A DYNAMIC duo are hoping to put people on the road to better mental health by setting up a new running group.

Gourock man Conor McGregor has teamed up with Craig Docherty, a Man On Inverclyde volunteer, to start Mind Over Miles.

Both young men have found running to be a great way to break down barriers, get fit and improve their own wellbeing.

Now they want to make sure that no one has to go it alone and can find support along the way.

Greenock Telegraph: Craig Docherty and Conor McGregor

Mind Over Miles will offer friendship and connections with the community and it is open to all.

Electrician Conor, 28, said: "We set up the group so that people felt they could just come along no matter their fitness.

"Some people want to run but not on their own and they don't necessarily want to join an official running club. There is a real gap that needs to be filled.

"Mind Over Miles is open to everyone, we want people to come along and feel part of it.

"People can talk to each other, or they can run. We have had so much interest so far."

Conor has always played football and while looking at ways to improve his own fitness he took up running.

He recently set himself the challenge of running the Edinburgh Marathon for charity.

Along the way he crossed paths with Craig, 26, who first started pounding the pavements to overcome his own anxieties during the Covid pandemic.

Engineer Craig, who works for BAE Systems, was involved in the early stages of mental health charity Man On, serving as its chairperson for three years.

He went on to run road races and was involved in a charity 10k raising £1,500 for the oncology fund.

Greenock Telegraph:

Craig, from Leven Road in Greenock, said: "Running has become a massive part of my life and I wanted to find a way to help other people. I started running during the pandemic and it has snowballed from there.

"I became involved in with Man On Inverclyde and ended up as chairperson. It is a fantastic organisation and being involved helped me."

Mind Over Miles will set off for their first run on Saturday, from Gourock's Cove Road, with all welcome to join in.

The first run starts at 10am.