When taken all together, the Tremors movies in order are a veritable saga of classic science fiction action with a heaping dose of humor on the side. Debuting in 1990 with the release of the eponymous first film, the Tremors series follows people in various scenarios as they contend with the vicious and deadly Graboids, a subterranean monster that consumes anything that moves. With their tongue-in-cheek tone and brilliant action horror set-pieces, the Tremors movies manage to elevate themselves above the usual B-movie fare and have amassed a massive fanbase in the three-plus decades since their debut.

Amazingly, 1990's Tremors didn't perform well at the box office (via Box Office Mojo) but it was saved due to home video sales and went on to set the tone for 1990s monster movies. Though every Tremors sequel has been released straight-to-video or VOD, the exciting and over-the-top spirit of the original has continued throughout the series even as budgets dwindled. Each installment seemingly introduced some new monster in the Tremors universe, and the imagination behind movies has never wavered. Similarly, the fans of the series have returned again and again for more Graboid action.

Tremors Movies In Order

Tremors Kevin Bacon Michael Gross
  • Tremors (1990)
  • Tremors 2: Aftershocks (1996)
  • Tremors 3: Back to Perfection (2001)
  • Tremors 4: The Legend Begins (2004)
  • Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015)
  • Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018)
  • Tremors: Shrieker Island (2020)

Tremors (1990)

Val and Earl look on in Tremors

Starting the Tremors movies in order is the 1990 classic that launched it all, and Tremors helped pave the way for the entire extended franchise. In the film, two beleaguered handymen, Val McKee (Kevin Bacon) and Earl Bassett (Fred Ward), team up with a seismologist named Rhonda LeBeck (Finn Carter) to save the small desert town of Perfection from deadly subterranean monsters. Anchored by the humorous energy between Ward and Bacon, Tremors succeeded because of its airtight script and clever use of action set pieces. It also followed the classic structure of monster movies, and didn't explain the origin of Tremors' Graboids too extensively.

RELATED: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About The Making Of Tremors (1990)

Tremors 2: Aftershocks (1996)

A Grabboid from Tremors 2 Aftershocks 1996

Over half a decade after the debut of the first film, Tremors 2: Aftershocks was released straight-to-video, with some of the original cast intact. After Graboids emerge in Mexico, Earl reluctantly springs back into action to fight the deadly monsters alongside Burt Gummer (Michael Gross). In many ways, Aftershocks matched the quality of the original because it preserved the playful tone while expanding upon the lore. The life cycle of the Graboid is explained, allowing for the introduction of monsters known as Shriekers which added some variety. Despite a smaller production scale, the first sequel allowed the series to grow into something much larger.

Tremors 3: Back To Perfection (2001)

The welcome sign to the city of Perfection from Tremors 3

The Tremors movies in order show a steady rise in the imagination, and Tremors 3: Back to Perfection continued that trend. Perfection is a tourist attraction drawing in oodles of cash, but when Graboids return, it is up to Burt Gummer to save the day. With several returning characters from the first movie and some throwback locations, Tremors 3 delivered on tone and nostalgia. It also expands the Graboid life cycle even more with the introduction of Ass-Blasters, a humorous-yet-deadly new Graboid. However, what held back the third film was its PG rating, and it lacked the signature gory and intense deaths of the Tremors series.

Tremors 4: The Legend Begins (2004)

A cowboy is attacked by a Graboid in Tremors 4

In a complete departure from the rest of the Tremors series, Tremors 4: The Legend Begins took the Graboid action to the distant past. Set in the Old West, the film follows Hiram Gummer (Gross) who must confront the dangerous Graboids despite his reluctance towards violence. Tremors 4 succeeded on Gross' performance alone, and his take on Hiram was completely different from the gun-toting Burt. The film also went back to basics by only being about the original Graboids and eschewing the growing roster of other monsters. With more gore, more violence, and more Tremors style, the prequel actually improved on its predecessor and was unshackled from its PG rating.

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Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015)

A graboid attacks in Tremors 5

When viewing the Tremors movies in order, large gaps become abundantly clear, with over 10 years separating the fourth film from Tremors 5: Bloodlines. In the film, Burt Gummer and his sidekick Travis B. Welker (Jaime Kennedy) are hired to battle an outbreak of Graboids in Africa. Despite the years between movies, Gross had no trouble returning to form as Burt, and Kennedy’s Travis actually turned out to be one of the best characters in the Tremors franchise. Though TV movie quality, the special effects fit the film's tone, and it still kept many comedic elements while embracing the scary and sinister nature of a classic giant monster movie.

Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell (2018)

A giant monster lurches from the ground in Tremors 6

Following up on the success of 2015's Tremors 5, Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell was the first sequel that didn't raise the stakes. Graboids emerge in northern Canada, and Burt and Travis make the journey to battle their long-time foes. Much like Tremors 4, A Cold Day in Hell stuck to the basics, to the detriment of the movie's quality. At times, it was nothing more than a retread of previous movies without the benefit of adding anything new to the equation. Ultimately, the sixth Tremors movie was a serviceable, if bland, outing that was mostly propped up by the onscreen chemistry between Gross and Kennedy.

Tremors: Shrieker Island (2020)

Burt Gummer looks on in Tremors: Shrieker Island

Taking a page from movies like Jurassic World, Tremors: Shrieker Island delivered monster movie action in the dense tropical jungle. Burt Gummer travels to a remote tropical island to fight genetically altered Graboids that have been unleashed by an eccentric billionaire. With the life cycle of the Graboid thoroughly played out, the film took big risks by introducing the concept of genetically altered monsters. The action was top-notch for its straight-to-video budget, but the lack of a strong supporting cast left Gross to fend for himself. So far the last of the Tremors movies in order, Shrieker Island helped to ensure that the series could live on in future sequels.

RELATED: Everything Tremors 7 Changes About The Graboid Creatures

Where Does The Tremors TV Show Fit In The Tremors Movie Order?

Burt aims a large rifle in the Tremors TV series

Despite being an ever-popular movie franchise, Tremors hasn't been expanded much beyond its cinematic exploits, but it was adapted into an ill-fated Syfy TV show. Debuting in 2003, the series chronicled the denizens of Perfection as they dealt with Graboid attacks, science experiments gone wrong, and greedy land developers. Set after the events of Tremors 3: Back to Perfection, the series was meant as a direct continuation of the story from the film, including cast members like Gross. Ultimately though, the 13-episode series was weakened from the start because its episodes were aired out of order, rendering any ongoing storylines useless.