Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves - Office of Governor Tate Reeves

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Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves

Thank you for visiting my website.

It was my greatest honor to be sworn in as Mississippi’s 65th Governor on January 14, 2020.

Standing before all of Mississippi, I promised that this administration would be an administration for all Mississippi. That I would defend the loving culture that underpins our quality of life and work to grow an economy that lifts all of our families. I am determined to honor that promise.

I am asking today for you to join me in that mission. We must care about each other enough to overcome our differences. We must be faithful to each other enough to outlast our shortcomings. And we must be committed to each other enough to raise our expectations.

When I took that first oath of office as State Treasurer in 2003, I did not know how long my service would last. All I knew is that you, the people of Mississippi, had demonstrated a faith in me that I might never be able to meet.

I have never underestimated your trust. I have never forgotten the oath to pursue service with the help of our God. And I will wake up every day working to bring us together to make our state be all it can be. Work that will be done by all of Mississippi.

For All Mississippi

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It is un-American….

Joe Biden and his “guerrilla-style” campaign press conference at the #TrumpTrial in NYC yesterday is proof of his team’s true motive -

These lawsuits are nothing but a desperate attempt to use liberal activist prosecutors and judges to try to keep President Trump from winning this election.

And their tactics - if they were to be successful - are the real threat to democracy in the 2024 presidential elections!

Congrats to Southern Miss baseball on the huge Sun Belt Championship win.

Back-to-back champions! We’re proud of y’all!

Today we pay tribute to all fallen American service members who gave their lives in defense of our nation and the freedoms which we so cherish.

May we forever remember them and honor their legacies!

Congratulations to Mississippi-native Davis Riley on winning the Charles Schwab Challenge today. What a fantastic victory!

On behalf of our entire state, we’re proud of you!

As we head into the long weekend, let’s pause to remember its reason.

May we forever honor those who gave their lives for our nation, her people, and the cause of freedom.

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