What Happened to MySpace?
Image via MySpace

What happened to MySpace?

It's changed, that's for sure.

Long before Facebook, Instagram, and X overtook the social realm, MySpace was the social networking service that led the charge and reigned supreme as one of the most popular sites in the entire world.

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At one point, you could hardly find a singular soul that didn’t at least open up a MySpace account. Its overwhelming presence was so felt online that the site became the largest in the world from 2005 to 2009, and is still heavily discussed even to this day. Upon its initial launch, MySpace was an interactive social outlet where folks could create accounts to talk to other friends. MySpace also offered a special “Top 8 Friends” where account owners could rank the importance of their friends at any given moment. 

Despite its expansive popularity at one point, however, MySpace has since decreased wildly over the years and is hardly considered to be as successful as it once was — leading a plethora of netizens to wonder what exactly happened to the site.

So, what happened to MySpace?

Believe it or not, MySpace is still around, and the website is still active online. People might find that extremely hard to believe, especially when you consider how rarely MySpace is talked about thanks to other popular social sites rising up in the ranks. Even with the decrease in activity and use, MySpace was still accumulating seven million visitors per month back in 2019 — so it’s clear that the social site has yet to completely disappear from folks’ minds.

As previously mentioned, MySpace as a site is still relatively active, but its allure has diminished since its peak in the 2000s. Today, mostly musicians and music artists use MySpace as a way to promote their music and artistic ventures, but it’s certainly not as influential and impactful as it once was.

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Taylor Mansfield
Fascinated by the art of journalism, Taylor Mansfield has been writing for over 10 years. In the present day, she lends her expertise as a Staff Writer / Editor for WGTC, tackling a broad range of topics such as movies, television, celebrity news, and of course… *anything* horror! Because wherever there is horror — Taylor isn't far behind. She has previously contributed to entertainment sites such as GamersDecide, MovieWeb, and The Nerd Stash.