resulted in a distinctive, unsettling noise that adds to the character’s hypnotic allure.

Hypnotoad’s popularity has led to various fan theories and fan fiction exploring the character’s origins and motivations.

From extraterrestrial origins to hidden agendas, fans have delved deep into the mysteries surrounding Hypnotoad.

Hypnotoad’s unique appearance and catchphrase have made it a recognizable symbol among Futurama fans.

The image of Hypnotoad’s pulsating eyes has become synonymous with the show itself.

The legacy of Hypnotoad continues to thrive even after the end of Futurama.

With each new generation of viewers discovering the show, Hypnotoad’s popularity remains unwavering.

In conclusion, Hypnotoad’s mesmerizing abilities, memorable catchphrase, and striking appearance have made it one of the most beloved characters from Futurama. Its impact on popular culture and its enduring popularity among fans showcases the lasting influence of this hypnotic and captivating amphibian.


Overall, Hypnotoad from Futurama is an iconic and fascinating character that has captured the imagination of fans worldwide. With its unique abilities and distinctive appearance, Hypnotoad has become a beloved figure in pop culture. Whether you find its hypnotic gaze endearing or unnerving, there’s no denying the impact that this character has had on the cartoon landscape.

From its humble beginnings as a simple side gag to its memorable role as a TV star in the Futurama universe, Hypnotoad has entertained audiences with its mesmerizing abilities. Its iconic croaking sound and its constant use of “ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD” have become instantly recognizable to fans of the show.

So, the next time you find yourself watching Futurama, keep an eye out for this powerful amphibian. Hypnotoad is sure to continue captivating audiences for years to come, with its hypnotic charm and indomitable presence.


Q: What is Hypnotoad’s role in Futurama?

A: Hypnotoad is a recurring character in the animated series Futurama. It is a large toad-like creature with bulging eyes that can hypnotize any living being with its gaze.

Q: How does Hypnotoad hypnotize people?

A: Hypnotoad emits a hypnotic sound and uses its intense gaze to manipulate the minds of those around it. The exact mechanics of its hypnotic abilities are never fully explained in the show.

Q: What are Hypnotoad’s catchphrases?

A: Hypnotoad is known for its distinctive croaking sound and its famous catchphrase “ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!” This catchphrase is often repeated by fans of the show.

Q: Is Hypnotoad a hero or a villain?

A: Hypnotoad is neither a hero nor a villain. It is simply a powerful and enigmatic creature with its own agenda. While its actions may sometimes be perceived as manipulative or selfish, it doesn’t have a clear alignment in terms of good or evil.

Q: Are there any other characters like Hypnotoad?

A: Hypnotoad is a unique character in the world of Futurama. While there are other creatures with hypnotic abilities in various forms of media, Hypnotoad’s design and personality make it one of a kind.

If you're fascinated by the mind-bending world of Hypnotoad, why not explore more captivating facts about the creative genius behind Futurama, Matt Groening? Dive deeper into the hilarious and thought-provoking universe of Futurama itself, uncovering hidden gems and surprising trivia. And for a broader perspective on the entertainment industry, discover the intriguing history and inner workings of 20th Television, the studio that brought this beloved animated series to life. Keep reading to satisfy your curiosity and expand your knowledge of the fascinating world of television and beyond!

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