Hochschule Schmalkalden - University of Applied Sciences
Luftbild Hochschule Schmalkalden
360 degree tour

Curious about the university? Here you can find a 360-degree tour. Take a look at all the facilities and get to know them - even before you start your studies.

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Internationale Studierende auf der Bühne
Study international

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences maintains relationships with around 200 institutions around the world.

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2 Studierende sitzen zusammen am Laptop
Part-time studies

Still studying alongside your job? That's possible - also with us. Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences offers numerous continuing education courses.

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Campus News

Zwei Frauen unterhalten sich auf der Messe
Career fair as a marketplace of opportunities
The two-day careers fair has been taking place on the Schmalkalden University campus since yesterday. The aim is to make contact with students, network and hold interesting discussions. This offer is…
Studierende beim Gruppenfoto
Students on a company excursion to Volkswagen Automobile in Leipzig
Students at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics regularly get an insight into the professional practice of various business sectors as part of excursions: last week, accompanied by…
Zwei Musiker spielen Instrumente
University present in the city center with a project office
Yesterday, the WORT project office was officially opened in the presence of State Secretary Carsten Feller in Schmalkalden town center. Many curious guests came to find out what is happening in the…
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12. June 2024 09:00-17:00
Tag der Ingenieurwissenschaften
13. June - 11. July
Sommervorlesung Demokratie
17. June - 21. June
XIX. Schmalympische Spiele
All events

Welcome to Schmalkalden University

About 3000 students in the Faculties of Business and Economics, Business Law, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are currently enjoying the numerous opportunities which studying in Schmalkalden offers. Various university rankings show that our students can enjoy high-quality education and the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden offers ideal conditions: a campus with everything within easy walking distance, state-of-the-art laboratories and a modern library, as well as personal contacts between lecturers and students.

In addition, studying at the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden is characterised by internationality. With over 150 partner universities worldwide, the university has a dense network of cooperations, enabling our students a stay abroad. Numerous cultural events, an extensive range of sports activities and the proximity to the winter sports town of Oberhof and to the theatre town of Meiningen make our university an attractive place to study.

Furthermore, the Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences perceives itself as a regional competence centre for technology and innovation in Southern Thuringia and is, for many enterprises, a significant cooperation and network partner for research and technology transfer. As such, application-oriented research plays an important role. Enterprises can benefit from our services and contact us via the business portal.

Our topics

Our study programs