The Meaning Behind The Song: Practice What You Preach by Barry White - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Practice What You Preach by Barry White

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Practice What You Preach” by Barry White

Barry White, with his deep and soulful voice, captured the hearts of many with his timeless love songs. One such iconic track is “Practice What You Preach,” released in 1994 as the lead single from his album, “The Icon Is Love.” In this article, we delve into the meaning behind this soulful ballad and explore its impact on listeners.

The Essence of “Practice What You Preach”

“Practice What You Preach” is a song that revolves around the themes of honesty, trust, and the need for actions to match words in relationships. The lyrics, accompanied by Barry White’s signature voice, convey a deep desire for authenticity and integrity in love. The song serves as a reminder that mere words without tangible actions hold no value in the realm of love and commitment.

From the very beginning, the lyrics paint a picture of frustration and disappointment. The narrator, who deeply loves their partner, feels betrayed by their actions that contradict the promises made. This creates a conflict within the relationship, questioning the sincerity of their partner’s words.

The soulful melody and expressive vocals in “Practice What You Preach” help to heighten the emotional impact of the song. The earnestness in Barry White’s voice adds an extra layer of vulnerability to the lyrics, making it resonate deeply with listeners. The song’s arrangement, with its smooth rhythm and captivating instrumentation, creates a sense of intimacy, enhancing the emotional connection.


1. What inspired Barry White to write “Practice What You Preach”?

Barry White drew inspiration from personal experiences and observations of failed relationships and broken promises. He saw a lack of authenticity and wanted to highlight the importance of practicing what you preach in love.

2. Did “Practice What You Preach” achieve commercial success?

Yes, “Practice What You Preach” became one of Barry White’s most successful singles. It topped the Billboard Hot R&B Singles chart in the United States and reached number 18 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song’s universal theme and Barry White’s powerful delivery resonated with audiences worldwide.

3. Are there any significant musical elements in “Practice What You Preach”?

One notable musical element is the use of a steady and sultry bassline that becomes the backbone of the song. This bassline, combined with smooth percussion, sets a sensual and intimate atmosphere throughout the track, enhancing its overall impact.

4. How did “Practice What You Preach” impact Barry White’s career?

“Practice What You Preach” revitalized Barry White’s career in the 1990s. It marked his return to the charts and introduced him to a new generation of listeners. The song also won a Grammy Award for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance, solidifying Barry White’s status as an influential singer in the genre.

5. What other songs are similar in theme to “Practice What You Preach”?

Songs like “Unbreak My Heart” by Toni Braxton and “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston share similar themes of love, trust, and maintaining honesty within a relationship. These songs explore the emotional turmoil faced when promises are broken and the desire for authenticity and commitment.

6. How did “Practice What You Preach” resonate with listeners?

“Practice What You Preach” resonated with listeners due to its relatable lyrics and Barry White’s evocative delivery. The song’s emphasis on the importance of sincerity in relationships struck a chord with many, reminding them of the value of trust and integrity.

7. Did “Practice What You Preach” receive critical acclaim?

Yes, the song received positive reviews from music critics who praised Barry White’s smooth vocals and the song’s timeless quality. It has since been recognized as one of Barry White’s signature tracks and remains a fan favorite.

8. Did Barry White write “Practice What You Preach” himself?

Yes, Barry White co-wrote “Practice What You Preach” with Gerald Levert and Edwin Nicholas. The collaboration resulted in a powerful composition that showcases the depth of emotions conveyed in the song.

9. Has “Practice What You Preach” been covered or sampled by other artists?

While “Practice What You Preach” hasn’t been widely covered or sampled, it remains a popular choice for tribute performances in honor of Barry White’s influence in the music industry.

10. What impact does “Practice What You Preach” have on listeners today?

“Practice What You Preach” continues to resonate with listeners today, as its message remains relevant. The song serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity and authenticity in relationships, making it timeless in its appeal.

11. How does the instrumentation contribute to the overall mood of the song?

The smooth and sultry instrumentation, including the use of strings and a consistent beat, creates a seductive atmosphere that enhances the emotional impact of the lyrics. The musical arrangement complements Barry White’s vocals, resulting in a powerful and memorable listening experience.

12. Can “Practice What You Preach” be considered a classic?

Absolutely! “Practice What You Preach” is often regarded as one of Barry White’s classic songs, representing his distinctive style and leaving a lasting impact on listeners. Its timeless message and soulful delivery have solidified its place in music history as a beloved and influential track.

This concludes our exploration of the meaning behind Barry White’s “Practice What You Preach.” Through heartfelt lyrics and compelling performance, this song continues to resonate with audiences, reminding us of the importance of authenticity and integrity in love.

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