What is GB WhatsApp? Best way to use it on any Android phone? What is GB WhatsApp? Best way to use it on any Android phone?
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What is GB WhatsApp? Best way to use it on any Android phone?

GB WhatsApp unlock may unlock a bunch of features but is it safe to use?

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WhatsApp provides a lot of handy and useful features that work together smoothly and bring out a seamless user experience. With every update, WhatsApp keeps adding to those features in a bid to retain its status as the most popular instant messenger in the world. Even though WhatsApp meets all the criteria to make it the ideal IM, there are some features that are constantly requested by users but we never get to see them incorporated into the app. For users that want those extra features, there is a modified (or modded) WhatsApp app called ‘GB WhatsApp’. In this article, we explain what GB WhatsApp is, how it can be used on any Android phone, and whether it is safe to use.

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What is GB WhatsApp?

What is GB WhatsApp?

GB WhatsApp is a cloned version of the WhatsApp messenger which builds upon the original app and adds interesting new features to it. Such cloned versions are also called ‘modded’ apps. Since it isn’t an official app, this app is not available on Google Play Store and can only be downloaded from third-party app stores. Here are some of the features offered by GB WhatsApp.

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  • Increased file size limit: One of the major drawbacks of WhatsApp for most people is the inability to send files larger than 16MB in size. A lot of users prefer Telegram to share large files. With GB WhatsApp you can send files up to 100MB in size which is a decent improvement over WhatsApp’s 16MB limit.
  • Hide your online and typing status: GB WhatsApp gives you total control over your privacy by letting you hide your online status, typing status, and voice recording status. 
  • Message Scheduling: With GB WhatsApp you can schedule messages in advance and select a time for them to be sent.
  • DND: If you do not want to be bothered by text messages while browsing your phone, you can set it on DND and it will cut off internet access to the app.
  • Read deleted messages: Can’t read a message because it was deleted before you could see it? With the modded version you can read any message that gets deleted by the sender.
  • Increased character limit for status update: Put up any status you want, with an increased character limit. 
  • Status Download: Download the images and videos posted by others as their status with just one click. 
  • Send high-resolution images: The GB clone doesn’t scale down the images you send to your contacts. The original resolution will be restored while sending images over WhatsApp.

These are the main features you get with GB WhatsApp. You can also hide a certain contact’s media in your phone gallery, and get access to a large number of themes, emojis, and stickers.

Is GB WhatsApp safe to use?

Is GB WhatsApp safe to use?

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Modded apps aren’t generally considered safe to use, and GB WhatsApp is no exception. WhatsApp has a strict policy of banning users from their app if they are found using any modded clone. Your messages aren’t end-to-end encrypted on the modded app and your personal data is always at a risk of getting breached. On top of that, the app also pushed adware. As a general rule of thumb, if an app isn’t listed on Google Play Store, you shouldn’t download it. However, if you still want to use this app, you can do so by following the instructions listed below.

How to download GB WhatsApp

How to download GB WhatsApp

Step 1: Go to Google and search for ‘GB WhatsApp apk’. Look for a file with good reviews and an updated version.

Step 2: Download the apk on your device.

Step 3: Your phone will warn you about an expired security certificate before you install the apk. Continue with the installation process.

Step 4: Once installed, sign in to GB WhatsApp with your phone number.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is GB WhatsApp a different app than WhatsApp?

GB WhatsApp is a modded version of WhatsApp and builds upon the original app code. Once you install GB WhatsApp you will be able to access your contacts on it.

Is it safe to use GB WhatsApp?

No, it is not safe to use GB WhatsApp because it gets rid of end-to-end encryption and your personal data is always at risk of a security breach.

Will I be banned from WhatsApp for using GB WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has handed out temporary and permanent bans to users for using the modded app. While it is not a certain thing, you may get banned if WhatsApp finds out you are using the modded app.

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Utkarsh Joshi
Utkarsh Joshihttps://www.gadgetbridge.com/
Utkarsh is a seasoned writer who seeks to simplify complex concepts and bring the latest in technology to a broader audience. You can catch his exhaustive 'How to' guides, deep-dive feature articles, cutting edge news stories, and comprehensive tech reviews on Gadgetbridge.com. Apart from dabbling in all things tech, Utkarsh also enjoys watching club football, adding to his TBR pile of books, and making Spotify playlists. Automobile enthusiasts and motorheads can also catch his articles on Motorbridge.com.
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