The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness 3D | Fernbank Museum of Natural History

The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness 3D

Playing Daily at 10:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 2:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m

Run time: 45 minutes

Available upon request: 

Closes June 20, 2024

In the northern corner of Alaska lies a vast and wild region where indigenous tribes, plants and animals have lived in balance for hundreds of generations. Narrated by Princess Daazhraii Johnson of the Gwich’in tribe, The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness reveals a land that has sustained her people for generations.

Throughout the film, viewers follow National Geographic photographer, Florian Schulz, on his quest to uncover the truth about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and film massive herds of caribou as they migrate to Alaska’s Coastal Plain, one of the longest animal migrations on Earth. As Florian spends. years filming the elusive caribou, he discovers the symbiotic relationship each animal plays to maintain balance in nature and the looming threat if this ecosystem goes unprotected.

The Arctic: Our Last Great Wilderness is filled with intimate moments featuring polar bears, musk oxen, wolves, migratory birds and more. This film reminds us of the beauty and fragility of nature and emphasizes that together, we can protect its wonders for generations to come.

Educators review the lesson plans developed to complement this film.

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Additional support provided by the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation.